

Baike card from the earliest English

hacker hacker, the early computer industry in the United States is of a compliment. However, media reports, hackers often the term refers to those Hackers term originally referred to the enthusiasm for computer technology, superior level of computer experts, especially programmers. But today, the term hacker refers to those who have been dedicated for the use of computer network sabotage or mischievous guy. On the correct English name for these people is Cracker, was translated as


definition of well-known hacker organization triad relationship between hackers and computer hackers go free attitude of the origin of the ability to bypass the problem is not equivalent to solve the problem may be more desirable than a mistake, he must will repeat the popular and mainstream views are often wrong and the spirit of hacking codes hacking composed of end-existing history of the meaning and differences between the five most famous black hat hacker hacking the four main types of behavior of the famous hacker Kevin event list of famous hackers hackers Mitnick hackers ready connection-oriented network knowledge for non-TCP protocol UDP protocol What is the connection port (PORT) What is the primary technology service organization hackers only, proficient in various computer languages ​​and systems, and must have pleased the bottom, read all the documents the nature of the problem. They accompanied the development of computers and networks have grown. Computer hackers have a fanatical interest in and dedication to the pursuit, they continue to study computer and network knowledge, find the computer and network loopholes, like the challenge of difficult to find loopholes in the network system and then propose solutions to the administrator and repair loopholes. Hacker non-interference in politics, not political advantage, they appear to promote

computer and network development and improvement. Hackers do not vandalism, they are a group of heroes on the network aspect, the pursuit of shared, free of charge, in hacker circles, hacker is undoubtedly the word with a positive meaning, for example, system hacker familiar with the operating system design and maintenance ; password hacker password for the user to find skilled, if the computer hacker is proficient in computer allows the computer to obey a master. Hacker is basically a hobby, usually for their own interests, not for money or work requirements.

About hacker comic (11) According to Eric Raymond, founder of open-source projects have words to explain, hacker and cracker is the world belong to two different ethnic groups, the basic difference is that, hacker is constructive, and the cracker was devoted to acts of sabotage. hacker intent is to use an ax cut timber workers, the first being the introduction of computer circles since the 1960s can be traced. University of California at Berkeley professor of computer Brian Harvey wrote in the research of this word when he was at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT ) of the students are usually divided into two factions, one tool, meaning Guaiguai Pai students have to take A-level results; the other is the so-called hacker, is often skip class, school love to sleep, but at night but like to engage in extra-curricular energetic activities of students. Famous hacker Kevin David Mitnick (Kevin Mitnick) - recognized as the world number one hacker. He was the first hacker wanted by the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Richard Stallman - traditional big hacker, Stallman recruited as the United States in 1971, MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory programmer. Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie - Bell Labs computer science operating group of programmers. Two in 1969, invented the Unix operating system. John Draper (to click, the captain, Captain Crunch is known) - invented a plastic whistle to make free calls Mark Abene (known to Phiber Optik) - inspired countless young people nationwide to Robert Morris - Cornell University graduate, in 1988, accidentally spread the first Internet worm. Kevin Poulsen - Poulsen in 1990 and successfully controlled all access to the Los Angeles area radio station KIIS-FM phone lines to win prizes sponsored by the radio audience the game. Vladimir Levin - This mathematician led a Russian hacker organization to defraud Citibank to distribute $ 10 million. Steve Wozniak - Apple founder. Tsotumu Shimomura - a break in 1994 was the most famous hacker Steve Wozniak's bank account. Linus Torvalds - in 1991 he developed the famous Linux kernel, when he was a Computer Science, University of Helsinki, Finland students. Broad hackers The narrow sense of Then, there was the is defined as: to master a certain logic of the law, the laws of logic to use this secret invasion of the people. The Triad organization with the harmful hackers on the Internet, many people also organized anti-hacking, and the black bar of domestic safety net has made a special series of tutorials, users are more concerned about the proposal, the premise is that the computer needs of Internet security is not the invasion. In order to avoid hackers to cause unnecessary loss of the majority of users, please pay more attention to the major triad organization's Web site tutorial. The relationship between computer hackers and computer have anything to do with this? The beginning and did not. But there was also distinguished level hacker, just as the same tool to compete with the results. Really is not all ignorant and incompetent class hacker, but will be keen to pursue a particular hobby, such as research telephone, railway (model or real), science fiction, radio, or computer. Therefore only the so-called computer hacker was there, which means computer expert. For a hacker, learn to invade and break is necessary, but the most important thing is programming, after all, use of tools is reflected people's ideas, and program their own ideas. Word - programming of all! For a hacker, they seek only the pleasure of the invasion, do not care about technology, they will not program, do not know the details of the invasion. Hacker word out of the loop or the media is generally defined as: a special system for malicious hacking The computer expert. But these people are in the eyes of hacker lower level cracker (hackers). If a hacker is a bomb-making expert, then CRACKER is a terrorist now, the network appeared more and more Cracker, they will invade, sweep around with using the scanner, with the IP bomb people, there is no invasion of the destination, destroying, they do not benefit from the development of computer technology, but harmful to network security and network paralysis caused, to bring huge economic and moral damage. hackers referred to as the HY and the origin of hackers hackers hackers is the first to CY 20 In the 1950s, the first computer in 1946 at the University of Pennsylvania birth, and first appeared in the MIT hackers, Bell Labs also. The original hackers are generally a number of senior technical staff, who are keen to challenge, respect for freedom and called for information sharing. Since 1994, the rapid development of Internet in the world for people to put on behalf of a convenient, free and unlimited wealth, political, military, economic, technological, educational, cultural and other aspects are increasingly networked, and has become people's lives, entertainment part of it. It can be said, the information age has arrived, information has become outside of matter and energy resources to maintain a third of human society, it is important to the future life of the media. With the popularity of computer and Internet technology is developing rapidly, hackers also will appear. Free hacker who go against nature is authoritarian. Any one who can give you a command to give you an authoritarian style of work, and can give you some stupid reason you can stop any attract you to solve your problem, so any authoritarian style of behavior will be challenging, so as not to be harm to you and the other hacker who. (This is different for the opposition against, and children need to be guided and prevent them from making mistakes. hacker may agree to accept some authority, according to the instructions to do a shorter time got what he wanted, but it is a limited and rational agreement; ... ..) in monitoring and authoritarian secrecy on these things is a very effective way of these people do not believe that the exercise of authoritarian voluntary cooperation and information sharing - they only believe in the partnership under their control, so, as a hacker, you will have a hostile nature, against surveillance, secret and use of external force or confuse such behavior can trust you You must act as the basis for mutual trust. attitude is not equivalent to the capacity to become a hacker, you have to start to develop these attitudes, but, if you just imitate a single attitude, it does not make you become a bit real hacker, does not make you become a sports champion or rock star, so you must learn to distrust attitude and respect for the capabilities. Hacker who would not want to waste time in the vanity of the people, and they respect is the ability - especially as a hacker's ability, but also for other aspects of the ability of full respect, if the ability to pursue some of the very few people can understand the technology, the pursuit of mental skills, and can concentrate, then re- But the good if you respect all kinds of ability, then you will be happy to own the development of these capabilities - it's hard work and dedication will be a stimulating pastime rather than a chore. This would-be hacker who, it is very important. the following 6-7 with a new attitude of the modern hacker three principles: to bypass the problem may be more desirable than solving the problem for the hacker, the difficulty facing the difficulties encountered and on not necessarily the best approach. hacker is often targeted, do not want to do any of some extra things around if they can find the problem without affecting the results, then they will choose to bypass the problem, not just to solve this problem and wasted too much time. Looking for ways to achieve their goals faster hacker is always interest in this way. A mistake, he will repeat, also known as Anyone can make mistakes, and often the same individuals will commit the same mistake many times, this is the mindset of people and inertia related. Hacker in the face of high levels of powerful rivals, often using the opponent's mistakes and negligence or find opportunities to beat the opponent. They will act through careful observation of the opponent's character and even find opponents mistake, and then repeat the principle of the use of error, a mistake in your opponent to seize the opportunity to beat his opponent to be successful. Popular and mainstream perspectives are often a wrong principle seems absurd, for the hacker who is the golden rule. The spirit of the modern hacker's break the rules, but rules are most often seen as inviolable, if only to follow the crowd, so any innovation will not happen. The most popular and good hacker from the mainstream to find a breakthrough point, been considered by the subversion of unshakable principle to a new life, create new technology and even history. Hackers Code 1. Not malicious damage any system, this will only bring you trouble. Malicious destruction of other people's software will lead to legal liability, if you just use the computer, it is only illegal to use! ! Note: Do not destroy someone else's software or data! ! . 2. Do not modify any system files, if you are into the system in order to modify it, please change it back to its original purpose will be. 3. Do not you want to hack the site will tell you do not trust a friend. 4. Do not talk about you on the bbs hack anything. 5. Do not post the article when in use your real name. 6. Being invaded, do not free to leave your computer. 7. Only invading army, police, government agencies host. 8. Do not you hack the phone talking about anything. 9. Your notes in a safe place. 10. Would want to be a real hacker hacking, read over all the loopholes in system security or system files (to learn English quickly)! 11. Have invaded the computer account must not remove or alter. 12. Not modify system files, if the intrusion and to hide their own, except for the changes made, but still maintain the original system security, shall not get control of the system and the door wide open! ! 13. Not to crack the account you have to share on your friends. Hacker hacker spirit is the word used to describe those keen to solve problems and overcome limitations of people. In this sense, hacker does not only refer to (limited to) electronic, computer or network hacker, hacker is not in the nature of the people in an environment unique to, hacker's nature can play in any other field, such as music or arts and so on. In fact, you can find, in any science or art of the highest level, the characteristics that you can see hacker. The hacker spirit refers to the independent thinking, like freedom to explore a way of thinking. A philosopher once said, Look at how hackers think, think and solve problems, we can be more intuitive, more profound understanding of the implication of the hacker spirit. First, the hackers are curious about new things, which is a bit similar and children. In fact, there are many significant consequences of hacking incidents led to a teenager are dried out. We must also remember that hacking the White House, Department of Defense, the Air Force website thing, and finally the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation to trace out a year-old German youth. Even world-class computer security experts wonder: these Only one answer: curiosity. Hackers emerging particularly curious about things, they everywhere to download, use and evaluation of new software, this way, until they all do a plainly; find a site close defense, curiosity will drive them to look into the death. And most people, accustomed to a variety of confused trivia, curiosity about new things have been gradually subsided, he saw nothing flattering. Hackers and the curiosity of most people is an obvious difference. Secondly, those hackers think the brain can fully mobilize the challenging issues are very interested. Hackers are not necessarily highly educated people, many have not even graduated from high school, but they like to use their brains to think that other people think too much trouble or too complex. Their performance in school is often not good, but came across some very complex regulatory problems often can be in-depth thinking, to explore the most simple solution. Difficulties encountered, they generally do not go there for help, but to think independently and solve. Therefore, hackers encounter a difficult problem, do not think this is too difficult to be too boring, on the contrary, they feel that this challenge is very exciting, very interesting. This is why hackers can hack into someone else's system and the main reason most people did not do anything. Third, the hackers always look at with suspicion by all the problems, they will not easily believe that a hacker views or arguments often have a distinctive characteristic, and even gives the impression of wild uninhibited. They want to convince your argument is not an easy task, their old love asking Reading, they always look at with suspicion by the author's point of view and every word. Anything after their brains are being questioned and when questioned. So, in many people's eyes, hackers and traditional ways of thinking of social rebels. Fourth, the hackers are not satisfied just to know Hackers have a 打破沙锅问到底 of sticky fresh, when the teacher told him the water to flow and others play the game after one play after another and he is not the last time, he kept playing not over analyze why, then keep on playing until the play in the past, opponents play better than the hackers of anything ... ... must do a clearly, plainly, their expression is quite strong, and write up articles to clarity, concise, humorous, lively and beautiful style. Hackers are not people who quit, only to subside and are aware of the tiger, undeterred. Fifth, the hacker nature of the pursuit of freedom, they always break the shackles of their contempt and all fetters and shackles. Hackers think outside the box is the most intolerable restrictions, they hate dictatorship and tyranny, yearning for freedom of the sky, open world, they claim to be fighting for freedom fighters. They believe that computers should belong to everyone, software code should be fully open. Programs for software companies to make products for sale and do not mouth the practice of open source, the hacker appears to be very dirty and poor. Hackers despise all commercial activities, they think that their pursuit of freedom and more and more is to be free to all mankind, rather than the pursuit of power and money. They write their own applications on the web, people download for free, and based on user feedback to constantly improve and refine their software; Some hackers also crack some encryption software vendors, available to the public. There are many excellent free software hackers, hard work and wisdom, such as Apache, Sendmail and so on. The prevalence of the Internet and Linux is free and open pursuit of hackers results. It seems, to some extent, we hackers or ordinary computer users of the Sixth, hackers like to use their brains, but more like the hands. Hacking is not rather than hands of the gentleman, they are mostly itchy patients, want to see what hands touch. But do not be afraid, they are not all hands of the monkeys, general equipment, tools and software they will use, not just to ruin anything for you, and if the whole is broken, he would eat and sleep for you regardless of repair. Hackers do not like the paper, their hands are strong, like maintenance of computers, writing debuggers are good to have learned their children. Of course, the above points, not all hackers spiritual content, because the spirit is different for each HY, but here is a true portrayal of hackers. To become a hacker, you have to first cultivate the spirit of hacking, such as hackers, as think and solve problems. Formed today, the hacker is not a minority phenomenon that, as before, they have developed into a unique network group. And they have different ideals and the pursuit of ordinary people, has its own unique behavior patterns, the network is now a lot by some like-minded people organized hacker groups. However, where these people come from it? What kind of person they are? In fact, apart from a handful of professional hackers outside, most are amateurs, and hackers in fact the reality of ordinary people and no different, and perhaps he is an ordinary high school students in reading. Some hackers have the age of a survey conducted in this area, the main group is composed of hacker young people between 18-30 years of age, mostly male, but now there are many girls have joined the ranks. Most of them are students in school, because they have strong preferences and computer time, curious, energetic, and other hackers so that they entered the hall. Some hackers mostly have their own business or work, divided into: programmer, a senior security officer, security researcher, professional spy, security consultants. Of course, the technology and level of these people are just getting started End we have mentioned the hacker group is composed of mainly young people, in fact as well. Now the network is difficult to see the three-year-old hacker over the old, and many hackers are generally married later on in the network slowly These people where to go? Why did they go? In fact, these are easy to understand, with age, mental maturity,[url=http://www.moncler-online.us/][b]title=Moncler Sale[/b][/url], a young man's curiosity gradually out of them, they started to enter the stable period, physical strength and energy began to fall, not how late at night as before , how tired do not know the time. For example start with the burden of the family, for their livelihood and career rushing. Because hackers the industry, only a few professional hackers, there are many amateur, and they spend a lot of things such as time and effort is unpaid. So when they later on some old Of course there are a lot of people hacking on their dedication to the cause of life will be of interest. Retired after hackers may do part of the security industry, to become security experts and anti-hacking experts continue to study. There are some people will do some hacking unrelated cause. The meaning of existence is to make sense of the existence of hackers, network security has become increasingly perfect, however, may also be subjected to an unprecedented threat to the network! Who is a hacker? Shockley is a hacker, because he invented the transistor, integrated circuit and then only in order to have our current PC. Boolean is a hacker, his Boolean algebra theory is the premise of the digital age, as long as binary

von Neumann

system is inseparable from the Boolean algebra. Von Neumann is a hacker, because he built a computer model. Bjarne Stroustrup is a hacker, because he created the C + +, so more people can use to control the language of this epoch-making computer. LINUS is a hacker, because he wrote the LINUX operating system. Shannon is a hacker, because he founded the information theory. Vinton Cerf and Robert G · E · Kahn is a hacker, because they create a TCP / IP protocol, making the Internet possible. ... When you are emotionally ready when the determined hacker, the best think twice, because only two ways: as Hengjue I,[url=http://www.in-moncler.com][b]title=Cheap Moncler Jackets[/b][/url], master? Or a donkey? (Because in the present, in a sense the word hacker has been vilified by many donkeys, so have to consider the consequences of being vilified). And differences between hacking, the first from the English hacker, the early computer industry in the United States is of a compliment. They are enthusiastic about computer technology, the level of skilled computer experts, particularly programmers, is now regarded as a generic term. Honker, on behalf of the Chinese people to safeguard national interests of the will of the Honker, they love their country, nation, peace, and tried to maintain national security and dignity. Blue passengers, freedom of belief, to promote patriotism hackers who use their own power to maintain peace in the network. White-off, also known as security by using unusual words is to use hacking techniques to do network security, they enter the major technology company specializing in network security protection. Gray-off, also hackers, also known as spoilers, they are red, white, the eyes of the hacker is the destroyer, is the deliberate destruction of the system, a series of malicious attacks, and so the destruction of the means. In China, people often confuse hackers with the hackers. Actually very different. The history of the five most famous black hat hacker 1. Kevin Mitnick Kevin Mitnick (Kevin David Mitnick, 1964 in Los Angeles was born in the United States), some critics called him the world's The 2. Adrian Lamo Adrian Ramos (Adrian Lamo) Adrian Lamo: the history of one of the five most famous hacker. Lamo specifically looking to start a large organization, such as Microsoft and break into Lamo like to use coffee shops, Kinko store or the library's network to carry out his hacking, so got a nickname: the hacker did not come home. Lamo frequently found security flaws, and use it. Usually he would inform the business-related vulnerabilities. 3. Jonathan James Jonathan James (Jonathan James), the history of one of the five most famous hacker. When 16-year-old James has been notorious since he became the first act of a hacker in jail because of a minor. He later admitted that he liked to joke, wandering around and meet the challenge. 4. Robert Tappan Morrisgeek. Robert Tappan Morrisgeek. American history, one of the five most famous hacker. Morris's father is a former U.S. National Security Agency, a scientist named Robert Morris. Robert is the creator of Morris worm, the virus is considered the first worm that spreads via the Internet. This is true, he became the first computer in 1986 was to deceive and Abuse Act to prosecute people. 5. Kevin Poulsen Kevin Puer Sen, the full name of Kevin Lipuersen (Kevin Lee Poulsen), 1965 was born in the United States, Pasadena. He often uses vest Jargon File in the If you want to know how to become a hacker, so good, only two are important. (Attitudes and technology) long, there is a master of expert programmers and networking community of shared culture, its history dates back several years ago, the first time-sharing minicomputers and the earliest ARPAnet experiments period. This? Cultural participants to create a Hackers built the Internet. Hackers make the Unix operating system to become like this today. Hackers put up Usenet. WWW hackers to normal operation. If you are a part of this culture, if you have made some contribution to it, and the circle of other people know who you are saying you are a hacker, you're a hacker. Hacker software hacker spirit is not confined to the cultural circle. Some hackers use the same attitude towards other things such as electronics and music --- in fact, you can at any higher level of science and art found in it. Software hackers recognize these and other similar areas, also known as hacking them --- it was claimed that the hacker is actually independent of their area of ​​work. However, in this article, we will focus on software hacking techniques and attitude, and invented the Behavior of the four main types of hackers hacking into hacker and craker; hacker focus on research techniques, generally do not do destructive things, but it is often said craker hacker, a computer specialist for the purpose of destroying the people . attack the system, intrusion, or do other harmful things on the network because hackers are engaged Xiepai things contrary to the kind of hackers, their initial learning content will be covered in this part of the content, but also to master the basic skills are the same. Even after their own took a different road, but doing similar, but not the same as the starting point and purpose of it. Hacker's behavior are the following: First, learn skills, once the new technology on the Internet, hackers must immediately learn and use the shortest possible time to master the technology, referred to here is not to grasp the general knowledge, but to read the Junior hacker to learn the knowledge is more difficult because they have no foundation, so learning to touch up a lot of basic content, but to the readers of today's Internet, a lot of information, which requires learners to choose primary: too content may give deep learning difficult; too Therefore, beginners can not do too much, should try to find a book and complete their teaching, learning step by step. Second, hackers disguised their every move will be recorded by the server, it allows hackers to disguise themselves can not tell each other their true identity, which requires sophisticated techniques used to disguise your IP address, use the springboard to avoid tracking, disrupting clean record other clues, cleverly escape firewall. Camouflage is a basic skills need to be very tough to achieve, which is for beginners called knowledge of network attacks, or if their deeds brought to light, the ultimate victims or their own. Third, identify vulnerabilities, vulnerability to hackers is the most important information should always learn from others, hackers discovered vulnerabilities, and their efforts to find unknown vulnerabilities, and vulnerabilities from the mass to find valuable, can be exploited to test Of course, their ultimate aim is the destruction or the repair flaws on this loophole. Hackers find flaws dedication


is unimaginable, and their slogan this - the world there is no In the eyes of hackers, the so-called Fourth, the use of loopholes for decent hackers, vulnerabilities to be patched; for Xiepai hackers, vulnerabilities to use to carry out his destruction. Their basic premise is Access to system information: Some vulnerabilities can leak system information, expose sensitive information further intrusion systems; 2. Intrusion systems: vulnerabilities into the system through the internal, or to obtain the server's internal data, or completely in charge of the server; 3. Find the next target: a victory means that the next target, hackers should make full use of their own has been in charge of the server as a tool to find and invade the next system; 4. Do some good: decent hacker to complete the above work, it will notify the system administrator to fix bugs or make some of the things that maintain network security; 5. Do some bad things: Xiepai hackers work in the completion of the above, will determine whether the server is still value in use. If there is use value, they will implant a Trojan or backdoor on the server, easy for another trip; while no more use for them no mercy server, system crashes make them feel infinite pleasure the famous hacker event in 1983, Kay Man Mitnick was found using a computer without authorization to enter the university, the predecessor of today's Internet, ARPA network, and through the network into the U.S. Pentagon's computers, and was sentenced to youth correctional facilities in California for six months discipline . In 1988, Kevin Mitnick was arrested by law enforcement authorities, because: DEC network accused him of stealing from the company $ 1 million worth of software, and caused $ 4 million loss. In 1993, the self-styled In 1995, hackers from Russia Vladimir Mierliening staged on the Internet wonderful sly, he was the first invasion of the bank's computer system by hackers to profit in 1995, he hacked into Citibank and American Pirates take a million, he was in England in 1995, Interpol arrested, he put the money in the account transferred to the United States, Finland, Netherlands, Germany, Ireland and other places. In 1999, the Melissa virus (Melissa) to make the world more than 300 companies on a computer system crash, virus damage caused by the nearly 400 million dollars, it is the first globally destructive virus, the virus writers David · Smith in the preparation of this virus, when only 30 years old. Davis Smith was sentenced to five years in prison. In 2000, only 15 years old, nicknamed the hacker mafia boy in February 6, 2000 to February 14 Valentine's Day, a successful invasion, including Yahoo, eBay and Amazon, including large-scale web server, he succeeded in preventing the server to the user service, he was arrested in 2000. Related articles:

