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Intel, the world's largest semiconductor chip maker, which was established in 1968, has 41 years of product innovation and market leadership in history. In 1971, Intel introduced the world's first microprocessor. Brought about by the microprocessor computer and the Internet revolution changed the world.


Company founder cultural origins INTEL INTEL Intel corporate culture and values ​​marketing slogan, the pendulum theory of Moore's Law, Intel Leap ahead of China's history of 32-bit registers of the processor eFlag control register 0 (CR0) segment general registers and control registers instruction pointer register 3 (CR3) processor Model Desktop CPU for notebook computers with a server-class CPU Desktop Core i series Model List Core i series mobile processor Model Chipset Model on the acclaimed social responsibility Intel World Ahead program in China Intel World Ahead program in a key position microprocessor milestones fourth quarter of 2009 eight-core processor 2010 born About Intel Corporation (Intel Corporation) (NASDAQ: INTC, HKEx: 4335 ), headquartered in Santa Clara, California, USA. Intel founder Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore had hoped to name their new company name for the combination of the two - Moore Noyce, but when they go to the registration of Trade and Industry Bureau, but found the name of a hotel chain has been the first to register. Last resort,[url=http://www.uggbootsclearanceuks.co.uk/][b]title=UGG Boots Clearance[/b][/url], they have taken Senior management is currently chairman Craig Barrett and Paul Otellini, president and CEO. Intel Corporation in the popularity of personal computers with Intel Corporation to become the world's largest semiconductor design and manufacturing technology giant. Origin founded in 1955, dissatisfaction. Which is known as the Traitorous Eight Shockley, Robert Noyce, Gordon Moore, Julia Frank Springer, Eugene Claire, Jinheerni, Gerald West, Shelton Roberts and 维克多格里尼克 joint resignation in October 1957 and was co-founded Fairchild Semiconductor. Andy Grove, Gordon Moore in 1963 at the invitation to join the Fairchild Semiconductor. As the rapid development of Fairchild Semiconductor, leading to the internal organization and management issues on the product is also unbalanced. Fairchild Semiconductor in July 1968 in which two should co-founder Robert teno Adams, Gordon Moore's resignation, and on July 16, to the name of IC (integrated electronics) co-founder of Intel Corporation. Andy Grove and Gordon Moore also voluntarily follow the footsteps to become Intel's first three employees. Andy Grove in the oral autobiography that, if he is the first three employees of the company's point of view, he is However, if the title, who are not invited to share purchase price of $ 1, but in the first employees to join voluntarily. INTEL Intel corporate culture, a culture of Intel's description of Intel employees personality: more aggressive, have a proactive sense. For example, the staff there a This indeed has been done many marginal jobs. Maybe people will feel in the chip market, Intel is no rival company, there is no need to go so hard to create a competitive atmosphere. Corporate culture is the CEO of the culture that the formation and Grove's personality closely. Paranoid about is the sense of crisis. Values ​​of the first INTEL values: customer-oriented values ​​of the second: the values ​​of the three discipline: quality first values ​​of the four: Try to encourage risk-taking values ​​of five: a good working environment values ​​of the six: results-oriented marketing slogan Leap ahead 2006 January 4, Intel officially released the new brand identity, which also includes a new tagline: The Intel Inside logo, and the original Intel The new slogan also represents Intel's unique brand promise to convey the source for the development of Intel Corporation and Intel Corporation to pursue endless, beyond the goals for the future. Intel senior vice president and general manager of global marketing Kim (Eric Kim) said this: part of the tradition, we at Intel's relentless pursuit of the company's mission is to promote the technology, education, social responsibility, manufacturing and more in the next leap forward, continue to challenge themselves. It's about using Intel technology for everyone bring a better, richer and more convenient life. for standard event also marks Intel's evolution to a market-driving platform solutions company. Intel platform solutions focus on the key technology behind including microprocessors, chipsets and software, and integrate them can enhance system performance while greatly enhance the overall user experience from Intel Centrino mobile technology platform, Intel has already begun its business development strategy of the fundamental shift.'s last year around the platform model to achieve the organizational structure of the reorganization, is now focused on four key market segment,[url=http://www.ireland-ugg.com/][b]title=UGG Sale[/b][/url], the mobile, digital home, enterprise and health Intel also announced in early 2006 to launch its new platform for the digital home - Intel Viiv technology with Intel Viiv technology and other new brands in the release of Intel's new branding system simplifies and unifies Intel products and platforms design style to better communicate important characteristics to consumers and value of the brand new system includes: Intel Viiv technology and Intel Centrino mobile technology, new logo and re-designed for individual processors, chipsets, motherboards and other Intel technologies. Each product logo also incorporates the new Intel logo. Moore's Law, 1975; Moore in IEEE International Telecommunications Union's academic paper presented at the annual meeting,[url=http://www.uggbootsclearancemalls.com][b]title=UGG Boots Clearance[/b][/url], according to prevailing circumstances, the some year back, to I anticipate that we will create a more complex circuit which reduces electrical costs - according to my projections, 10 years later, a circuit board contains the electronic components will be increased from 60 at the time more than 60,000. It was a bold guess. In 1975, I made a correction to it, the goal of doubling each year to doubling every two years. Intel technological change direction when an Intel pendulum swing to the left when, tick this strategy will update process, to the right place when, tock will update the processor micro-architecture. For example, in 2005, said tick, updated from the 90-nm Intel to 65 nm; 2006 is tock, Intel introduced the Core architecture used, 07 to 45 nm. It is worth noting, first of all it does not appear within a year two techniques simultaneously, each in the last year can be technically enhance a scale. pendulum strategy is the development trend of the general architecture of this year, next year process, let us step by step, and implement the pendulum strategy is according to the pendulum with the industry to form a common structure to move forward. Intel China's development history of 1985 Last year, Intel in Beijing set up its first representative office in January 1994, the first Intel Architecture Development Lab (IADL) was established in November 1994, in Shanghai chip testing and packaging plant broke ground as Intel in the first Asia-Pacific region Research Laboratory, Intel China Research Center (ICRC) was created in November 1998, May 2002, Intel announced the Intel assembly and testing in China ™ Pentium ™ 4 processors in October 2002, Intel Asia-Pacific Design Center (ADC) set up in Shenzhen in August 2003, Intel announced the establishment of investment in Chengdu, Sichuan Intel semiconductor packaging and testing plant May 12, 2005, Intel Technology Development (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. was established in June 2005, Intel's Channel Platforms Group Ministry set up global headquarters in Shanghai in June 2005, Intel announced the establishment of $ 200 million Japan, China's first multi-core Intel Technology Lab at the five universities started in July 2006, Intel signed with the Ministry of Information Industry Intel released a ten for personal and business desktop computers, notebook computers and workstations, the new Intel Core ™ Duo processor with 4 pairs of Intel ™ Core 2 Extreme Processor. in the performance of new products, while 40% 40% reduction in power consumption 25 October 2006, Chengdu, chip packaging and testing the second phase of the project completed October 30, 2006, Intel announced that in response to the Chinese government's call for building a new countryside has launched the rural areas reg; Xeon ® 5300 and Intel ® Core? 6? 42 quad-core processor Extreme Edition series processor, 16 November 2006, Intel China Research Center (ICRC) held a formal declaration of post-doctoral workstation running become part of national training system. January 1, 2007, China became an independent region sales and market operations. As a result, China has become the United States, Europe, the Middle East Africa, and Asia Pacific tied for fifth independent report area. January 17, 2007, Intel Science and Technology Museum in China, opened a a 90-nanometer technology, 300-mm wafer fab. 27, Intel and the Dalian Municipal Government and Dalian University of Technology announced a joint partnership to create Multi-core University Program Intel announced that from June 20 onwards, its sales in China will gradually boxed desktop processors use Chinese brand packaging, which is Intel's first since its inception in a country with separate branding 8, 2007 27, Intel (China) Co., Ltd. released a report entitled announced the release of the latest full-featured PCs in rural China, one designed specifically for China's rural market development of new desktop computers. September 8, 2007, Intel's first in Asia, 300-mm wafer fab plant in Dalian ground-breaking foundation. September 13, 2007, Intel (China) Co., Ltd. in the United Nations other 13 Chinese electronic information industry to the core agencies jointly issued by the national information industry, row of national policy, vigorously develop, adopt and promote electronic energy-saving new technology, new products September 20, 2007, Intel (China) Co., Ltd. and Liaoning Provincial People's Government signed the MOU ceremony to mark the two sides entered a multi-level and wide-ranging comprehensive new stage of cooperation. November 1, 2007, training of teachers 1 million total, hundreds of millions of primary and secondary students will benefit. November 12, 2007, Intel released the 16 45nm Hi-K metal gate silicon technology, high-end PC servers and processors of these processor not only enhances the computing performance, reduce energy consumption, but also the processor package surrendered the lead elements of harm to the environment, contribute to protect the world environment. April 2, 2008, Intel Corporation Shanghai's , and other embedded computing solutions. April 8, 2008, Intel's global investment organization, Intel Capital announced the establishment of technological innovation and promote the development of China's information technology industry. As a result, Intel Capital in China Technology Fund totaled $ 700 million June 23, 2008, Intel Corporation Chairman Craig Barrett during his visit with Dr. Sichuan Provincial Government started to support earthquake reconstruction and recovery efforts, March 27, Intel chip packaging and testing plant in Chengdu Section 480 million chips off the assembly line. October 26, 2010, Intel Dalian Chip Factory put into operation, Intel president and CEO Paul Otellini at Intel Dalian Chip plant commissioning ceremony of 32-bit register processors eFlag 31 21 16 15 8 7 0 Reserved ID VIP VIF AC VM RF 0 NT IOPL OF DF IF TF SF ZF 0 AF 0 PF 1 CF Bit Name Description8 Trap Flag (TF) this bit activated after single-step mode setting. 9 Interrupt Flag (IF) this bit set will allow interrupt handling. 10 Direction Flag (DF) bit is cleared automatically after the growth of this string manipulation, string manipulation to reduce the set automatically. 12-13 I / O Privilege Level (IOPL) run / O privilege level of instruction required. 14 Nested Task (NT) interrupt this bit set will switch back. 16 Resume Flag (RF) this bit to ensure a single-step instruction. 17 Virtual 8086 Mode (VM) this bit is set, CPU will run in virtual real mode. 18 Alignment Check (AC) This bit is set and the CR0 = 1, review the calibration will be performed. 19 Virtual Interrupt Flag (VIF) virtual interrupt flag bit. 20 Virtual Interrupt Pending (VIP) virtual interrupt pending bit. 21 CPU Identification (ID) if the CPU supports the CPUID instruction, this bit can be modified. control register 0 (CR0) 31 30 29 28 ... 19 18 17 16 15 ... 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 PG CD NW 0 AM 0 WP 0 NE ET TS EM MP PE Bit Name Description0 Protection Enable (PE) this bit set will run in protected mode. 1 Math Present (MP) settings co-processor is demonstrated. 2 Emulate Numeric Extension (EM) This bit is set, FP instruction may be in the software simulation. 3 Task Switched (TS) after a task switch to this bit will be set. 4 Extension Type (ET) this bit Set 387 or higher co-processor. 5 Numeric Error Enable (NE) This bit is set, the co-processor to generate an exception error on 16.16 Write Protect (WP) This bit is set, performed in the kernel read-only page 18 Alignment Mask (AM) this bit is set, you can generate AC exceptions. 29 Not Write-Through (NW) this bit indirect write operation. 30 Cache Disable (CD) This bit is set if the cache. 31 Paging Enable (PG) of this bit is set, the page mode. segment register a segment selector is loaded six segment registers in the global table of contents or table of contents in order to offset the local form. a segment selector is only 16 bits long, and look it is this: 15 ... 3 2 1 .. 0index into GDT or LDT TI RPLCS a short code, which must point to an executable segment. CS privilege level to run the program it is the privilege level ( also known as the current level). segment registers DS, ES, FS, GS are for data preparation, they should point to the data segment (most likely to be writable), from which the requested privilege level of the pointer value must be greater than the current great privilege level that privileges lower than the current privilege level. SS stack segment is short, it must point to writable data segment. the general register as the i386 has 8 general purpose registers, even though all of these registers are also preparing for some commands the special purpose of these registers are as follows: EAX: Accumulator EBX: base register ECX: counter EDX: data register ESI: source address index EDI: destination address index EBP: Pointer basis of ESP: stack pointer and instruction pointer control register 3 (CR3) EIP is a 32-bit instruction pointer. CR3 (short for Control Register 3) is the Page Directory Base Register an alias. processor model with the desktop CPU Intel 4004 Intel 8008 Intel 8080 Intel4040 Intel 8086 Intel 8088 80186 80286 80386 80486 Pentium (Pentium) Pentium Pro Pentium II Celeron (Celeron) Pentium III (Pentium III) Pentium 4 (Pentium 4) Pentium 4 Extreme Edition (Pentium 4 Extreme Edition) Celeron D (Celeron D) Pentium D (Pentium D) Pentium D Extreme Edition (Pentium D Exterme Edition) Core Duo Intel Core Duo Core 2 Duo Intel Core 2 Duo Pentium Dual-Core Intel pentium dual-core Core 2 Extreme Intel Core 2 Extreme Core 2 Quad Intel Core 2 Quad Core 2 Quad Extreme Edition Intel Core 2 Quad eXtreme Celeron dual-core Intel Celeron duo-core Core i7-quad-core (8xx/9xx/38xx) / six-core (9xx, 39xx) Core i5-processor dual-core (6xx) / quad-core (7xx) Core i3-processor dual-core ( 5xx) processor, the new Core i7 quad-core (26xx) new Core i5 quad-core (23xx, 25xx) new Core i3 Dual Core (21xx) notebook with the new mobile Core i7 quad-core (26xx) new mobile Core i5 dual core (24xx, 25xx) new mobile dual-core Core i3 (23xx) mobile dual-core Core i7-(6xx) / quad-core (7xx/8xx/9xx) Processor Core i5-mobile dual-core (4xx/5xx) Processor Core i3-mobile dual-core (3xx) processors Pentium III Mobile Pentium 4 Mobile is different from the mobile version of the Pentium 4 Mobile Pentium 4 up to 3.06GHz, the difference with the P4M Pentium M (Pentium M) Celeron M (Celeron M) Core Duo (Intel Core Duo) Core 2 Duo (Intel Core 2 Duo) Core Solo (Intel Core Solo) Core 2 single-core (Intel Core 2 Solo) Pentium dual-core (Intel pentium dual-core) Atom low-power processing device (Atom) Celeron dual-core (Intel celeron dual-core) server CPU Pentium II Xeon (Pentium II Xeon) Pentium III Xeon (Pentium III Xeon) Pentium III server (Pentium III Sever) Xeon (Xeon) Itanium (Itanium) Itanium 2 (Itanium 2) Itanium 3 (Itanium 3) Core i series desktop models model the process thread list TDP GPU clock frequency Core frequency integrated three-level cache memory bus frequency multiplier Core i3-53032nm2C/4T73W2 support .93 GHz does not support 733MHz2.5GT / S DMI4MBDDR3-1066/1333 dual-channel lock Core i3-54032nm2C/4T73W3.06GHz does not support 733MHz2.5GT / S DMI4MBDDR3-1066/1333 dual channel does not support locking Core i3-55032nm2C/4T73W3.2GHz 733MHz2.5GT / S DMI4MBDDR3-1066/1333 dual channel dual channel lock Core i5-65032nm2C/4T73W3.2GHz3.46GHz733MHz2.5GT/S DMI4MBDDR3-1066/1333 lock Core i5-655K32nm2C/4T73W3.2GHz3.46GHz733MHz2.5GT/S DMI4MBDDR3 -1066/1333 dual channel dual channel opening Core i5-66032nm2C/4T73W3.33GHz3.6GHz733MHz2.5GT/S DMI4MBDDR3-1066/1333 dual locking Core i5-66132nm2C/4T87W3.33GHz3.6GHz900MHz2.5GT/S DMI4MBDDR3-1066/1333 Lock Core i5-67032nm2C/4T73W3.46GHz3.73GHz733MHz2.5GT/S DMI4MBDDR3-1066/1333 Lock Core i5-68032nm2C/4T73W3.6GHz3.86GHz733MHz2.5GT/S DMI4MBDDR3-1066/1333 dual channel dual channel lock Core i5-75045nm4C / 4T95W2.66GHz3.2GHz no 2.5GT / S DMI8MBDDR3-1066/1333 dual-channel lock Core i5-750S45nm4C/4T82W2.4GHz3.2GHz no 2.5GT / S DMI8MBDDR3-1066/1333 dual-channel lock Core i5-76045nm4C/4T95W2.8GHz3. 46GHz without 2.5GT / S DMI8MBDDR3-1066/1333 dual-channel lock Core i7-86045nm4C/8T95W2.80GHz3.46GHz no 2.5GT / S DMI8MBDDR3-1066/1333 dual-channel lock Core i7-860S45nm4C/8T82W2.53GHz3.46GHz no 2.5GT / S DMI8MBDDR3-1066/1333 dual-channel lock Core i7-87045nm4C/8T95W2.93GHz3.6GHz no 2.5GT / S DMI8MBDDR3-1066/1333 dual-channel lock Core i7-875K45nm4C/8T95W2.93GHz3.6GHz no 2.5GT / S DMI8MBDDR3- 1066/1333 dual channel opening Core i7-88045nm4C/8T95W3.06GHz3.73GHz no 2.5GT / S DMI8MBDDR3-1066/1333 dual-channel lock Core i7-92045nm4C/8T130W2.66GHz2.93GHz no 4.8GT / S QPI8MBDDR3-800/1066 three Channel Lock Core i7-93045nm4C/8T130W2.80GHz3.06GHz no 4.8GT / S QPI8MBDDR3-800/1066 three-channel lock Core i7-94045nm4C/8T130W2.93GHz3.2GHz no 4.8GT / S QPI8MBDDR3-800/1066 Core i7 triple-channel lock -95045nm4C/8T130W3.06GHz3.33GHz no 4.8GT / S QPI8MBDDR3-800/1066 three-channel lock Core i7-96045nm4C/8T130W3.2GHz3.46GHz no 4.8GT / S QPI8MBDDR3-800/1066 three-channel lock Core i7-965 Extreme Edition 45nm4C/8T130W3.2GHz3.46GHz no 6.4GT / S QPI8MBDDR3-800/1066 three-channel open Core i7-975 Extreme Edition 45nm4C/8T130W3.33GHz3.6GHz no 6.4GT / S QPI8MBDDR3-800/1066 three-channel open Core i7-980X Extreme 32nm6C/12T130W3.33GHz3.6GHz no 6.4GT / S QPI12MBDDR3-1333 three-channel open Core i7-990X Extreme Edition 32nm6C/12T130W3.46GHz3.73GHz no 6.4GT / s QPI12MBDDR3-1333 three-channel open Core i7 382032nm4C/8T130W3. 6GHz3.9GHz no new unknown 10MBDDR3-1333 four-channel non-locking Core i7 3930K32nm6C/12T130W3.2GHz 3.8GHz new unknown 12MBDDR3-1333 four-channel open Core i7 3960X Extreme Edition 32nm6C/12T130W3.3GHz3.9GHz no new unknown 15MBDDR3-1333 four-channel Open Core i7 3980X Extrme Edition 32nm6C/12T130W3.4GHz 4.1GHz Extreme Edition without new unknown 18MBDDR3-1333 four-channel version of the Open Mobile Core i series processor model models the process thread TDP GPU clock frequency Core frequency integrated three-level cache memory bus speed support Multiplier Core i3-330E32nm2C/4T35W2.13GHz does not support dual channel lock 500/667MHz2.5GT/S DMI3MBDDR3-800/1066 Core i3-330M32nm2C/4T35W2.13GHz does not support 500/667MHz2.5GT/S DMI3MBDDR3-800/1066 double Channel Lock Core i3-330UM32nm2C/4T18W1.2GHz 166/500GHz2.5GT/S DMI3MBDDR3-800 does not support dual-channel lock Core i3-350M32nm2C/4T35W2.26GHz does not support dual channel lock 500/667MHz2.5GT/S DMI3MBDDR3-800/1066 Core i3-370M32nm2C/4T35W2.4GHz does not support dual channel lock 500/667MHz2.5GT/S DMI3MBDDR3-800/1066 Core i5-430M32nm2C/4T35W2.26GHz2.53GHz500/766MHz2.5GT/S DMI3MBDDR3-800/1066 Core dual-channel lock i5-430UM32nm2C/4T18W1.2GHz1.73GHz166/500MHz2.5GT/S DMI3MBDDR3-800 dual channel lock Core i5-450M32nm2C/4T35W2.4GHz2.66GHz500/766MHz2.5GT/S DMI3MBDDR3-800/1066 dual-channel lock Core i5-520E32nm2C / 4T35W2.4GHz2.93GHz500/766MHz2.5GT/S DMI3MBDDR3-800/1066 dual-channel lock Core i5-520M32nm2C/4T35W2.4GHz2.93GHz500/766MHz2.5GT/S DMI3MBDDR3-800/1066 dual locking Core i5-520UM32nm2C/4T18W1. 06GHz1.86GHz166/500MHz2.5GT/S DMI3MBDDR3-800 dual channel lock Core i5-540M32nm2C/4T35W2.53GHz3.06GHz500/766MHz2.5GT/S DMI3MBDDR3-800/1066 dual-channel lock Core i5-540UM32nm2C/4T18W1.2GHz2GHz166/500MHz2. 5GT / S DMI3MBDDR3-800 dual channel lock Core i7-610E32nm2C/4T35W2.53GHz3.2GHz500/766MHz2.5GT/S DMI4MBDDR3-800/1066 dual-channel lock Core i7-620LE32nm2C/4T25W2GHz2.8GHz266/566MHz2.5GT/S DMI4MBDDR3-800 / 1066 dual-channel lock Core i7-620LM32nm2C/4T25W2G2.8GHz266/566MHz2.5GT/S DMI4MBDDR3-800/1066 dual channel dual channel lock Core i7-620M32nm2C/4T35W2.66GHz3.33GHz500/766MHz2.5GT/S DMI4MBDDR3-800/1066 Lock Core i7-620UE32nm2C/4T18W1.06GHz2.13GHz166/500MHz2.5GT/S DMI4MBDDR3-800 dual channel lock Core i7-620UM32nm2C/4T18W1.06GHz2.13GHz166/500MHz2.5GT/S DMI4MBDDR3-800 dual channel lock Core i7-640LM32nm2C / 4T25W2.13GHz2.93GHz266/566MHz2.5GT/S DMI4MBDDR3-800/1066 dual-channel lock Core i7-640UM32nm2C/4T18W1.2GHz2.26GHz166/500MHz2.5GT/S DMI4MBDDR3-800/1066 dual locking Core i7-660UM32nm2C/4T18W1. 33GHz2.4GHz166/500MHz2.5GT/S DMI4MBDDR3-800/1066 dual-channel lock Core i7-720QM45nm4C/8T45W1.6GHz2.8GHz no 2.5GT / S DMI6MBDDR3-1066/1333 Dual Lock Core i7-740QM45nm4C/8T45W1.73GHz2.93GHz No 2.5GT / S DMI6MBDDR3-1066/1333 dual-channel lock Core i7-820QM45nm4C/8T45W1.73GHz3.06GHz no 2.5GT / S DMI8MBDDR3-1066/1333 dual-channel lock Core i7-840QM45nm4C/8T45W1.86GHz3.2GHz no 2.5GT / S DMI8MBDDR3-1066/1333 dual-channel lock Core i7-920XM45nm4C/8T55W2GHz3.2GHz no 2.5GT / S DMI8MBDDR3-1066/1333 dual-channel open Core i7-940XM45nm4C/8T55W2.13GHz3.33GHz no 2.5GT / S DMI8MBDDR3-1066/1333 dual-channel open Chipset Model 440 Series 430 Series - which is a Pentium 440BX 2 810 during the classic series - this is the first sections using Intel integrated graphics chipset. does not support AGP, so can not upgrade the graphics card. 815 Series - Pentium III processor of choice, which 815EP B-Step (also known as 815EPT) officially supported Tualatin (Tualatin) core CPU. 850 Series - 850 is in line with the early rush of listing Pentium 4 design, the use of immature Socket423 socket and with expensive RAMBUS memory makes it simultaneously with Socket423 Pentium 4 was eliminated and the new 850E and later as a workstation-level chipset market. 845 series - in order to abandon expensive RAMBUS memory designed with the SDRAM memory chipset With DDR memory market, Intel has launched a 845D and follow-up 845E, 845G and other chipsets. 852/855 Series - designed for the Centrino mobile processor platform, is divided into GM (with Intel integrated graphics chip) and GP (other vendors independent display chip), the ICH4 Southbridge supports USB2.0, 802.11b wireless network card, wireless mobile market is Intel's control of an important series [citation needed] 865/875 Series - for the full support with ultra- threading (Hyper-Threading) the design of the Pentium 4 chipset, the first dual-channel memory, SATA hard drive, AGP8X and USB2.0 and other new technologies. 848P - 865 series of simplified version, remove the dual-channel memory for support 915/925 series - originally the LGA775 package with the launch of the new processor technology with PCI Express chip set, but there was a lot of change Socket478 socket and AGP slot models. 915 abandoned the AGP chipset technology The use of a PCI-Express bus, and began to support DDR2 memory, of which 925 Series supports Pentium 4 Extreme Edition processor. 945/955/975 series - in the original 915/925 chipset based on the increase of the Pentium D dual-core CPU support which supports 955 and 975 series Pentium Extreme Edition processor. 945GT Express chipset is supported by the Core Duo. VRM11 the 975 series motherboards with more support for Intel Core 2 series processors. 946 series - based on 945 chip group, adding to the 800MHz of Intel Core 2 processor support 965 series - adding to the Intel Core 2 series processors support dual channel DDRII800 native support, full support for memory re-mapping technology, fully resolved to find more than 4GB of memory address the problem. with a new naming method [P965, Q965, etc.] to replace long-established 945P so named. 3X (31/33/35/38) series - on the basis of the 965 series 1333MHz FSB support, and and other high-end chipset in P35/X38 add DDR3 support, code-named Bearlake. with ICH9 Southbridge ICH8 family or series. 4X (41/43/45/48) series - will be the basis in the 3X series from 1333MHz front side bus increased to 1600MHz, DDR3-1600 also joined the support. with ICH10 Southbridge or ICH10R. PCI-E is also increased to 2.0 from 1.0 in the overall performance of the 3X-round win series motherboards. 5X (51/53/55/58 ) series - now in the sale of a P55, H55, H57 and X58. 6X series, P67 and H67 have been sold. P: popular mainstream M: mobile mobile G: graphic integrated graphics core Q: Business X: extreme top popular acclaim in February 2002, Intel was the U.S. performance, staffing levels, quality of management, investment value of the six criteria for discharge of the ranking, Intel ranked No. 28. In May 2003, the world's leading human resources company HewittGlobalHRConsultingFirm * and the July 18, 2003, the 35th anniversary of the establishment of Intel Corporation Intel CEO Barrett recalled that: a solid foundation, Intel also makes the most competitive in the global industry has always been a leader.

Beyond the Future (1) our efforts to make the world has undergone tremendous changes, we will continue to change the future of the world, this is what we celebrate today. computer today, the Internet is changing not only the growing mode of business operation, but also changing the way people work, live, entertainment, becoming a major force in global economic development as the world's leading information industry companies, Intel company is committed to the client, server, network communications, Internet solutions and Internet services for the growing rise of the global Internet economy to provide building blocks Intel Intel in China's institutions in China (mainland) has 13 offices located in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Chengdu, Chongqing, Shenyang, Jinan, Fuzhou, Nanjing, Xi'an, Harbin, Wuhan, the company's Asia Pacific headquarters in Hong Kong SAR, Intel also has a research center in China, the Intel China Labs from four different research centers, in October 2000 announced the establishment of which the main laboratory for China's future computer applications and product development research, to promote China's process of using advanced technology to further promote domestic Internet economic development. In addition, Intel China Labs is also responsible for coordinating the laboratory and other laboratories Intel's global research collaboration, and funding of domestic universities and research institutions the development of a research project of Intel's global vice president and chief technology officer Pa Buster the direct leadership of Intel China Labs Singh's work. Intel's mission in China, Intel focused its operations in China consistent with the global focus, that is a global Internet economy, the outstanding supplier of building blocks. In addition Related articles:

