
UGG Online [ Turn ] lecturer , moderator training

lecturer, moderator training, a,UGG Online, on fear
1. everyone is afraid to speak openly in public (nature)
2. description of the spirit of fear of public speaking normal,UGG Online, face, normal reaction
3. professional speech home also afraid
4. not used
1. ready - successful enough chest
2. practice - and friends of the mirror
two lectures is not fixed: formed its own characteristics
1. structured: people who make lectures clear
2. layman's language: specializes in teaching materials, understand, convinced
3. learn from others: each other
Third, the chair is supporting - go-between role, safflower leaves should help
1. are prepared: the content, speakers, introduced
2. opening: not long, not more than a few words
3. master hall < br> 4.
four wonderful comments, lecturer conditions
1. active, want to, conditions for cooperation
2. is willing to pay and responsibility
3. punctual, trustworthy
4 body language and generous,UGG Online, the image of superior
5. language standard, the wording accurate
6. rich in content: (data, stories; joke)
7. lead by example, constantly improve their
V. lecturer lecture lecturers creed creed
(1) I know that my speech will be very good. I simply note that calm, speak slowly. Speech, I want to consider trying to say. Convergence of all the words to make sentences of natural, smooth, as if the whole sentence is a word the same. I like calm lake, a sense of security, one would like to own the task, thinking about his task wholeheartedly. Only task is essential.
instructor lecture creed
(2) I am determined to become an excellent speaker. I cherish ambition, ready to implement it step by step down to earth. I do not swing, because I look forward to the targeted, tireless efforts behind the fruitful results. So I want to be an excellent speaker. The tenets of successful trainers I will become a popular and convincing speech at home. I am calm demeanor, a sense of security, so that the audience in awe. I sound more and more appeal. I have all the passion and discourse affects the audience's heart. No one can get rid of my voice strong magic. I
experts in dealing with interpersonal relationships. I will control the audience's emotions more, so they believe that I advocate is correct. I was one of the most outstanding trainer! Art is the art of speech idea!
I could talk, I want to learn exciting to speak. The most important self-confidence. As long as I am not nervous, to exclude the speech of the biggest obstacles. Speech usually open-minded person can speak in front of an orderly. I have a thorough analysis of their own strengths and weaknesses, do it easier than imagined.
my sonorous voice, the cadence of the sounds, instruments and pleasing smile is impressive, calm and serene eyes, witty and humorous opening movement, a clear idea of ​​the exact words and terms, warm expression, and surprisingly Conclusion communication between me and the audience thought, the full performance of my knowledge, charm, courage and agility.
my audience for my wonderful lecture content and presentation of the dumping.
good speech is a great enjoyment

