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Simple things can only let your work performance "good", want to achieve "good" will be based on the original and then make more efforts.It is not required that you challenge reach difficult work, the work quality and efficiency rise again a few, optimize the inherent work habits, a little change, you can easily get the great progress of career!Many habits seems not worth mentioning, but if it is in accordance with the habit of doing, can harvest the rich achievements!Come fast to see exactly what used to be improved?In 1, to improve the entertainment value.
Good work habits and not just to work.In the processing of tasks at the same time, our bodies and brains also needs to take a breath of fresh air.In every other one hour to stand up for some rest and relaxation time, our physical energy will get back, thinking clearly, physical function will be better to carry out operation.
Using the steady pace of work to complete the task, but also helpful to improve the efficiency, is of great help!In 2, the daily routine can use multi-tasking.Multi task processing method can help you to complete a number of tasks.
Daily routine in general is relatively simple, and because every day, you should have pulled out the affairs of some relevance, so you can at the same time to a few things done.In 3, mission and task transitions between fast.
Since you have arranged a day of work tasks, so in the end task and to-do tasks between conversion should be relatively easy to.This conversion was more quickly, you can accomplish more, it is an important means to improve efficiency.
4, overall computation time to tie efficiency.Prepare a timer, is not a task to set a time limit, in order to calculate your time utilization.This figure can help you assess your work is efficient or wasting time, develop efficient methods of work practice is also very simple.
5, don't be a stroll on the net people, must do the work.Everything that goes on in the office technology, either the web or a variety of software, is to work and settings, and not the company, give you a special treatment.
Therefore, must avoid daily stroll on the net, shopping, watching the news, read novels and so on, it will waste too much of your time ~ 6 [url=http://www.beatsbydreheadphonesonline.com/]Cheap Beats By Dre[/url]


, important people and the location of the telephone to make records, so abruptly to use it to find contact information.
Some want to avoid things, would be a waste of time and repeated calls, event are also recorded.So next time type & # 20284; something is learned, the solution can also be quickly found.Sometimes it's not work is not serious, but the method does not reach the designated position reduces the final results.
Just think a step, can greatly enhance your boss's good impression!In 7, the same time to bring solutions.The boss raises the question, if not with your own solution, it is likely to be the boss considered complaining.
So in going to the supervisor issues before, make sure you've thought about how to solve the problem of.8, be kind to your colleagues.This is not just a good work habits, in the life also to show your good side.
Treat others already became a social & # 31036; instrument, can be kind to people one is often the team the most welcome, to get more.Such a person would be when you need help when timely assistance.You can try to everyone smile, treat others habit cultivation.
In 9, volunteered to work.Doing so will give you yourself "learn" label.But in the requested task before you improve your skills and expertise.So you are in complete volunteered to task for the time will have sufficient confidence.
In 10, decisively.Decisive means you have to quickly and clearly to make firm decision.Decision making is always important, so as to find out and analysis of all the available information, and then determine the best course of action.
Although the decision means the negative results of the risk, but the important thing is to learn from the experience, avoid the fall in the same place two times.Develop this 10 work habits, will greatly
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