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 Trey Songz,真名:Tremaine Aldon Neverson ,Dre Beats Headphones。1984.11.28出生在美国维吉尼亚州,2005年出道,UGG Outlet Store,签约在Atlantic Records公司。
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  经过多时的演唱历练,Vibram 5 Finger,终在Atlantic主流大厂的策划下,Trey Songz推出个人首张惊艳之作《I Gotta Make It》。开场曲 “Cheat On You” ,除了带着节奏蓝调的声频外,还谱入Trey最为欣赏70年代Motown灵式音韵;首支主攻作 “Gotta Make It” ,请来名制作人/歌手一致指名钦点合作,并赞誉将嘻哈音乐传奇延续传陈下去之接班人的Twista饶舌助阵,动听度可不输近期红遍排行的Mario、 Frankie J等人之作品;充满律动感的 “OOO” ,有着卡位新世纪少男团体接班宝座B2K四人组合之单飞团员Omarion的 “O” 的音乐触感;当然喜爱听节奏蓝调抒情歌曲的你,千万别错过动人十足的 “Kinda Love” 、 “Hatin’ Love” 、 “I Gotta Go” 等迷人小品!藏着无限潜能的Trey Songz,将声音表情散发的淋漓尽致,被称为节奏蓝调界的维吉尼亚王子,准备展现与生俱来的天生好嗓之真本事!
  Trey Songz个人第二张专辑,邀请到Boyz II Men、Whitney Houston专辑制作大师Trey Taylor和R. Kelly等大师助阵操刀,节奏蓝调声韵轰轰作响。
  首周发行即空降美国专辑榜#11、发行第一周狂销7万3千张热门大碟!首支强打单曲<Wonder Woman>上榜首周美国Billboard榜#54。2005年的首张出道专辑《I Gotta Make It》之后,睽违乐坛2年所推出的个人第二张大碟《Trey Day》,天生好嗓音让他甫一出道即轻易地博得乐迷和音乐界的注目,再加上被「快嘴饶舌王」Twista钦点,在他个人空降全美流行专辑榜亚军大碟《The Day After明天过后》中的<Girl Tonite>一曲献声之后,ugg outlet online,让Trey Songz的知名度也随之上升,Twista爱才惜才,也在Trey的首支出道单曲<Gotta Make It>饶舌助阵。
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Vibram 5 FingerI bought the Sennheiser RS 130 Wireless Surround Sound Headphones for my husband last

I bought the Sennheiser RS 130 Wireless Surround Sound Headphones for my husband last Christmas and he totally loved them.

In case you are stuck trying to decide what to buy your guy this Christmas, I thought I would ask my husband to write a review of these top quality surround sound headphones.

My Husband Gary's Review Of The ...

I have to admit, I did NOT have my mind set on getting a pair of headphones for Christmas. But looking back I can see this is exactly what I wanted. It's almost like my wife knows me better than I do.

See, the reason these headphones are perfect for me and many other guys I know, is that I am a bit of a night owl. I'm really tired of my wife and kids griping at me to turn the TV down at night. And I want to watch ALL of my movies in surround sound!

Ever since I got my Sennheiser RS 130 Wireless Surround Sound Headphones, I have been using my receiver's headphone surround option and the headphones sound fantastic. I get a nice large sound stage that really takes you out of your head.

The fact that these headphones are wireless makes a HUGE difference. I can be listening to music or watching the news for example and go to the kitchen for a quick cup of coffee without taking off the headphones or losing any sound quality so I don't miss a thing,Vibram Shoes!

As you can see in the following picture, these headphones being wireless, come with a base receiver unit:


These headphones are wireless, so all I do is hook the receiver up with the TV and I can take the headphones out of the room and still get crystal clear sound.

I placed the base receiver unit behind my big screen and have the TV plugged into the base receiver. It only took a moment to make the proper adjustments and now I can hear crystal clear audio anywhere in and outside of my house. I haven't really tried to see just how far they will go, but I have a big corner yard and the sound remains very clear even to the edge of my yard.

What Do I NOT Like About These Headphones?

The only downside I have, and the very slight knock on these is that after you listen for a long time the headphones get a little hot around the earpieces. I am referring to the fabric, and not the electronics though. And, the cooler your room is the less noticeable this is.

Getting Back To The Good Stuff...

I have to say I totally love the open design. As long as I am not listening at full blast I can easily hear my wife or kids call me from the other room,Vibram 5 Finger, and can conduct conversations without having to take the headphones off.

So these headphones do NOT shut off sounds to a dangerous level where you wouldn't hear the fire alarm if it went off.

The battery life is also great, I have yet to come close to running the battery down,Moncler Jackets, even with using these headphones ALL DAY LONG.

Until a manufacturer produces an affordable wireless headphone solution with true Dolby Digital and DTS surround decoding these are the best your going to get -- And you will fall in love with these headphones and not want to ever give them up!

Over to Delilah

So,Coach Bags, judging by Gary's review, it seems that a pair of high quality surround sound headphones CAN be a good gift for your guy this Christmas, and having read all the reviews,ugg clearance uk, I can not think of any headphone better than the Sennheiser RS 130 Wireless Surround Sound Headphones.

Where Can You Get The Best Prices For These Headphones?

I had a good look around for these, and it seems that the cheapest prices are on where you get a HUGE 50% Discount and free shipping.


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UGG UKI was sitting in my hotel room when Scooter called me telling me to come to the venue where we

I was sitting in my hotel room when Scooter called me telling me to come to the venue where we were to perform at the very next day. He said that now that Justin was here he wanted us to finally meet and rehearse. While I was getting ready to go I wasn’t that nervous, but as I got closer and closer to the venue I started freaking out. So many things were going through my head like, ‘what if he doesn’t like me’ and ‘what if he is a total jerk’. I knew the last one wasn’t true but I wasn’t thinking rationally at this point.

I finally pulled up to the venue in the rental car Scooter got for me and could feel my legs shaking as I got out of the car. I was just seconds away from meeting my biggest inspiration, and the boy I’ve had a massive crush on since I was fifteen, ever since I heard his very first single ‘One Time’.

I walked inside and was greeted by Scooter who gave me a quick hug and began walking besides me,beats light blue, but all I was focused on was the boy on stage.

There he was, Justin Bieber. He was currently singing ‘Baby’ and clearly not paying attention,UGGs Clearance, so once we got to the stage Scooter cleared his throat and motioning for Justin to come down and talk to us. But before he did this Scooter turned to me and said,

“Just a little forewarning, he’s been really moody lately ever since Selena broke up with him, so try not to bring her up.”

I was in shock. I had heard rumors that they were going through a hard time, but had no idea that it was actually true. I guess they were trying to hide the situation, what with the tour starting and Selena’s new movie; they probably didn’t want any bad press for either of them.

Before I could say anything back,Louboutin Sale, Justin came down from the stage and stood in front of me and Scooter. I was locked in place, I couldn’t move a muscle. I just stood there and stared at him,Moncler Sale UK, and probably looked like an idiot doing it, but Justin did the same. He was staring at me too, and looked like he was trying to say something but couldn’t get the words out. I was finally brought back to reality by the sound of Scooter’s voice.

“Justin, this is ___. You two should probably start rehearsing now, we only have a couple hours tonight and a couple tomorrow morning. Get to know each other, practice, have fun. But not too much fun.” And with that, he was off.

Justin held his hand out for mine to shake, but I was still locked in my trance.

“Okay, uhm so we should start practicing huh?” Justin said confused.

“Oh, yeah, sure. . I’m sorry, I’m just a little nervous,” I slightly laughed and reached my hand out to shake, which he did. “I’m really excited for this tour.”

Once I finally spoke to him he seemed to lighten up a bit, “Me too.”

The next couple of hours went by great. Me and Justin were instant friends and got along together amazingly. I had no idea what Scooter was talking about; Justin didn’t seem moody at all. The entire time we were laughing and joking, and just having a blast. In fact, Scooter had to yell at us to get back to work a few times.

The whole time we were rehersing I kept seeing Justin stealing quick glances at me, while I did the same. I didn’t know what to think about it. In fact, I tried not to think about it at all. Knowing that he just got out of a long term relationship where he was clearly in love, made me wonder if he was just doing this as a rebound thing, which is why I tried to shake it off. But the key word there is tried, which I did not succeed at.

Once I got back to my hotel I couldn’t get Justin off my mind. He got my number at rehearsal and I was constantly checking my phone to see if he called, or even texted. But no such luck. That night I even dreamt of him. How was I supposed to deal with this constant distraction the entire tour? It definitely wasn’t healthy, which is why I needed to nip this in the bud,UGG UK, ASAP.

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25億ドルに達したアメリカ最大靴ネットを示し、その国際ブランドの中国の電子商取引の未来の発展。しかし、今話して一見楽な毕胜、最古とブランドメーカーの協力の中ではかなり苦しい。乐淘最古の協力のブランド5だけ、今は39、すべて1家の話して。";私の人と相談して過程の中で、相手は寝ました、まったく知らない私が何を言ってるのか。";毕胜と。事実上、インターネットのルートと伝統の小売チャネルの違いを多く見ていブランドの商前者の付加価値空間。はナイキを例にして、それの四半期が300項の新しい靴が、伝統的なマーケットのカウンターの上に、全体の華北地区に見ることができるあなたが一番180項の新型、また120項が華東、華中。しかし乐淘ネットは、時間と空間の制限を受けないで、消費者ができるだけ多くのスタイルを見る,Moncler Jackets。毕胜言って、違いは実物の売り場では、乐淘網はただないコーナー、ブランドメーカーができるだけ多くを入れてそのデザイン。例えば、ナイキの38コード婦人靴を買う人は少ないが、36コードの婦人靴を買うことが多いかもしれないが、そこで彼らは採用し";逆ピラミッド型の";&モード、コードを備えて何足、この項で売ってないと自動的に基づいて楽屋のオンラインシステムが捕り。この方面で、自分乐淘売上予測システムを開発した、相対的に正確に知っているこの番号ナイキ靴未来しばらくの時間内に、いくらで売る双。ナイキの方が乐淘による売上予測システムの結果のリストを、これで保証最速捕り、乐淘売却清率が保証100%。毕胜、乐淘の目標は靴を集中し、ある日望んで、バレエを踊るが買えないで適当靴の客も買って乐淘。彼にしてみれば、アメリカ最大のオンライン靴屋ZAPPOS約千靴ブランド、6万様々な靴で、乐淘今日までが39合作ブランド、近3000靴ZAPPOSとの差はかなりの。今の乐淘、まだ利益が、"まず基礎をしっかりと行って、大切なのは言う毕胜";。ブランドメーカー、代理店、デパート(いくら線線下)の三者の競合の空間の中で、よくは両端のブランドの商とマーケットし、収益の空間が大きくて、間のディーラーが難しいので、ディーラー在庫の問題を解決する必要があり。希望して乐淘年末には靴のスタイルが増え5000種、これは相当ブランド商助けを増やして"端末カウンター";、ネット上のカウンターに対して伝統的な形態の売り場は多くのコストと費用を節約する。投資の物語の三つ目の虎基金中国総経理と陈晓红、乐淘の靴の業務は、1年の時間の中で急速に成長し、しかし最も肝心なのは:この成長はほとんど投げない広告の前提の下で達する。乐淘の経営戦略、方向はすべてとても明らかで、急進はてきます;同時に乐淘内功練習が細かく、B2C分野で、ない乐淘こんなに落ち着いた。虎基金は全世界での電子商取引のレイアウトはたくさんの年、私たちはブラジル投資のnetshoesサイトはブラジル一極履物B2C。この轮2方新投資家に提供できる乐淘将来の発展を除いて多くの方面の援助資金ほか,Monster Diddy beats。久網(www.
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Create object privileges and the creation of the user of the object known to possess a mode of attention :create database object ( view ,form) of any user has a user name to the first mode ,and is regarded as the model two ,users create and modify user conditions: the need for a create user ,such as sys ,UGG Boots,system ,SYSDBA ,DBA role USER user IDENTIFIED syntax: CREATE {BY password EXTERNALLY GLOBALLY AS external name} DEFAULT TABLESPACE TEMPORARY TABLESPACE QUOTA {n { UNLIMITED } ON tablespace_name QUOTA {n { UNLIMITED } ON tablespace_name .
.. ACCOUNT {LOCK UNLOCK} PROFILE {profile_name DEFAULT} Eg CREATE USER Robinson IDENTIFIED :BY tiger ;DEFAULT TABLESPACE and TEMPORARY ,omitting the TABLESPACE ,by database_properties SQL > corresponding parameters ;SELECT property_name ,property_value FROM database_properties WHERE property_name LIKE PROPERTY_NAME PROPERTY_VALUE ;DEFAULT_TEMP_TABLESPACE TEMP DEFAULT_PERMANENT_TABLESPACE USERS DEFAULT_TBS_TYPE ------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- SMALLFILE more about the table space please refer to :1 alter user grammar with the create user ,saying just the keyword create replaced alter alter ,user can be modified except username of any attribute ALTER USER Robinson ACCOUNT LOCK ;2 modify password DBA can create and modify user password user can use the ALTER USER statement to modify the password SQL > ;ALTER Robinson IDENTIFIED BY newpassword ;DROP USER username 3 delete user: CASECADE along with the user-created object deleted ,if the user creates the object ,with CASCADE deleted, or delete do not lose another ,not delete current Being connected with the ORACLE server user .
4 the change of user dduyoung quota unlimited on :ALTER USER username QUOTA 0 ON system ;ALTER USER Scott QUOTA UNLIMITED ON USERS ;ALTER USER dog QUOTA 30M ON system ;5 view user tablespace quotas ( dba_ts_quotas ) : SQL > ;SELECT USERNAME ,TABLESPACE_NAME ,MAX_BYTES / 1024 / 1024 Max MB FROM dba_ts_quotas 2 WHERE USERNAME = SCOTT USERNAME TABLESPACE_NAME Max ;MB SCOTT SYSTEM 306 ------------------------------ -------------------------- view a specific object user objects using the dba_objects view SQL > ;SELECT owner ,object_name object_type FROM dba_objects ,Beats By Dre Headphones,WHERE owner = ;three ,ORACLE permissions : System :allows the user to perform a specific database actions ,such as create table ,create index ,connecting the instance object privileges :allows the user to manipulate some specific objects ,UGG Boots,such as read view ,can be Some of the columns ,update stored procedure is executed 1 system authority over one hundred kinds of effective authority ( SELECT * FROM SYSTEM_PRIVILEGE_MAP ) database administrator has advanced permissions to complete the tasks of management, for example :&ndash ;create user &ndash ;delete user delete table &ndash ;&ndash ;a backup table .
The commonly used system :CREATE SESSION create session CREATE SEQUENCE CREATE SYNONYM create synonym create sequence CREATE TABLE in user mode in CREATE ANY TABLE create table create any table DROP TABLE in user mode delete table DROP ANY TABLE in any mode delete table CREATE PROCEDURE EXECUTE ANY PROCEDURE to create a stored procedure to perform any pattern of the stored procedure CREATE USER create user DROP USER delete users of CREATE VIEW B user create view grant system privilege GRANT privilege privilege TO US ,.
.. Er role ,user ,PUBLIC... WITH ADMIN ;PUBLIC WITH ADMIN OPTION for all users so that users also has distribution rights rights ,can grant this permission to others to SQL > ;GRANT CREATE SESSION ,CREATE TABLE ,Moncler Outlet,CREATE USER TO Scott ;SQL > ;GRANT EXECUTE ANY PROCEDURE TO Scott WITH ADMIN OPTION ;SQL > ;CONN Scott ;WITH ADMIN OPTION - Scott has ,so they can be granted Robinson Enter password EXECUTE ANY PROCEDURE :Connected .
SQL > EXECUTE ANY PROCEDURE TO ;GRANT Robinson ;Grant succeeded .SQL > EXECUTE ANY PROCEDURE TO ;GRANT PUBLIC ;EXECUTE ANY PROCEDURE -- will be granted to all users of Grant succeeded SQL > ;CONN .
System / RedHat ;-- the use of system Robinson CREATE TABLE ,CREATE SESSION permissions granted Connected SQL > ;GRANT CREATE TABLE ,CREATE SESSION TO Robinson ;Grant succeeded .
C. With system privileges -- the use of Robinson has create session ,create table SQL > ;CREATE TABLE tb1 AS SELECT * FROM USER_TABLES ;- the following tips without permission in the users table space to create object CREATE TABLE tb1 AS SELECT * FROM USER_TABLES * ERROR at line 1 :ORA 01950 :no privileges on tablespace SQL > ;CONN sys as SYSDBA ;- - the use of sys account and Robinson in users tablespace quotas can create table tb1 Enter password :Connected .
SQL > ALTER USER Robinson QUOTA 10M ;ON USERS ;User altered .SQL > ;CONN Robinson / lion ;Connected SQL > .;CREATE TABLE tb1 AS SELECT * FROM USER_TABLES ;Table created .
D. Dba_sys_privs - view the system permissions for all users granted To the system permissions user_sys_privs -- in view of the current user system privileges granted by SQL > ;SELECT grantee ,privilege ,admin_option FROM dba_sys_privs 2 WHERE grantee IN ( , ) 3 ORDER BY grantee ;GRANTEE PRIVILEGE ADM ROBINSON CREATE SESSION ------------------------------ ---------------------------------------- - NO ROBINSON CREATE TABLE NO ROBINSON EXECUTE ANY PROCEDURE NO SCOTT CREATE PUBLIC SYNONYM NO SCOTT CREATE SESSION NO SCOTT CREATE SYNONYM NO SCOTT CREATE TABLE NO SCOTT CREATE USER NO SCOTT CREATE VIEW NO SCOTT EXECUTE ANY PROCEDURE YES SCOTT UNLIMITED TABLESPACE NO e REVOKE {privilege role recycling system } FROM {user_name role_name PUBLIC} - the following The examples do not recover from the original Scott robisnon EXECUTE ANY PROCEDURE granted permission SQL > ;REVOKE EXECUTE ANY PROCEDURE FROM Scott ;Revoke succeeded .
SQL > ;select grantee ,privilege ,admin_option from dba_sys_privs 2 where grantee in ( , ) and privilege = ANY PROCEDURE by grantee ;GRANTEE PRIVILEGE ADM ROBINSON EXECUTE ANY PROCEDURE ------------------------------ ---------------------------------------- - NO note: for the use of with admin option to grant a user system privileges ,so for the user is granted to the same access for all users, the user system privileges and not cascade cancel these users the same rights of 2 different objects with object privileges the different object object owner owns all the rights object owner can assign permissions to the ORACL outward E has a object permission object permission table view sequence process modification (Alter ) &radic ;&radic ;delete (delete) &radic ;&radic ;&radic ;implementation ( execute ) index ( index ) &radic ;insert (insert) &radic ;&radic ;&radic ;&radic Association ( references ) ;select ( select ) &radic ;&radic ;&radic ;update (update) &radic ;&radic ;a GRANT object_priv object ALL ( columns ) ON object TO {userrolePUBLIC } WITH GRANT ;ALL :PUBLIC :all object permissions granted to all users in WITH GRANT OPTION :allows the user to give other user authorization grant system privilege and B.
Granted permission on the object grammar differences :granted permission on the object when the need to specify the keyword ON ,so as to be able to determine permissions applied object .For tables and views can be specified columns to authorization .
- SQL > object example ;SHOW USER ;USER is SCOTT SQL > SELECT ON EMP TO ;GRANT Robinson ;Grant succeeded .SQL > ;GRANT UPDATE ( SAL ,Mgr ) ON EMP TO Robinson WITH GRANT OPTION ;Grant succeeded .
- create a user John ,use the Robinson account to update scott.emp ( SAL ,Mgr SQL > CREATE permissions ) ;USER John IDENTIFIED BY John ;User created .SQL > GRANT CREATE SESSION ;TO John ;Grant succeeded .
SQL > ;CONN ROBINSON / LION Connected .SQL > ;GRANT UPDATE ( SAL ,Mgr ) ON Scott .EMP TO John ;scott.emp ( SAL ,Mgr - grant the update permissions ) Grant succeeded .SQL > ;UPDATE Scott .
EMP SET Sal = Sal + 100 WHERE ename = SCOTT row updated updated successfully ;- 1 - to all users in the database .The assigning authority SQL > ;GRANT SELECT ON Dept TO PUBLIC ;Grant succeeded .
C query access distribution data dictionary view describes the ROLE_SYS_PRIVS role with system privileges ROLE_TAB_PRIVS role with object permissions granted out USER_TAB_PRIVS_MADE query object permissions ( usually belongs to the Lord himself .
) USER_TAB_PRIVS_RECD user object permissions USER_COL_PRIVS_MADE users distribution out of the column object permissions USER_COL_PRIVS_RECD users have of the column object permission USER_SYS_PRIVS user system privileges USER_TAB_PRIVS user object permissions USER_ROLE_PRIVS user role -- query has been delegated to the object (i.
e., a user on which tables to which users open object privileges ) SQL > ;SELECT * FROM user_tab_privs_made ;- the following is Scott user open object permission GRANTEE TABLE_NAME GRANTOR PRIVILEGE GRA HIE -------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------- -------------------- --- PUBLIC DEPT SCOTT SELECT NO NO ROBINSON EMP SCOTT SELECT NO NO -- Query column open object permission SQL > ;SELECT * FROM user_col_privs_made GRANTEE TABLE_NAME COLUMN_NAME GRANTOR PRIVILEGE ;GRA -------------------- -------------------- --------------------- -------------------- - ROBINSON EMP SAL SCOTT on the UPDATE YES JOHN EMP MGR ROBINSON UPDATE NO ROBINSON EMP MGR SCOTT UPDATE YES JOHN EMP SAL ROBINSON UPDATE NO - a query has to accept the object privilege (i.
e.,Coach Bags, a user is given which tables on which object privilege ) SQL > ;SELECT * FROM user_tab_privs_recd OWNER TABLE_NAME GRANTOR PRIVILEGE GRA ;HIE -------------------- - - - - - - - ------------- ------------------------------ -------------------- --- SCOTT EMP SCOTT SELECT NO NO -- query the user has to receive the column object permissions, SQL > ;SELECT * FROM user_col_privs_recd OWNER TABLE_NAME COLUMN_NAME GRANTOR PRIVILEGE ;GRA -------------------- this ---------------- -------------------- -------------------- - SCOTT EMP MGR SCOTT UPDATE YES SCOTT EMP SAL SCOTT UPDATE YES D.
To recover the object using the REVOKE statement to recover the permission to use the WITH the GRANT OPTION clause assigned permissions were also recovered REVOKE {privilege privilege ALL } ,.
.. ON object FROM {user user rolePUBLIC } ,... ;CASCADE CONSTRAINTS for processing the referential integrity to recover authority example SQL > ;conn Scott / tiger ;Connected SQL > ;REVOKE .
SELECT ON EMP FROM Robinson ;Revoke succeeded .SQL > ;REVOKE UPDATE ( SAL ,Mgr ) ON EMP FROM Robinson ;- a note here the tip revoke is the entire table, rather than a column of REVOKE UPDATE ( SAL ,Mgr ) ON EMP FROM Robinson * ERROR at line 1 :ORA 01750 :UPDATE / REFERENCES may only be REVOKEd from the whole table ,not by column SQL > ;REVOKE UPDATE ON EMP FROM Robinson ;Revoke succeeded .
- user Robinson update permissions are revoke ,was given permission to cascade John have also been recovered ,the following tips - table ,view does not exist ,user_col_privs_recd SQL > CONN recorded ;John / John ;Connected .
SQL > ;UPDATE Scott .EMP SET Sal = Sal 100 WHERE ename = Scott EMP SET ;UPDATE .Sal = Sal 100 WHERE ename = SCOTT ERROR at line 1 :ORA - 00942 :Table or view does not exist SQL > ;SELECT * FROM user_col_privs_recd ;no rows selected note: if the cancellation of a user object privileges ,for the users to use with grant option grant other users in the same permissions ,cascading delete the user permissions e.
Other check DBA user select * from dba_role_privs where granted_role = DBA ;see user system privileges :SELECT * FROM session_privs ;four ,sum 1 using create user create user ,alter user alter user ,its syntax roughly the same drop user username will delete the user has all the objects and data of 2 system allows the user to perform specific operations in the database the DDL statement is executed ,such as .
With admin option so that the user has their own access permissions to other users of the function but revoke system privilege ,not from other accounts of cascaded cancellation was awarded the same permissions 3 object allows a user to database objects to perform specific operations ,such as the execution of the DML statement .
With grant option makes the user has their own access to the object permissions to other users of the function but recovered object permission ,from other accounts of cascaded cancellation
was awarded the same permissions permissions permissions are granted 4 system with the object when the object grammar differences for permission to use the ON object_name clause 5 PUBLIC
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3.1 SR5 version in order to assist the first time to catch the error message from IBM JDK ,V1.3.1 SR5 ( 131-20030618 ) version, when the Java stack space is exhausted when the system will automatically generate heapdumps and javacores .
If you want the Java heap space depletion does not automatically generate heapdumps and javacores ,please follow the following steps : for the WAS 4.0.x: 1 find < ;WAS_HOME> ;bin / startupServer.
sh ( . Bat ) file ,which the < ;WAS_HOME> ;WAS installation directory 2 use a text editor to open the document ,and the document top 2 :add the following line of Unix platform :export IBM_HEAPDUMP_OUTOFMEMORY = false export IBM_JAVADUMP_OUTOFMEMORY = false set IBM_HEAPDUMP_OUTOFMEMORY = false Window platform :set IBM_JAVADUMP_OUTOFMEMORY = false 3 save and close the file ,restart the WAS for WAS 5.
0.x or 5.1.x: 1 open the management console ,select the server application server :> ;> ;the need to change the server the name > > ;process definition ;environment 2 new entries follows 2 entries :Name Value IBM_HEAPDUMP_OUTOFMEMORY false IBM_JAVADUMP_OUTOFMEMORY false 3 to save configuration changes ,Vibram FiveFingers,restart WAS two IBM Java SDK 1.
4.2 SR5 Java SDK 1.4.2 SR5 from the start ,on the generation of heapdump and javacore ,introduced a new character to To avoid the system automatically generates heapdump and javacore caused by operating system file system space is exhausted ,so in the Java SDK 1.
4.2 SR5 and later versions, when using kill - 3 also will not produce heapdump and javacore files .This new feature allows set options to control the java process in the received signals corresponding to the most number of heapdump and javacore files generated .
To use this new characteristic ,needs first in operating system environment settings for the following variables: export JAVA_DUMP_OPTS = " ;ONANYSIGNAL ( JAVADUMP ,Moncler Women Vest,HEAPDUMP " ) ;wherein ,n is the largest javacore generated number ,M is the largest heapdump generated number .
In the setting of the variable, java process received in the kill - 3 ( or other signal ) will generate heapdump and javacore files ,the maximum number of files are respectively equal to the option in the M and N values,Moncler Online, based on the actual needs of setting the M and N values .
For example :before restarting WebSphere ,set the following environmental variables :export JAVA_DUMP_OPTS = " ;ONANYSIGNAL ( JAVADUMP ,HEAPDUMP " ) ;the corresponding to the received signals, the greatest generation 5 heapdump and javacore ,later will not generate heapdump and javacore files .
Note: if you set the IBM_heapdump = true variables ,will generate an additional heapdump file ,heapdump file will be n+1 ,SDK 1.4.2 SR7 in Java will avoid this situation .If the above 2 methods can not solve ,the following 2 suggestions for 1 IBM official website inquiries whether there are other solutions ,the following is the URL 2 add hardware memory operand or modify the code .
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.But to the administrator is, try to put this experience frustration control within certain acceptable management predictable degree, and inform the user.Apple: Apple support system with the 10.5 release, the system with Migration Assistant program, he can help end users to conveniently system upgrade.
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To the administrator, according to their own environment and requirements, one-time make migration strategy and then setting workflow automation (of course, the daily maintenance and update strategy and process or to do), let the system complete all their migration steps.
Current status: now, I saw the Rangers are based on their own corporate environment, or let the users themselves migration, or provide limited migration of guarantee, or users share transfer responsibility, just in terms of quality and service to make some compromise.
A mature and practical system, is the enterprise environment needs, but also in Mac system is widely accepted today and in the future will cause more attention and attention.Today to write these,Monster Headphones, later update.
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Dr Dre BeatsChapter 16-Getting To Know A Vampire

Chapter 16-Getting To Know A Vampire

Marissa’s Point of View:

I woke up in my bed, fully dressed in my pyjamas with Xabi next to me. He was lying there in a tight fitting top and some blue jeans. “Hey.” I managed to croak out. He moved slightly closer to me and squeezed my hand a little bit. “Hey.” He replied.

“I’m sorry, you were right.”

“I’m sorry? Did I just hear you right? Did you just say that I was right?” He joked.

“Don’t rub it in.” I paused. “But seriously, you were right. I may be the Killer, the Destroyer, whatever, but I do need some help from time to time and I have trouble admitting that.”

“You’re only saying all this because you’re weak. When you get back to full strength you’ll be walking around saying stuff like: I’m the Killer, I work alone, go away Xabi, move your ass before I kill you!” I laugh at what he says and after I finally stop,Moncler Jackets, we sort of look into one another’s eyes. He slowly and gently moves his hand up my arm and rests it on my shoulder.

We then lean in, but at the last moment we sort of move away from each other immediately. And he goes back to just holding my hand. He lightly strokes the top of it with his thumb, just the most tender touch. “So do you think I’m stuck here for most of the day?” I wondered.

“You did sort of nearly have your heart ripped out from the stomach, it’s best to take it easy.” There was silence as the terrifying memory of what happened returned to our minds. So Xabi gripped my other hand, gave it yet another squeeze and said: “In that case, I’m going to stay with you.”

“Why? I’ve been a complete ass to you.”

“Not a complete ass…”

“I’ve stabbed you.”

“I’m sure I’ve done worse to your kind.”

“What sort of things did you do?” I wondered.

“I don’t know if you’re ready to know that.”

“Look, after everything that’s happened were sort of becoming friends and I want to know about your past Xabi.”

He stared at me for a long time in worry, he didn’t know what to say to that. In the end it was obvious he was going to give in, I could tell about the way he was thinking. “I know you’ve killed people like me before, I’d like to know about it.”

“Ok, I’ve killed several girls like you before, but I’ll tell you about the worse time of my life, because it’s me at my worse. There’s nothing I’ve ever done so awful in my life. If you’re able to get past that and still be my friend I’d be very grateful.”

“We can give it a go.” I replied and I saw him getting red, taking a deep breath and just like that he started to speak…

1601-Xabi’s Point of View:

I treaded through the streets of London, hungry for blood, it hadn’t been long since I’d been turned into a blood sucking fiend. A Vampire. I tried to fight it, but everywhere I went the stench of blood followed me. Followed me like alcohol follows an alcoholic. There were women in beautiful long dresses, only just about showing a bit of neck. I imagined my mouth meeting with their neck and then my fangs would sink it to it. Oh, what a lovely feeling it would be to take some blood!

The veins in people’s necks pounded as if there was no tomorrow, but I eventually made it into my home. My family home. My family hadn’t noticed the change in me, the monster in me waiting to be let loose, so when I knocked on the door. They invited me in. Invited me because they thought I was being polite, little did they know that back then I couldn’t take that all important step over the threshold unless they‘d invited me in. I smiled at my Sister and at my Brother, then took a seat next to them. In hope it would get my mind off everything.

Unfortunately, it did anything but that. “Brother, why are you out so very late these days?”

“I apologise, I was preoccupied. How are you Sister?”

“I’m content that you have returned.”

“Yeah.” I replied and stared at her neck, it didn’t matter that she was younger than me, that she cared about me. The bloodlust was starting to take over.

There was no way I could leave now, all I wanted was the blood. So my legs carried me over to the door, where I locked it, so no one could escape from me. And after locking the door, I walked into the other room, where my Mum and Dad were cooking. My Father was the first to go, after all the times he’d hit me in my life. I just ran up to him and drained him of his blood. “You are the Devil!” My Mum yelled at me and so I killed her too. I immediately stopped draining my Father, shoved him to the ground and bit my Mum’s neck. Crimson liquid ran from her neck, all the way down to her shoulder and I didn’t miss an inch.

As I stopped my Brother and Sister were at the kitchen door looking at me in disbelief. “Run.” I warned them and they did exactly that, only I was too fast and used my fast Vampire skill and broke their necks. Bones broke beneath my claws and I saw the look of dread on their faces. Before their hearts stopped beating. Dead.

I’d killed my whole family and all that was left to do was live my life…

My legs carried me through the dark, dimly-lit streets of London. People passing by would look at me in shock, there was blood on my face and I was more than happy to show it. In fact, I wanted everyone to fear me. I saw more pretty girls walk by in long dresses. They caught my eye immediately, so I walked over to one of them and just sunk my fangs into her,Cheap Coach Bags, she died in my arms from the amount of blood I drained from her. I dropped her to the floor grinning. Even more people would look my way now, but were too frightened to say a word. Others couldn’t even look at me they just scuttled forward with their children, trying to get past me.

There were the odd few people that would shout: “Monster!” at me. And guess what? I killed them too. What right do they have to judge? Everyone sins in their life, judging someone else is basically a sin, so killing them was their punishment. Afterwards I just walked into an alleyway and sat down on a bin, content with the life I was leading. And the crazy thing was it had only just begun.

However, little did I know was that I’d been followed. There at the end of the alleyway was a girl. A short girl, very young, not much older than the age of 20. “Maybe you should change your diet.” She warned me.

“I quite like my diet.” I smirked menacingly at her and stepped down from the bin and looked her way. She stared at me for a long period of time, before slowly walking towards me. “Look honey, maybe you should go home before this ends badly.”

“Oh, I intend on it ending badly.” She paused. “Just for you though.”

“You’re a cocky little thing, aren’t you?” By now there was a small space between us. “Ok, how about…” I began, but before my sentence could finish, her fist collided with my face and I slammed down on the concrete. If there’s one thing you don’t want to break your fall, concrete would be it,Dr Dre Beats, it hurts. I open my eyes and see she’s got a knife in her hand, so I quickly roll out the way, before jumping up in the air and kick her in the face.

She barely moves from that and I start to realise that killing this girl could be quite difficult. I attempted to punch her, but she’d dodge it. I’d try to kick her, she’d move out the way. Suddenly, my speed wasn’t enough. And tonight was the night I believed I’d die. She was too strong, too quick. Five minutes of the fight hadn’t passed, yet she managed to stab me in my arm, scrape the knife across my face. Finally, she managed to plunge the knife deep into my stomach before pulling it out again. I was starting to feel queasy.

The fight was in her hands, I’d never win. Any moment, the knife would go straight for my heart and I’d be dust before her eyes. She went to stab me in the heart but I caught her by the wrist and tried to pull the knife that’s mere inches from my heart away from me. However, she was pushing forward and any moment she’d win this.

As if faith would have it though a little girl appeared in the alleyway. She was probably about five years old. “Mum?!” She called out. Suddenly this girl stopped. “Claudia run!” She yelled and that’s when I saw the connection, Mother and Daughter. The girl, Claudia continued to stay and watch, which meant her Mother was distracted. I pulled the knife away from me and then plunged the knife into the girl’s stomach. Her eyes widened as she looked at me and then she stared at her Daughter. I grabbed this woman’s neck and sunk my fangs in.

Never in my life had I tasted such sweet blood, admittedly I’d not been alive for long as a Vampire, but this… My God. Suddenly I felt all my wounds healing with ease. There was this new found strength, it felt as though I could take on the world. I drained her dry, not missing a drop of blood, something tells me I’ll need this strength when I meet someone else like her. I threw her to the ground and turned to her Daughter.

My legs carried me to this young girl and I smiled at her. If she was that woman’s Daughter, her blood would be delicious and just as I was about to drain her, I thought of something better. “Hello, little girl.” She stayed quiet, just staring at me with this saddened face, tears in her eyes. “How would you like to become more powerful than you could ever imagine?” She furrowed her eyebrows and just like that I took some of her blood. She didn’t scream, she just breathed a little heavier. We exchanged blood, I snapped her neck and moments later she’d awoken.

It would be a revolutionary how powerful this girl could be, a strong Mother like hers, being sired by me. She gazed into my eyes for a moment in confusion. “What…” She began.

“It’s ok.” I paused. “How would you like to travel the world with me? We can do whatever we want? Kill whoever we want? We can be anything.” She stared at me for a moment, before head butting me. She stared daggers at me. “No!” She screamed. “You let me watch you whilst you killed my Mother!” She paused. “I’m gone and you better watch your back, because next time I see you, you’re dead!”

The next thing I know she was gone, my plan hadn’t gone according to what I‘d hoped for. I had hoped this girl would grow to be my friend. We’d be a team, but obviously not. From then on, I worked alone…

Present day-Marissa’s Point of View:

Xabi looked at me. “The younger someone is turned the quicker they’ll grow up. That girl would’ve been 18 in just a year and that would be the time she’d slow down with the age like the rest of us. She’s more intelligent than most, more intelligent than me. With a Mother like hers and being sired by me, she’ll be stronger than most. So next time we meet, let’s just say she could kick my ass.”

I was quiet, I was in a state of shock. Xabi looked down for a long moment, before looking back at me. “Say something.”

“What do you want me to say?” I asked.

“I thought you wanted me to explain this. I thought we’d be cool after I told you this.”

“Cool?! You killed your family! You killed someone’s Mother, you took that little girl’s life away and because of you she’s going to be a Monster. And you tell me this story thinking it’s the ticket to us being friends?”

“You wanted to know the truth, you basically told me that you knew what I was like, that it didn’t matter! But it obviously does, which is why you’re reacting this way!”

“When I asked you to tell me, I never thought that it’d be that bad. I never thought that you’d have no remorse about what you did.”

“No remorse?! Every night I just about to manage to go to sleep, I dream of all the bad things I’ve done! I know what I’ve done is bad, but I just need a chance, I need a friend. Marissa, I saved you, I care about you, please don’t turn your back on that! I’m begging you.”

“Get out Xabi.”


“Get out, just get out! I don’t want to see you again! Just leave me alone!”

“Marissa, you don’t mean that.”

“Try me.” I replied.

He was silent for a long moment, but then said: “Ok.” He got out of the bed, pulled his shoes on and walked over to my bedroom door, before turning back to me. “Marissa, I’ve changed, I’ve really changed, it wasn’t easy becoming what I am now, but I did it. We all have things in our past which we regret, which were ashamed of, don’t tell me you’ve never done anything awful.” He paused. “When you feel like trusting me again you know where I’ll be.”

Just like that he left my room. Followed by me hearing the front door slamming. Moments later Lukas walked into my room and sat on the edge of my bed. Where I just lay back down after sitting down for so long. Lukas gazed at me. “Are you ok? I heard you and Xabi arguing.”

“It’s nothing.”

“Are you sure?” He wondered, I didn’t answer. Lukas climbed into bed with me and moved his arms around me. “It’s just why do people have to have a past and lie about things and…” I sighed.

“What’s wrong?”

“Xabi killed people when he was just turned.”

“You already knew that. He never lied about it.”

“I just wish people didn’t have this different persona. I wish they wouldn’t lie about things and I don’t know…” I mumbled.

Just then Lukas put one hand behind my head and then leaned in closer and pressed his lips to mine. I pulled away from him immediately. “Lukas, what are you doing?”

“You wish people wouldn’t lie, you wish they didn’t have these different personas, well, I’m telling you everything.”

“Wait, what?”

“Don’t you get it?” He asked. “I’m in love with you, I always have been, ever since the first time we went out, but you don’t seem to notice. I’m the only one that knows all about you and…”

“Wow, Lukas just stop.”


“Because, I just… I can’t… I…”

“Wait, before we get to this part there’s something I need to show you.”

“Look, whatever you’ve got to show me, I don’t want to know, it just…”

“It’s not what you think.” He responded and sat up in the bed and coughed, the next thing I know, he’s turned blue. He’s… He’s a Demon. “Lukas, you’re a… You’re a…”

“I’m half Demon, half human. Pretty nifty, huh?”

“So, let me get this straight. Today I tell you about how I’m fed up with all these personas and lies and not only do you tell me you’ve been in love with me for years, you’re half Demon too. Did you really not get that this wasn’t a very good time to share these things with me?”


“No. I don’t date Demons,UGG Sale UK, I don’t like supernatural things. They’re evil… They’re…”

“Marissa, the fact you think I’m evil, what does that say about you? I’ve never killed anyone in my life and you say you don’t like supernatural things, but isn’t what you are, the Killer, isn’t that supernatural?”


“I’ll tell you what. I’ll just leave, since you obviously don’t want me near you.”


“Just piss off Marissa!” He shouted and soon left the house.

Everyone seemed to be walking away from me today and I was fed up and still in a little pain after yesterday. However, I wasn’t in the mood for feeling sorry for myself, I got changed and hid a knife up my sleeve, before walking downstairs and opening the front door. And when I did, there was Pepe and David, David had his fist raised in the air, ready to knock, but didn’t as I was quick to open the door. “Marissa, sis!” David laughs. “Can I come in?”

“Sure.” I responded and both Pepe and David walked in and sat down in the front room. “So, guess what?” David asked.


“Xabi likes you, he wants to spend more time with you, I told him to ask you out very soon.”

“I don’t like Xabi in that way. I’m sorry David.”

“Shut up Marissa, I’m not stupid, even I can tell you’re pretending to not like him for some reason, when deep down you know you do.” He paused. “Anyway, where did you get those cuts and bruises from?”

“I’m sorry?”

“Your hands. Your face, your neck. What’s been going on?”



“David, I’ve just been boxing, it seems fun.”

“Well,Moncler Shop, maybe you should stop.”

“No, I’m pretty good.”

“Really, I bet you can’t beat me.”

He laughed and I sighed and just stood up at the same time as him and I started boxing with him. He tried to punch me a few times, but I kept dodging him so much that he couldn’t get a hit on me. At first he was being nice and giving me a chance, but as time went by he was getting aggravated and was trying to land a punch on me. I kept dodging, but then landed three punches on him and then carefully flipped him over my back. I made sure he landed on the ground safely and quite gently before sitting back down on the sofa.

For a few moments he just lay there before getting up. He looked my way. “That last move wasn’t boxing.”

“And, you needed to get out of that boxing match.”

“Sure…” He paused. “Look, I’ll talk to you soon, I’ve got to move some boxes, so I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Ok.” I smiled and David left, leaving just me and Pepe in my front room together.

It was no surprise that my crush on Pepe was still going on and in that moment, I decided to do something about it. We were already on the same sofa, so I turned to him and said: “Pepe, can I talk to you?”

“Sure.” He replied.

“Well, for a while now I’ve sort of liked you. I like you a lot even and I was wondering if you’d go out with me.”

“Oh… Wow.” He paused. “Look, you’re a great girl, very pretty and nice, but no.”

“Why? We get on well enough and we see each other a lot.”

“That’s true, but you’re my best mate’s younger Sister and I’m not going to go there. Also, if Xabi likes you as much as David says he does then I’m not going to go out with you because that’s not fair on my friend.”

“Stuff Xabi. Nothing is ever going to happen there.”

“Maybe so, but it’s still a no.” He said and I sensed things were getting awkward, but I needed more answers. Partly because I was having trouble taking no for an answer. “Will I ever have a chance with you?”

“Maybe in a world where I wasn’t best mates with your Brother and Xabi didn’t like you in that way and in one where I wasn’t in love with someone else.”

“Oh… I see… Who is she?”

“Her name is Yolanda. And I know, someday I’m going to marry that girl.”

Suddenly my eyes started filling with tears unexpectedly. “I’m sorry.” I told him. “This isn’t because of rejection, it’s just the past few days a lot’s just happened and this is just the cherry on top of all that.”

“Hey, don’t cry. You’re a great girl and any guy would be lucky to have you.” He moved his arms around me and smiled. “Look, here’s my advice, go and find Xabi. Talk to him. You may find that you like him too.” When he said that, I attempted to catch him by surprise, to move in and kiss him, but Pepe pulled away quickly. “I’m sorry Marissa, no means no.” He said and got up. “I should go.” He left the house, just like everyone else today.

And when he was gone, the first thing I did was go to the cemetery, waiting for any ugly monsters to come out, I really needed to kill something. However, for once in my life the cemetery seemed deserted, but despite that I waited…

Xabi’s Point of View:

I returned home annoyed with how the days events had gone. I’d gone and lost the one person I care about. My hands took hold of my coat and I hanged it on the hanger, before taking the picture of Marissa out of my pocket. I sort of swiped it off one of her shelves when she weren’t looking. I looked at it for a long time and was wondering how things got ruined between us. How did we come to this? Stupid past.

Carefully I placed the picture back down and grabbed hold of my shirt and pulled it off then threw it on the sofa in the front room before lying down on the sofa. Her scent was still on me and it made me annoyed at how much I’d ruined things. Why couldn’t I have told her a much more tame story of my life? I had to tell her the worst thing possible. Despite the fact she was annoyed with me I grabbed my mobile and called her, in hope that she would answer, but within moments of ringing she obviously pressed the reject button.

It was at this point that I realised she was still mad, well, what else should I have expected? So the plan was to confront her, I couldn’t let what had happened between us carry on, so I got up immediately, not caring that I was shirtless. I was just about to use my skill to run and find her, when I felt something sharp in my back. I glance behind me and saw arrows in my back. I turned behind me to see who had shot them and it was then that I saw who it was. “Father?!” I asked shocked before collapsing.

And as the old saying goes, everything went black…

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