
Beats By Dr DrePerspective

Executive Summary: I feel the level of art appreciation is not sufficient, then, this paper is to focus on some great shots in the film, to talk about when I was watching mind produce ideas. I hope the teacher can be tolerant of childish, a lot of pointing. < br> Keywords: Sarah Ali small shoes lens
Scene one: careful cobbler to cobbler tramp sister Ali, Ali sat patiently waiting for the next. see, I think the lower class, like the cobbler working people, even though dry is very humble, but their selfless work in silence, thinking about all those who should be allowed to quit the so-called white-collar workers learn Ali looked cobbler shoe repair patient demeanor, I think the so-called non-adults understand their status in those receiving lower than they were services, always assumed a lofty air of I, does not seem to like them to not survive, I suspect, are not grew bigger and bigger, the more it will not experience the human?
Lens 2: Ali took the repaired shoes to the store to buy potatoes, the boss without looking up, to give Ali a plastic bag, put a plastic bag when loaded to Ali In the basket of potatoes, the boss angry, frightened Ali, Ali called on the ground who can pick the fast deterioration of the small potatoes.. Ali, a good pick, the boss said no that would just say the price. see This, I do not know how, I recall a similar experience when I was young. Honestly, I read in elementary school, my family is particularly well-known poor households in the village, and once, his mother told me to go home village shop to buy cooked noodles. to the store , the store owner to see that I was well-known poor households especially children, coldly asked me one, kid, is not want to live, come here to make trouble, I quickly said, I want to buy noodles and he is very confident that because I am rarely home to such non-staple food store to buy noodles, he surprise, asked me cry, do not bring the money I put in the hands of a dollar to him alone, he finally believed me not to cause trouble when I looking at the board Bailiang Liang noodles, I felt the urge to want to take the boss looked at my hand to move the direction of Bai Liangliang noodles, scold me, and I scared trembling hand he took my hand a dollar, I do not know where to come up with some chlorosis from the noodles to me, I would like to speak to him, I do not want those chlorosis of the noodles, I want those Bailiang Liang noodles, can keep our noses to face the anger he looked like, I chose to shut up, chlorosis of noodles quietly took home the mother saw that chlorosis of noodles, wondering asked me, only this noodle shop? I Enliaoyisheng, I would not dare mother, Bai Liangliang where there are a lot of noodles I was afraid her mother on impulse, will talk it seems that I was very ferocious in the boss fight now recall these experiences, I sigh, looking at those business owners do is to do business?
Lens 3: Ali home, his sister Sarah asked him shoes repaired it, he said have been repaired, but lost to him, salads tears this moment, I followed Sarah to tears, I knew inside, it shoes are Sarah's treasures, treasures that no one will not suddenly lose not tears of. Sarah tears, shed tears is lost treasures, see, I believe that those who have similar experiences and salad who will accompany salads tears.
Lens 4: That night, Ali mother told her husband that came to force the landlord rent, laundry, and also because quarreled landlord, the landlord is not a curse Ali father angry people, Ali also criticized the parents do not know how to appreciate the hard work. see, I think that the city lower working people, these people did not buy real estate, rent can only go to an abandoned old house rich, but also from time to time to endure the rich all aspects of the destruction of this society do we live forever destined to be bullied by the rich the poor people? a lot of people say, poor children early masters. Yes, Ali is very sensible, he can deeply appreciate the hard work of parents, grievances from his eyes can see.
shot five: That evening, Sarah, his father handed a cup of tea, when the father told her to give him a piece of candy, the salad did not understand, that his father was not a lot of men sugar do, the father said, that the Church entrusted to him to do, not their own thing, can not be used. Yes, the poor also has its own principle of life, full claims of the poor not rich selfish, greedy no complaints and I hope that those who see this lens in the rich, the poor can reverse their prejudices.
shot five: salad with tears not fit to wear Ali's sneakers to school along the way, she cautiously, afraid to see her students the foot of this pair of shoes old and broken. day, the teacher gave the students do the long jump test, Sarah began to worry about a foot of her shoes will be found and the students laughed at her shoes as far as possible to students around the foot of Tibet and later , a student due to wearing shoes, long jump, slip, and teachers say the students, some students did not wear shoes and some wear and shoes to wear in recognition of these students. Sarah finally smiled, her fears gone , she hid the shoes boldly exposed. see this lens, I think of human dignity. who is very valued their dignity, whether rich or poor. some time ago, an article looking back said that people from birth to death, are to face and live, that is, the dignity of man alive when I was on the point of this article is questioned, and now see this lens, I find, face or dignity of people, sometimes even valuable than money.
lens six: Ali came back from school, Sarah asked him if he arrived in school, Ali said after the late and told to hurry up Sarah, Sarah said she a hurry to come back to school. Sarah looked at the foot of Ali, shoes, shoes that are dirty, after not wearing his shoes. Ali said it was just an excuse, stress must not tell Sarah lost shoe thing. Sarah to He made a guarantee. Ali looked at the foot of the shoe is really dirty, wash it immediately say that Ali and Sarah washing the shoes, the middle and playing happily blowing bubbles. see this scene, I feel, who have gone faster in my innocence back. Yes ah, childhood simplistic things we like, like to do some adults seem to be very funny but very interesting things. more hope to return to the full ah the simple childhood fantasy.
lens seven: evening, a family eating dinner, Ali, the mother said the child today, a lot of chores for her help, the father praise the child, Ali once said that he help his mother to buy bread, Sarah unwilling to show off, to help her mother said she was sweeping and laundry. father was happy, agreed to pay to get children to buy gifts to give, after this time, is shown on television advertising of shoes, Ali and Sarah looked at television, on the visual about this lens, so I seem to back their childhood. think about their own childhood, and now I feel ridiculous. At that time, my family, although poor, but parents still sing from time to time give us a point of pocket money. New Year's time , sister and I always love racing in front of their parents who behaved most obey their parents, often the result of controversy sister. because of this, little sister to get some money than I do. I was very convinced, asked parents Why always behaved young girl, the parents answer is smaller than your little sister,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/]Beats By Dr Dre[/url], you do not do big brother little sister should take care of it? For this reason, I often pity for several days. ha ha, a child's mind and sometimes we really is very interesting. Ali and Sarah looked at television, as a bit of their mind who knows? they know Ali, a hint of panic, with eyes told Sarah, never tell their parents lost shoe thing. Shakespeare Ali pulled the panic seen with the eyes told Ali that she would not go back on, please be assured Ali. those who do adults and adults about to do and see here, have any ideas? My idea is that adults may make a small child simplistic, children more adept than adults actually take the hint.
lens Eight: Sarah doing papers, the teacher's table from time to time secretly watching, she was afraid because he was late again and let his brother, and finally she could not help but ask Some teachers, the teacher rushed to finish the paper ran in the run process, the sudden instability because wearing shoes too big and fell into the ditch with water rafting, Sarah can be anxious, chasing her shoes , straining to catch it, the last ditch thing shoes were hooked, and she took Eventually, all of a sudden cry, the old man around to see, to help her get the shoes in this shot, I realized two things First, although the surface of the blame Sarah brother and was very understanding of his brother in fact, two adults and a child in some things seem very simple performance was powerless, so helpless, so adults should be given more care and help.
lens Nine: Ali see the shoes wet, blame Sarah, Sarah wronged,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/]Beats By Dr Dre[/url], with tears, said, I do not wear your shoes, I want to tell my father Ali, one can be anxious , said, I am not afraid beaten, and my father had no money to give you a pair of shoes. Ali again late, stopped by Director The Director asked him why he was late again, Ali said that shoes fell in the water. Director did not see Ali's pants wet, suspect Ali lying, saw Ali pocket socks, put it out to see is dry, make sure Ali is lying, and threatened Ali, said that if re-late to take him by the school, and then put into the class of Ali . will inevitably have some misunderstanding between people, let alone children feel Ali misunderstanding Sarah, is there some truth, but both of them misunderstanding each other's concern and will be with a blend of feelings slowly disappear. small not move the child's true feelings of misunderstanding,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/]Beats By Dr Dre[/url], and many adults, they are really big mistake inviting the fire, it appears that adults should be more of a child's heart.
lens ten: Ali home, ran into Sarah holding a tray , asked her where she ignored, Ali went to her side, said to her teacher to reward things pencil, and said to give to Sarah, Sarah looked beautiful pencil, very surprised, and asked his brother automatic pencil of origin, when convinced that the pencil is given to her, Sarah is very happy that she did not tell their parents what lost shoes evening, Ali, her mother filled a number of soup, called Ali sent next door neighbor just had surgery , although she is also sick themselves. Ali the soup to a neighbor, neighbors endless gratitude, but also to give Ali some of the corn kernels from this lens, I got a lot of things, people tend to get others to give love because things change quickly attitude, not to mention the children feel deeply inexperienced. please worth mentioning, fawn worth mentioning, who is badly in need of such things, it tends to inadvertently make a closer relationship between two people in the eyes of many of the rich, the poor extremely selfish indifference, I believe, when these get rich soup Ali saw the scene, at least more than a concept, not the poor that go the the original, they also help each other in between.
lens eleven : standing on the playground, Sarah looked at the students around a variety of beautiful shoes, and she admired, and looked at his feet shoes, she could not help but hid them in front of the students of the heel. Suddenly, she found She lost pair of shoes to wear Ali, a little girl in the foot after school, Sarah trace the little girl, knowing her family. Sarah told this thing Ali, Ali, and she was ready to go there girl take the shoes home when they saw the little girl's father is blind, they chose to leave quietly, unto them give up the idea of ​​shoes to take the girls home. Sarah is a girl, she certainly can hope that their wear and others, like eye-catching, this is by no means a simple vanity issue and you try to own me as Sarah, Sarah, you will not understand the behavior and look. Sarah she is the envy of others, but also In the pain of their own, because she was eager to be the envy of others, she is wearing Ali's foot broken shoes and I think Sarah and Ali choose to leave quietly, to give up to get shoes, because they believe that the little girl need pair of shoes. It seems the poor children in rich, very bitter, but the kindness and sympathy for the poor children,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/]Beats By Dr Dre[/url], but not because of their poverty and depreciation.
lens XII: late for the third time Ali, director let him into the school, Ali no recourse but to leave school crying, this time the teacher Ali appeared, he looked cried Ali, to understand what is going on, in front of him to intercede director, said Ali was in the hard class students, director of the teacher's face forced Ali, Ali once again put into the class. Ali had his belly full of grievances, but he did not dare tell the director and teacher, because he was a mere child, and we do not have to blame the director to make things difficult because he just stick to his duties the teacher be able to plead to the Director Ali,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/]Beats By Dr Dre[/url], Ali, not only because of his hard-working class students, but also because the class of other students Ali more than sensible.
lens twelve : Ali helped his father to do things the church, listening to church music, prayer, he was moved to tears. Why did he cry it? for the life of the poor unfortunate? not. God bless him for help cry, despite his current position or so distress his tears, contains yearning for life and living and expectations.
lens thirteen: Ali and his father to the city of rich people looking for gardeners work looked at the long shot, I ponder a long time. Ali Why do rich people in front of my father becomes stiff it? Why can not those rich people equal a moderate attitude towards Ali and his father asked it? Is this all because of money due status? Let us delight, Ali ran into a very lonely child of wealthy, that Ali and his children to play with, but also because of this, Ali is also his father was a gardener to find work and I can not help but to send questions, share of adults have lost a child a simple and good should you?
lens fourth: time, Sarah's Automatic pencil lost, was that the blind man's daughter picked up her Hanzhu Sarah, Sarah can not hear, go long, and she looked beautiful pencil like a long time the next day after school, she catch up with Sarah, to pick up a pencil and gave Sarah Sarah if you are, you feel at this time what will happen, is pleased, or grateful? I think, if I Sarah, I have mixed feelings at this time and sometimes, more of a tolerance, will be more of a return.
lens XV: When Ali knows the city's third long-distance competition prizes a pair of sneakers, he begged the teacher to let him participate in the competition, beginning teachers with a deadline has been refused his request, but later fail to beat his tears, his running speed of a single test, to see him run quite fast , and he agreed to participate in the competition. Ali was happy to tell the good news Sarah, and to ensure that some could get his third, for Sarah to win a pair of shoes. Through this lens, I saw the poor child Ali firm determination and endless efforts. Ali urged the teacher to let him play, was never intended to champion, to honor, just as her sister Sarah won a pair of shoes. sensible Ali, Sarah, although sometimes misunderstood, but his heart is actually Sarah is still very concerned about his brother, let us see the profound friendship of the sister.
lens XVI: the city's long-distance race began, Ali and a group of high body taller than his children than he ran strong, seeing Ali Many people run in front of him, mind emerges out of Sarah wearing his tramp he stood waiting in the direction to run, a powerful force in the emergence of his heart, he began to frantically run up, one, two, three , he finally ran in the top, this time he's ringing his ears back and Sarah dialogue mmm If you can not win the third place? I can, I will win you a pair of shoes, he slowed down, he more than two people behind him, he wanted to run in the third. more than two people behind him, this time in the third running back, he was suddenly a student intends to lift down Ali fell down, he was a lot of were over, his ears ringing and he and Sarah back to the dialogue, an unknown force to emerge in his mind, his strong climb up, close your eyes and began to run up crazy hard, ran, ran and , at a critical moment, he was the first to hit the finish line, he won the championship, but he cried, he did not want a championship, but the third, a pair of shoes, his teacher and director of the happy cheering for his win, He scrambled and photo shoot at this time of Ali, his head down, quietly shed tears of sorrow, who can understand his feelings at the moment it? only his own, he became the world's most unhappy, the most frustrating champion! I was crying, watching with sad tears Ali photographed by reporters. I believe this lens see every audience, Ali will be accompanied with the cry, because now Ali is once you own.
lens seventeen : Ali dejected home, looking forward with the eyes of Sarah, Ali looked at the moment, understand everything, hope away. Ali came to the pool side in silence, sit down, take off the loose woman, revealing a pair covered with blisters feet, turn your feet into the water, bowed his head, and lay arm, silently thinking, the water goldfish in his foot next to the vicissitudes of the free pair of cruising Ali promises come true for Sarah, Sarah disappointed great, Sarah chose to quietly walk away, and sad Ali, only by the gentle cool water, quietly thinking, washing wounded soul, I think, perhaps for those still suffering from injuries, at least There are some revealing it when you hurt, you do not need a miracle to help, you only need to wash the soul.
Finally, I want to say that, despite the setbacks of life everywhere is full of disappointment, as long as life does not wither, we should be brave I'm alive.
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