
Dr Dre BeatsChapter 16-Getting To Know A Vampire

Chapter 16-Getting To Know A Vampire

Marissa’s Point of View:

I woke up in my bed, fully dressed in my pyjamas with Xabi next to me. He was lying there in a tight fitting top and some blue jeans. “Hey.” I managed to croak out. He moved slightly closer to me and squeezed my hand a little bit. “Hey.” He replied.

“I’m sorry, you were right.”

“I’m sorry? Did I just hear you right? Did you just say that I was right?” He joked.

“Don’t rub it in.” I paused. “But seriously, you were right. I may be the Killer, the Destroyer, whatever, but I do need some help from time to time and I have trouble admitting that.”

“You’re only saying all this because you’re weak. When you get back to full strength you’ll be walking around saying stuff like: I’m the Killer, I work alone, go away Xabi, move your ass before I kill you!” I laugh at what he says and after I finally stop,Moncler Jackets, we sort of look into one another’s eyes. He slowly and gently moves his hand up my arm and rests it on my shoulder.

We then lean in, but at the last moment we sort of move away from each other immediately. And he goes back to just holding my hand. He lightly strokes the top of it with his thumb, just the most tender touch. “So do you think I’m stuck here for most of the day?” I wondered.

“You did sort of nearly have your heart ripped out from the stomach, it’s best to take it easy.” There was silence as the terrifying memory of what happened returned to our minds. So Xabi gripped my other hand, gave it yet another squeeze and said: “In that case, I’m going to stay with you.”

“Why? I’ve been a complete ass to you.”

“Not a complete ass…”

“I’ve stabbed you.”

“I’m sure I’ve done worse to your kind.”

“What sort of things did you do?” I wondered.

“I don’t know if you’re ready to know that.”

“Look, after everything that’s happened were sort of becoming friends and I want to know about your past Xabi.”

He stared at me for a long time in worry, he didn’t know what to say to that. In the end it was obvious he was going to give in, I could tell about the way he was thinking. “I know you’ve killed people like me before, I’d like to know about it.”

“Ok, I’ve killed several girls like you before, but I’ll tell you about the worse time of my life, because it’s me at my worse. There’s nothing I’ve ever done so awful in my life. If you’re able to get past that and still be my friend I’d be very grateful.”

“We can give it a go.” I replied and I saw him getting red, taking a deep breath and just like that he started to speak…

1601-Xabi’s Point of View:

I treaded through the streets of London, hungry for blood, it hadn’t been long since I’d been turned into a blood sucking fiend. A Vampire. I tried to fight it, but everywhere I went the stench of blood followed me. Followed me like alcohol follows an alcoholic. There were women in beautiful long dresses, only just about showing a bit of neck. I imagined my mouth meeting with their neck and then my fangs would sink it to it. Oh, what a lovely feeling it would be to take some blood!

The veins in people’s necks pounded as if there was no tomorrow, but I eventually made it into my home. My family home. My family hadn’t noticed the change in me, the monster in me waiting to be let loose, so when I knocked on the door. They invited me in. Invited me because they thought I was being polite, little did they know that back then I couldn’t take that all important step over the threshold unless they‘d invited me in. I smiled at my Sister and at my Brother, then took a seat next to them. In hope it would get my mind off everything.

Unfortunately, it did anything but that. “Brother, why are you out so very late these days?”

“I apologise, I was preoccupied. How are you Sister?”

“I’m content that you have returned.”

“Yeah.” I replied and stared at her neck, it didn’t matter that she was younger than me, that she cared about me. The bloodlust was starting to take over.

There was no way I could leave now, all I wanted was the blood. So my legs carried me over to the door, where I locked it, so no one could escape from me. And after locking the door, I walked into the other room, where my Mum and Dad were cooking. My Father was the first to go, after all the times he’d hit me in my life. I just ran up to him and drained him of his blood. “You are the Devil!” My Mum yelled at me and so I killed her too. I immediately stopped draining my Father, shoved him to the ground and bit my Mum’s neck. Crimson liquid ran from her neck, all the way down to her shoulder and I didn’t miss an inch.

As I stopped my Brother and Sister were at the kitchen door looking at me in disbelief. “Run.” I warned them and they did exactly that, only I was too fast and used my fast Vampire skill and broke their necks. Bones broke beneath my claws and I saw the look of dread on their faces. Before their hearts stopped beating. Dead.

I’d killed my whole family and all that was left to do was live my life…

My legs carried me through the dark, dimly-lit streets of London. People passing by would look at me in shock, there was blood on my face and I was more than happy to show it. In fact, I wanted everyone to fear me. I saw more pretty girls walk by in long dresses. They caught my eye immediately, so I walked over to one of them and just sunk my fangs into her,Cheap Coach Bags, she died in my arms from the amount of blood I drained from her. I dropped her to the floor grinning. Even more people would look my way now, but were too frightened to say a word. Others couldn’t even look at me they just scuttled forward with their children, trying to get past me.

There were the odd few people that would shout: “Monster!” at me. And guess what? I killed them too. What right do they have to judge? Everyone sins in their life, judging someone else is basically a sin, so killing them was their punishment. Afterwards I just walked into an alleyway and sat down on a bin, content with the life I was leading. And the crazy thing was it had only just begun.

However, little did I know was that I’d been followed. There at the end of the alleyway was a girl. A short girl, very young, not much older than the age of 20. “Maybe you should change your diet.” She warned me.

“I quite like my diet.” I smirked menacingly at her and stepped down from the bin and looked her way. She stared at me for a long period of time, before slowly walking towards me. “Look honey, maybe you should go home before this ends badly.”

“Oh, I intend on it ending badly.” She paused. “Just for you though.”

“You’re a cocky little thing, aren’t you?” By now there was a small space between us. “Ok, how about…” I began, but before my sentence could finish, her fist collided with my face and I slammed down on the concrete. If there’s one thing you don’t want to break your fall, concrete would be it,Dr Dre Beats, it hurts. I open my eyes and see she’s got a knife in her hand, so I quickly roll out the way, before jumping up in the air and kick her in the face.

She barely moves from that and I start to realise that killing this girl could be quite difficult. I attempted to punch her, but she’d dodge it. I’d try to kick her, she’d move out the way. Suddenly, my speed wasn’t enough. And tonight was the night I believed I’d die. She was too strong, too quick. Five minutes of the fight hadn’t passed, yet she managed to stab me in my arm, scrape the knife across my face. Finally, she managed to plunge the knife deep into my stomach before pulling it out again. I was starting to feel queasy.

The fight was in her hands, I’d never win. Any moment, the knife would go straight for my heart and I’d be dust before her eyes. She went to stab me in the heart but I caught her by the wrist and tried to pull the knife that’s mere inches from my heart away from me. However, she was pushing forward and any moment she’d win this.

As if faith would have it though a little girl appeared in the alleyway. She was probably about five years old. “Mum?!” She called out. Suddenly this girl stopped. “Claudia run!” She yelled and that’s when I saw the connection, Mother and Daughter. The girl, Claudia continued to stay and watch, which meant her Mother was distracted. I pulled the knife away from me and then plunged the knife into the girl’s stomach. Her eyes widened as she looked at me and then she stared at her Daughter. I grabbed this woman’s neck and sunk my fangs in.

Never in my life had I tasted such sweet blood, admittedly I’d not been alive for long as a Vampire, but this… My God. Suddenly I felt all my wounds healing with ease. There was this new found strength, it felt as though I could take on the world. I drained her dry, not missing a drop of blood, something tells me I’ll need this strength when I meet someone else like her. I threw her to the ground and turned to her Daughter.

My legs carried me to this young girl and I smiled at her. If she was that woman’s Daughter, her blood would be delicious and just as I was about to drain her, I thought of something better. “Hello, little girl.” She stayed quiet, just staring at me with this saddened face, tears in her eyes. “How would you like to become more powerful than you could ever imagine?” She furrowed her eyebrows and just like that I took some of her blood. She didn’t scream, she just breathed a little heavier. We exchanged blood, I snapped her neck and moments later she’d awoken.

It would be a revolutionary how powerful this girl could be, a strong Mother like hers, being sired by me. She gazed into my eyes for a moment in confusion. “What…” She began.

“It’s ok.” I paused. “How would you like to travel the world with me? We can do whatever we want? Kill whoever we want? We can be anything.” She stared at me for a moment, before head butting me. She stared daggers at me. “No!” She screamed. “You let me watch you whilst you killed my Mother!” She paused. “I’m gone and you better watch your back, because next time I see you, you’re dead!”

The next thing I know she was gone, my plan hadn’t gone according to what I‘d hoped for. I had hoped this girl would grow to be my friend. We’d be a team, but obviously not. From then on, I worked alone…

Present day-Marissa’s Point of View:

Xabi looked at me. “The younger someone is turned the quicker they’ll grow up. That girl would’ve been 18 in just a year and that would be the time she’d slow down with the age like the rest of us. She’s more intelligent than most, more intelligent than me. With a Mother like hers and being sired by me, she’ll be stronger than most. So next time we meet, let’s just say she could kick my ass.”

I was quiet, I was in a state of shock. Xabi looked down for a long moment, before looking back at me. “Say something.”

“What do you want me to say?” I asked.

“I thought you wanted me to explain this. I thought we’d be cool after I told you this.”

“Cool?! You killed your family! You killed someone’s Mother, you took that little girl’s life away and because of you she’s going to be a Monster. And you tell me this story thinking it’s the ticket to us being friends?”

“You wanted to know the truth, you basically told me that you knew what I was like, that it didn’t matter! But it obviously does, which is why you’re reacting this way!”

“When I asked you to tell me, I never thought that it’d be that bad. I never thought that you’d have no remorse about what you did.”

“No remorse?! Every night I just about to manage to go to sleep, I dream of all the bad things I’ve done! I know what I’ve done is bad, but I just need a chance, I need a friend. Marissa, I saved you, I care about you, please don’t turn your back on that! I’m begging you.”

“Get out Xabi.”


“Get out, just get out! I don’t want to see you again! Just leave me alone!”

“Marissa, you don’t mean that.”

“Try me.” I replied.

He was silent for a long moment, but then said: “Ok.” He got out of the bed, pulled his shoes on and walked over to my bedroom door, before turning back to me. “Marissa, I’ve changed, I’ve really changed, it wasn’t easy becoming what I am now, but I did it. We all have things in our past which we regret, which were ashamed of, don’t tell me you’ve never done anything awful.” He paused. “When you feel like trusting me again you know where I’ll be.”

Just like that he left my room. Followed by me hearing the front door slamming. Moments later Lukas walked into my room and sat on the edge of my bed. Where I just lay back down after sitting down for so long. Lukas gazed at me. “Are you ok? I heard you and Xabi arguing.”

“It’s nothing.”

“Are you sure?” He wondered, I didn’t answer. Lukas climbed into bed with me and moved his arms around me. “It’s just why do people have to have a past and lie about things and…” I sighed.

“What’s wrong?”

“Xabi killed people when he was just turned.”

“You already knew that. He never lied about it.”

“I just wish people didn’t have this different persona. I wish they wouldn’t lie about things and I don’t know…” I mumbled.

Just then Lukas put one hand behind my head and then leaned in closer and pressed his lips to mine. I pulled away from him immediately. “Lukas, what are you doing?”

“You wish people wouldn’t lie, you wish they didn’t have these different personas, well, I’m telling you everything.”

“Wait, what?”

“Don’t you get it?” He asked. “I’m in love with you, I always have been, ever since the first time we went out, but you don’t seem to notice. I’m the only one that knows all about you and…”

“Wow, Lukas just stop.”


“Because, I just… I can’t… I…”

“Wait, before we get to this part there’s something I need to show you.”

“Look, whatever you’ve got to show me, I don’t want to know, it just…”

“It’s not what you think.” He responded and sat up in the bed and coughed, the next thing I know, he’s turned blue. He’s… He’s a Demon. “Lukas, you’re a… You’re a…”

“I’m half Demon, half human. Pretty nifty, huh?”

“So, let me get this straight. Today I tell you about how I’m fed up with all these personas and lies and not only do you tell me you’ve been in love with me for years, you’re half Demon too. Did you really not get that this wasn’t a very good time to share these things with me?”


“No. I don’t date Demons,UGG Sale UK, I don’t like supernatural things. They’re evil… They’re…”

“Marissa, the fact you think I’m evil, what does that say about you? I’ve never killed anyone in my life and you say you don’t like supernatural things, but isn’t what you are, the Killer, isn’t that supernatural?”


“I’ll tell you what. I’ll just leave, since you obviously don’t want me near you.”


“Just piss off Marissa!” He shouted and soon left the house.

Everyone seemed to be walking away from me today and I was fed up and still in a little pain after yesterday. However, I wasn’t in the mood for feeling sorry for myself, I got changed and hid a knife up my sleeve, before walking downstairs and opening the front door. And when I did, there was Pepe and David, David had his fist raised in the air, ready to knock, but didn’t as I was quick to open the door. “Marissa, sis!” David laughs. “Can I come in?”

“Sure.” I responded and both Pepe and David walked in and sat down in the front room. “So, guess what?” David asked.


“Xabi likes you, he wants to spend more time with you, I told him to ask you out very soon.”

“I don’t like Xabi in that way. I’m sorry David.”

“Shut up Marissa, I’m not stupid, even I can tell you’re pretending to not like him for some reason, when deep down you know you do.” He paused. “Anyway, where did you get those cuts and bruises from?”

“I’m sorry?”

“Your hands. Your face, your neck. What’s been going on?”



“David, I’ve just been boxing, it seems fun.”

“Well,Moncler Shop, maybe you should stop.”

“No, I’m pretty good.”

“Really, I bet you can’t beat me.”

He laughed and I sighed and just stood up at the same time as him and I started boxing with him. He tried to punch me a few times, but I kept dodging him so much that he couldn’t get a hit on me. At first he was being nice and giving me a chance, but as time went by he was getting aggravated and was trying to land a punch on me. I kept dodging, but then landed three punches on him and then carefully flipped him over my back. I made sure he landed on the ground safely and quite gently before sitting back down on the sofa.

For a few moments he just lay there before getting up. He looked my way. “That last move wasn’t boxing.”

“And, you needed to get out of that boxing match.”

“Sure…” He paused. “Look, I’ll talk to you soon, I’ve got to move some boxes, so I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Ok.” I smiled and David left, leaving just me and Pepe in my front room together.

It was no surprise that my crush on Pepe was still going on and in that moment, I decided to do something about it. We were already on the same sofa, so I turned to him and said: “Pepe, can I talk to you?”

“Sure.” He replied.

“Well, for a while now I’ve sort of liked you. I like you a lot even and I was wondering if you’d go out with me.”

“Oh… Wow.” He paused. “Look, you’re a great girl, very pretty and nice, but no.”

“Why? We get on well enough and we see each other a lot.”

“That’s true, but you’re my best mate’s younger Sister and I’m not going to go there. Also, if Xabi likes you as much as David says he does then I’m not going to go out with you because that’s not fair on my friend.”

“Stuff Xabi. Nothing is ever going to happen there.”

“Maybe so, but it’s still a no.” He said and I sensed things were getting awkward, but I needed more answers. Partly because I was having trouble taking no for an answer. “Will I ever have a chance with you?”

“Maybe in a world where I wasn’t best mates with your Brother and Xabi didn’t like you in that way and in one where I wasn’t in love with someone else.”

“Oh… I see… Who is she?”

“Her name is Yolanda. And I know, someday I’m going to marry that girl.”

Suddenly my eyes started filling with tears unexpectedly. “I’m sorry.” I told him. “This isn’t because of rejection, it’s just the past few days a lot’s just happened and this is just the cherry on top of all that.”

“Hey, don’t cry. You’re a great girl and any guy would be lucky to have you.” He moved his arms around me and smiled. “Look, here’s my advice, go and find Xabi. Talk to him. You may find that you like him too.” When he said that, I attempted to catch him by surprise, to move in and kiss him, but Pepe pulled away quickly. “I’m sorry Marissa, no means no.” He said and got up. “I should go.” He left the house, just like everyone else today.

And when he was gone, the first thing I did was go to the cemetery, waiting for any ugly monsters to come out, I really needed to kill something. However, for once in my life the cemetery seemed deserted, but despite that I waited…

Xabi’s Point of View:

I returned home annoyed with how the days events had gone. I’d gone and lost the one person I care about. My hands took hold of my coat and I hanged it on the hanger, before taking the picture of Marissa out of my pocket. I sort of swiped it off one of her shelves when she weren’t looking. I looked at it for a long time and was wondering how things got ruined between us. How did we come to this? Stupid past.

Carefully I placed the picture back down and grabbed hold of my shirt and pulled it off then threw it on the sofa in the front room before lying down on the sofa. Her scent was still on me and it made me annoyed at how much I’d ruined things. Why couldn’t I have told her a much more tame story of my life? I had to tell her the worst thing possible. Despite the fact she was annoyed with me I grabbed my mobile and called her, in hope that she would answer, but within moments of ringing she obviously pressed the reject button.

It was at this point that I realised she was still mad, well, what else should I have expected? So the plan was to confront her, I couldn’t let what had happened between us carry on, so I got up immediately, not caring that I was shirtless. I was just about to use my skill to run and find her, when I felt something sharp in my back. I glance behind me and saw arrows in my back. I turned behind me to see who had shot them and it was then that I saw who it was. “Father?!” I asked shocked before collapsing.

And as the old saying goes, everything went black…

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