
UGG Outlet Woman posing as female prostitution clients stolen property , together with others

2009年12月17 , 22 am , the defendant Humou, Wen Wang, together with a temperature of the identity of a woman in prostitution and the state to lure Choi Street , two miles West Donggang Lane 10 homes a good cottage rental in advance , the defendant Humou, Wang, while the defendant lured the victim took off his warm clothes and a massage on the occasion , into the house in the theft of the victims pocket 400 yuan in cash and a Samsung phone , and left . Choi found stolen property after a certain temperature to ask the defendant , the defendant Humou it together ,

(Reporter Cheng Peiqing ) under the banner name of prostitution , to pull into the rental to seduce clients , while clients are not prepared , the gang of other people 's money to clients of clothing stolen . October 25 , Yingze District People's Court for robbery and sentenced the defendant to Humou three years imprisonment, and fined three thousand dollars. Temperature of a prison sentence of one year six months and fined two thousand dollars.

court that the defendant Humou, illegal possession of a temperature for the purpose , together with others, gang citizens by secret means to steal property , a relatively large amount , the victim in the theft was discovered, for harboring stolen goods spot the use of violence , violation of property rights and personal rights of citizens , his acts constituted the crime of robbery ,UGG Outlet, according to the law, made ​​the decision.

