
UGG Outlet Man left his son missing in debt from the landlord when the temporary parental couple

Mother in consultation with the landlord when Amin pull to the side to help his mother by the correspondent white hair edition picture about Yuan Yong Chen Dongshe
debt owed, the landlord is exciting

8-year-olds, should live with their parents, in school. And Amin is not so lucky. Father debt disappeared, his landlord was left alone in the house.

Fortunately, in this time, as the landlord of his son, his fever has also hit the car with his landlord for medical treatment.

yesterday afternoon, Zhang Amin's mother, who came from Shenzhen,UGG Outlet, Dongguan, ready to take his son to leave, but was refused the landlord, provided that compensation of 6,000 yuan for two years for food. As agreement could be reached, Amin can only continue to stay.

breakdown of the marriage the father Amin was sentenced to custody

2001 years, working in an electronics factory in Zhang who introduced his brother, recognizing work in the chemical Yuan Yong. Soon, the two sides established a relationship. From then on, Yong Yuan Zhang who began to borrow money, the first $ 500,UGG Outlet, to a maximum time by 5,000, has not also been, wages, he would wait for me to factory gate, money. go, that is to help his father pay off debts, the fact that what is not known. They opened a shop, life still moist.

However, one day, Yuan Yong Zhang in front of where the surface, playing more than an hour of calls, which began to wonder where to Zhang, the husband having an affair. The matter was later confirmed that the phone people, Fang is the third party (a pseudonym), in October 2006, Fang Yuan Yongsheng next to a daughter - Axin.

intolerable Zhang Where in July 2007 to the court for a divorce, but her husband never Yuan Yong appearance. Judges have strong support in view of Yuan Yong ability to Amin awarded him custody.

separation of mother and child to meet all calls for each transfer

After the divorce, both sides back to the factory work, Shijie. Since then, she took Yuan Yong Fang and Axin, moved to the high security around the center of the village a village 7 rental house, to September 2008, Yuan Yong took his son from home to live with, but Zhang did not know where they lived.

Also called Yuan Yong, picked up his son. Later, Zhang Shenzhen, a beauty salon where to work.

debt 90,000 father dropped his son disappeared

from 2007 to the present, Xu Deming, 46-year-old landlord with 44-year-old wife, Yuan regarded autumn love all in the eyes. Xu Deming recalled in 2007 Yuan Yong is very beautiful, work, but one thousand yuan of wages to pay off only two months. To the same year in April, Yong Yuan a landlord pitched in food. Xu Deming said, but later gave meals is a no no to,

this end, Xu Deming registered with the laptop on its side, the side to beat Yuan Yong IOUs. IOU statistics, Yuan Yong owed a total of about 9 million, including meals, accommodation and other expenses, fingerprints.

Xu Deming said that since July this year, Yuan Yong and his wife and daughter did not come back too, leaving only one son, Amin. Several calls to Yuan Yong Xu Deming, the other continues with

lawyers say the practice does not belong to the landlord unlawfully detained

September 1 this year, far in Shenzhen Zhang landlord who received the phone, If we do not see her son one side, it is imperative Amin back to his hometown in Hubei.

to 3,UGG Outlet, where the resignation of Zhang arrived in Dongguan. But because the landlord regarding arrears Yuan Yong, Zhang who refused to put his son away. To this end, Zhang Xian sand where the police station to report twice. 5 morning, police came to the rental, a statement from camera to both sides. Police said the only money disputes, where a lawyer to help Zhang suggested.

yesterday afternoon, the reporter consulted for this purpose Sin sand station, a police on duty declined to respond.

Guangdong Zhao Ding to law firm lawyers said the rabbit, the landlord's practice is not illegal detention, because it is not the landlord forcing detained, but Yuan Yong himself ran, leaving his son.

Zhao lawyer said, the landlord should also these 6000 yuan, after all, a child with him to spend money, this requires a certain compensation.

As Yuan Yong, Zhao, a lawyer who advises the landlord can apply directly to the court to require him to repay the arrears of rent and meals.


consultation fails Amin home still hopeless

semester of this year, Amin should have attended the third grade. But since July, Yuan Yong with his wife and daughter left, the landlord couple, citing security concerns, no longer let their children go to school.

yesterday afternoon, after Amin, who see the mother, crying with his mother set out 15 days after the agreement, pleased to tell reporters.

in front of reporters, where the landlord couple and Zhang, who talked about the conditions. He said he very much hope that Oscar-winning children can immediately put away, Yong owe us, our own way to think he took. But the price of her unemployment, can not afford, do not rope, a reporter for the Amin a group photo after photo, all day Zuoche Hui Zhang, Shenzhen, and the son continued to stay in the landlord's house.

scene close-up

Amin landlord when his father disappeared from the fall love with the landlord to Amin Yuan wash clothes. Amin lived on the fourth floor, small room less than ten square meters, Amin became a sofa bed, there are a lot of clothes,

male Xu Deming said the landlord, his father Amin buy some snacks in addition to two years back, but rarely have contact with Amin, a stay at home. See Amin nobody, Yuan Qiu love him to the hospital only. But the next day, Amin was also burned 38 ℃. / p>

reporter saw, in addition to raising Amin, Amin landlord couple has the demeanor of the stringent requirements, have been asking him to sit to talk.

dialogue Amin

Amin: like, every night to call and talk for several minutes.

Dongguan Times: father?

Amin: He is not good. He does not like me, I do not like him, he is a liar, always cheat other people's money.

Dongguan Times: You have been here the landlord play?

Amin: played, do not listen when played.

Dongguan Times: Have you blame them?

Amin: no.

Dongguan Times: the father or the landlord of Hello Hello?

Amin: uncle (referring to the landlord).

Dongguan Times: How are they going on Hello?

Amin: often took me out to play, but also to buy things for me.

Dongguan Times: If you have a day out of here, and want them?

Amin: Yes, I will tell them a call.

Dongguan Times: Do you now want to go back to school do?

Amin: just want to go with her mother.

