
iquidation de stock else if

The realization of the code, we need to use the onKeyDown () and onKeyUp () method to determine the current mobile phone key is pressed down, according to the key information to update the character animation iquidation de stock, detecting whether the collision.
MIskeyDown = true press the direction of bond mIskeyLeft = true press the direction of bond left mIskeyRight = true mIskeyUp = true press right arrow key that press the direction of bond mHeroPosX representing a character's X coordinates mHeroPosY representing a character's Y coordinates mAnimationState animation ID because the characters walk with 4 groups of direction of the animation so mAnimationState can modify the playback the group animation / * * according to key update display animation * * / * * in collision array looking to see whether they map the physical layer collision * * / if (mIskeyDown) {mAnimationState = ANIM_DOWN; mHeroPosY + = HERO_STEP;} else if (mIskeyLeft) {mAnimationState = ANIM_LEFT; mHeroPosX = HERO_STEP;} else if (mIskeyRight) {mAnimationState = ANIM_RIGHT; mHeroPosX + = HERO_STEP;} else if (mIskeyUp) {mAnimationState = ANIM_UP; mHeroPosY = HERO_STEP;} the protagonist moved each time when we need to check his X Y coordinates are larger than the screen if beyond the screen remains his current position invariant / * * detection whether or not the characters out of screen * * / isBorderCollision = FALSE if (mHeroPosX; < = 0) {mHeroPosX = 0; isBorderCollision = true;} else if (mHeroPosX > = mScreenWidth) {mHeroPosX = mScreenWidth; isBorderCollision = true;} if (mHeroPosY < = 0) {mHeroPosY = 0; isBorderCollision = true;} else if (mHeroPosY = > mScreenHeight) {mHeroPosY = mScreenHeight; isBorderCollision = true;} the protagonist should have the coordinates of two points as shown: why the protagonist to have the coordinates of 2 points is the cause of the upper left corner of the 00 point program is not logical judgment for detecting lead right move beyond the screen, because the coordinates of points in the upper left corner so the entire image out of the screen after the procedure to judge the figure from the screen, it can not be used in the upper left corner of the point as a protagonist of the coordinate origin, need to use the following points to calculate the figure of the logical coordinates, my suggestion is that we only count below this point and then according to this point in out pictures of the upper left corner of the origin, then in the circular image rendering.
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grossiste vetement chineconvenience

1.1variablescope 1.1.1 several common types ofvariable scope ( SCOPE ) or visibility refers to the variable in the program within the visible and can be referenced range .For example :1 grossiste vetement chine,global variables in all files are visible ,his scope is all documents ;2,static to define global variables ,only in the definition of its source file visible ,his action domain is the source file ;3,function within the local variables ,only in its function scope visible ;4,some variables ,only one piece of code segment ( visible in curly braces enclose a section of code ) ;void test_fun ( ) {int test_i = 0 ;test_i = 10 ;if ( test_i != 0 ){int test_count = 15 ;test_i = test_count ;} test_i = test_count ;/ / here will compile error ,because test_count only in if braces effectively .
} 1.1.2variables usingadvanced topics below most of the content from the code . enables variable reference localization code this book introduces the attack window concept :between the same variable multiple reference points between the code can become aggressive window ,in this window to add the code ,may not modify the variables .
In general ,to a variable reference localization ,namely reference points as possible together is always a good practice .The main advantage is to improve the readability and maintainability of .
If the variable reference points are concentrated ,is reading the code, as long as the attention to this piece of code you can ,otherwise ,the reader need to jump in the code .How to measure the variable reference concentration ? Code referred to a variable span concepts :all references to variables between the number of lines of code .
Void test_fun ( ) {int test_i = 0 ;int test_j = 0 ;test_i = 10 ;/ / and the first reference intervals of 1 lines of codeif ( test_i != 0 )/ / and second reference intervals of 0 lines of code{int test_count = 15 ;test_i = test_count ;/ / and third reference intervals of 1 lines of code} } test_i spans a total of 2 .
The average test_i span is 2 / shortenedlifetime of variables variables on survival time of &mdash ;&mdash ;a variable duration across the statement number .It is from the first to the last cited references ,spanning between the number of lines of code .
Span show variable reference concentration ,survival time showed variable experience statement .As shown above ,test_i survival time is 6 statements .The low survival time benefits :1,reduce the attack window ,is not easy to make a mistake .
2 ,to make your code more accurate understanding ( improve readability ) 3,reduce the initialization error .Finally, an obvious advantage of easy program restructuring, if a program is split into a number of small procedures ,short survival time more valuable .
With the span and the survival time of global variables ,will find the global variable span and survival time were long &mdash ;&mdash ;this is to avoid the use of global variables good reason . to reduce the scope of the general principles of 1,before the loop begins to initialize the change cycle in the use of the loop variable ,but not in the loop is at the beginning of these variable initialization subroutine .
In 2 ,until the variable will be used again for its assignment .The declaration and definition in use before .In 3 ,the relevant sentences together .Reduced variable span and survival time .
In 4 ,the relevant sentence group successful extraction of separate subroutine .Put a long subroutine split into smaller ,separate subroutine can narrow the scope of variables .At the beginning of 5,use the most restrictive visibility ,then according to the need to expand the scope of variables .
When the variable scoping shilly-shally ,should tend to select the variable can have the smallest scope :first variable restriction to a particular cycle ,and is restricted to a subroutine ,followed by class private variables, protected variables ,then the packet ( ) visible ,the last resort case put it as global variables .
On the variable scoping attitude ,is up to the programmer to &ldquo ;&rdquo and &ldquo ;convenience ;intellectual manageability &rdquo ;.The larger the scope ,writing code more convenient .
But to write programs more difficult to understand ,read ,debugging and maintenance .1.1.3 conclusion 1,global variables in all files are visible ,his scope is all files .In 2 ,static to define global variables ,only in the definition of its source file visible ,his action domain is the source file .
3 ,function within the local variables ,only in its function within the visible .4 ,some variables ,only one piece of code segment ( visible in curly braces enclose a section of code ) .
5 ,try to make the variable reference localization .6 ,try to shorten the lifetime of variables .7 ,try to reduce the scope of variables .1.1.4 extended reading code tenth chapter general issues in using will teach you how to make better use of variables .
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en soldesIn the oracle bone inscriptions at the beginning of this year after the Sun acquisition

Http: / / www.sina.com.cn& # 160; & # 160; October 12, 2010 & # 160; 09: 47& # 160 & 160; #; time of Beijing of dispatch of sina science and technology sina science and technology on October 12th morning message, according to foreign media reports, IBM announced Monday, will and Java development related work from the Apache Harmony project to OpenJDK en soldes, this initiatives will ensure that the future development of Java.
In the oracle bone inscriptions at the beginning of this year after the Sun acquisition, many developers for the future development of Java worried.In August this year, Oracle sued Google, Google said in a Android system of illegal use of Java concepts and code.
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