
Man, listen to priests bear false witness, the 4 -month-old daughter dropped 15 F

8 ��10 ��at around 4 am, their 20th floor from the living quietly next to the 15th floor, with their own key to open the door, crept into the bedroom, while his wife and mother and infant in the son sleeping on the occasion, the newly born 4-month-old daughter still asleep hold out the bedroom ... ...

seeing business slump, was an account that several months ago, his mood has been good. One pair of twins after the birth of children, he was happy for a time, but soon immersed in the depressed in another. When he encountered a

the reporter intern reporter Ding Ning Cheng Bin

Every time these two met baby, I will not help going to tease the child. but did not think ... ... Oh! really poor!

Labor Road police station conference room, public security and labor Lianhu Bureau of Criminal Investigation Brigade Road police station task force is composed of case analysis will be held again. Investigating over hundreds of cases of Interpol who have never previously encountered such a strange case.

only one said that he therefore got into a

large police investigation revealed that the baby's home in the 15-story high-rise residential buildings, before the incident the evening of August 9, this pair of twins and their mother and grandmother lived in the home, women baby's father living in the same building of 20 floors. However, the child's mother and grandmother woke up at 5 am the next day and found the baby from home But the door and windows were not pry marks. After investigation, police determined the baby's father was a great crime suspects, ordered to summon the investigation. During the police with high-tech equipment - a polygraph expose the first confession was fabricated in the lies. .

baby girl died in a high-level downstairs

Lianhu police investigation, a 34-year-old man was in Xi'an who do second-hand housing and other businesses in recent years, high-rise residential buildings in the district purchased two houses, set on the 15th floor, another set of 20 layers. He also bought a half a million dollars worth of

superstitious father killed his daughter

baby home where the residential area is located in Xi'an Lianhu Fung Hing Road near the District. August 10 this year, early morning, in a high-rise residential green belt open space downstairs, some residents have found a miserable death in infancy in a baby girl. For a time, news spread like wildfire in the district. After receiving the alarm, the public security branch of the labor Lianhu Lixin Xi Road police station rushed to the incident led the police district, in addition to protecting the scene, the police visited the investigation commenced immediately. Subsequently, the Public Security Bureau deputy director Lianhu health in particular led the Criminal Investigation Bureau of Criminal Investigation Brigade personnel rushed to the incident.

after the incident, police quickly set up a task force Lianhu careful investigation, even the use of polygraph and other high-tech equipment to detect. Moved from the Police Department confirmed that, at present, successfully solved the case - the suspect is actually the baby's father was one.

born 4-month-old pair of twins cute, but sad from heaven, night waking, it was discovered that the baby home from the 15-story fall to the ground floor of the green belt, unfortunately tragic death . August 10, after the death of baby girl bizarre downstairs level, this newspaper has reported that people have regret for the innocent children.

after the birth of his daughter from their own in this account to throw down 15 Louchuang ... Currently, only a branch of the public security law Lianhu criminal detention.

was a statement to the police, this year, he encountered a lot of things are not smooth. A few months ago, he moved west to scrape together the East several million dollars in the southern suburbs of Xi'an rental dressing rooms, to rent, but rental housing facade needs immediate demolition of the location, to bring their own heavy losses.

