
Dual marriage

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dual marriage, also known as the dual family. Refers to the primitive society, both men and women of different clans, in the long or short period of time by a man and a woman formed to implement the spouse, to women-centered, unstable marriage a form of marriage. Marriage as a consensual dual, unconstrained and slightly fixed form of cohabitation in pairs. From polygamous marriage (marriage partner) the transition to monogamy as a form. Take the form of a marriage, hope the door home, not down her husband and so on.


dual marriage system concept profile the main characteristics of the dual marriage is a group marriage and monogamy transitional form of the dual marriage there are times the background of the dual marriage and family outside the group marriage culture, the main customs take the marriage hope the door her husband's home does not drop the concept of the dual marriage system dual marriage system, or dual family, is a man and a woman in a long or short period of time to maintain a relatively stable home life, even the form of marriage. It is the monogamous group marriage to individual marriage system changes in form or in the middle part of the transition, resulting in the primitive society of ignorance and barbarism during the period of alternating phases,

dual marriage

prevalent in the barbarism, the primitive society late. Introduction of dual marriage, also known as the dual family. Refers to the primitive society, both men and women of different clans, in the long or short period of time to implement the dual of one man and one


female composition of the spouse, the woman as the center, marriage not a marriage strong the form. It is the monogamous group marriage to individual marriage system changes in form or in the middle part of the transition, resulting in the primitive society of ignorance and barbarism during the period of the alternating phase, prevalent in the barbarism, the late primitive society. The dual marriage system is a typical manifestation of the spouse pairs within a certain time to maintain a more stable gender cohabitation, that is, a man of many wives have one main wife, a woman many husbands have a master husband, the main couples to some extent from the group live relatively stable cohabitation. This relative stability of spouse pairs with the evolution of the normalization of the dual marriage system, through the formation of a long process of development. Early period of group marriage system, the dual marriages that are budding, and occur, but in the prevailing social conditions and did not become a common practice of marriage. Therefore, in a primitive society for a long period of time, the dual marriage and group marriage co-exist. Even in the prevalence of dual marriage, its performance is not always a single, sometimes complex, cross, that a woman or a man with several women and several men were strong combination, did not impose the enhancement of social This combination of powerful specifications. It is still marriage between group marriage and the transition between the individual forms, with double features or transitional in nature. The main features of the dual marriage as a consensual, unfettered and slightly fixed form of cohabitation in pairs. From polygamous marriage (marriage partner) the transition to monogamy as a form. Unlike the dual marriage even more fundamental as marriage without regular sex partners, but not as strict monogamy and fixed unity partners. Germination in the dual relationship between the formation of the first marriage partner. A woman can have more than one stable partner, but only the man in the woman's home overnight without the right to bind the right of a woman's partner can be replaced. Similarly, men also have a few partners, but also replace the partner. Although the dual marriage men, woman multiple partners, there is a relatively stable, but not a strict fixed relationship between the two sides, not the formation of individual ownership of the family economy. This economic conditions have still no exclusivity and jealousy between husband and wife, husband or wife can have sex and other sex. Children is still a matrilineal clan, a close relationship with members of the clan is caused by economic ties caused. Even outside of marriage to family group marriage as his mother, the bridge is the transition to monogamy and the media. It is in the different regions of human history are popular too, must overcome the powerful inertia group marriage, group marriage set up across the major obstacle, which seemed long and tortuous process. It is produced from the heyday of matriarchal until the individual household economy before it was ended. Dual and individual group marriage marriage marriage is the transitional form of the dual marriage system is a typical manifestation of the spouse pairs within a certain time to maintain a more stable gender cohabitation, that is, a man of many wives in dual


a a master's wife, a woman many husbands have a master husband, to some extent between the main couple from the group live relatively stable cohabitation. This relative stability of spouse pairs with the evolution of the normalization of the dual marriage system, through the formation of a long process of development. Early period of group marriage system, the dual marriages that are budding,[url=http://www.uggoutletmallonline.com/][b]title=UGG Outlet[/b][/url], and occur, but in the prevailing social conditions and did not become a common practice of marriage. Therefore, in a primitive society for a long period of time, the dual marriage and group marriage co-exist. Even in the prevalence of dual marriage, its performance is not always a single, sometimes complex, cross, that a woman or a man with several women and several men were strong combination, did not impose the enhancement of social This combination of powerful specifications. It is still marriage between group marriage and the transition between the individual forms, with double features or transitional in nature. Even the existence of marriage during the marriage, based on the background of the dual of the dual family is not the strict sense of the family, it can not be independent from the clan. In the clan family of the public economy, based on the dual of the family not become an economic unit, not as a society at a tissue; the economy was still based on unit-centered matriarchy clan. China's primitive society about the dual marriage system established in the late Yangshao. Southwest of the last century, the remnants of some ethnic minorities in the Marriage and family outside the dual system of group marriage in primitive society in the late matriarchal era, there has been relatively stable after the dual marriage system, are members. As a woman of the dual marriage has been relatively stable, so their surviving children Anemarrhena also noted the father, but his mother's surname instead of their father nothing. The time, this individual has numerous small family housing. In China, seven or eight thousand years ago is about to enter the agricultural production by the farming and hunting, private system of production, development of human society in an earth-shaking historical era of great change. For example, in Yangshao, Dawenkou Qingliangang and some ruins, which are central to the layout of the village houses a large house, surrounded by small houses around. The doors of their houses towards the small village of large houses set up central Xi'an Banpo Ruins of the situation. Later, the house style, layout, there have been changes from the original round into a rectangular, such as Wei County, Hebei Province,[url=http://www.moncler-online.de/][b]title=Moncler Online[/b][/url], three rectangular housing off site, is three linked together, the door's open not toward a central point, and is facing south door, and there is fire, there are kitchen site, to prove an a completely live independent lives. Zhengzhou Dahe Village in ruins as well. These reflect the dual marriage system not only gradually toward a stable, private system has also proved more and more families in the clan community has largely independence. The most primitive human society etiquette, that is, men and women from eating, sense of family relations generated, it is embodied in a law of nature, is a moral: As the lead while heterosexual men and women fall in love with a spouse, and because there are things the law of same-sex repulsion, third party interference in between spouses, it will cause harm to the marriage and family. People to avoid such things from happening, they invented the wedding. First love between men and women decided to partnering, we must exchange token, as the engagement ceremony. The occasion of marriage, the wedding to be held, and its implied role in this wedding is held, widely told people in the community: the married men and women, and we all have to respect this relationship can not be violated , violation is immoral, should be punished; when accompanied by a matriarchal war after the transition to the patriarchal society, men will not want to be means to change the original customs, will be partnering with a woman ready to Now, still preserved in some places in northern China married in a Marriage is a change in historical memory. From the above analysis of the shield out outside the family group marriage marriage should be a dual external manifestations. Culture even outside of marriage is in the matrilineal family on the basis of group marriage, men and women of different clan pairs with long-term or short-term cohabitation, marriage constitutes a relatively fixed. In this marriage customs, a man of many wives have a positive wife, and this is the wife of her husband in many of this man as her main man. Only now can the wife and cohabitation between the main man, while others can occur between peers of the marriage relationship, living together but not together. Dual marriage refers to a spouse of the conclusion of a relatively stable in terms of marriage, even in marriage, the children's father is becoming increasingly clear certainty, and men began to have a good chance to identify their own flesh and blood, children may also know who their biological father. Therefore, the dual cohabitation with the increase in the number and the extension of time, coupled with common child-rearing generated in the process of their love, marriage gradually consolidated. Over time, this transition is monogamous form of marriage will achieve a genuine transition. Dual marriage of form and custom, the occurrence and development of popular matriarchal commune, prosperity and even the decline of the period. Equivalent to the Neolithic Stone Age and the early, middle and late. Marriage in China's implementation of this archaeological culture, mainly complanatus Dali, Shaanxi, Henan Xuchang spiritual wells, magnetic hill, Hebei, Henan Yangshao Peiligang and the Yellow River basin, North Xin culture, the northern region of Inner Mongolia Xinglongwa Culture, Hongshan culture, and the Yangtze River in Hunan Pengtoushan, Hemudu, Majiabang, Dasi culture, culture and Jiangxi years Fairy Cave in Guilin, Guangxi in southern China Zengpiyan, guests Cave Rock, Guangdong spring monolithic Tsai, Zengcheng Quinlan Temple, Tibet's Chamdo card if the culture and so on. Main practices to go walking marriage is marriage, Adult men They are the sunset And together, the morning dawn and the return from the morning twilight to go. Mosuo people take the marriage in two ways: one is called Regardless of the kind of marriage customs had held an ancient ceremony called The ceremony was held in the woman's home, time is generally half of the evening, not guests, not gifts, friends do not participate. This ritual is a family man please a woman witness to receive suitors at home, of course, long been the feelings of the young men and women, there is no Meishuozhiyan, maternal uncles of life. He (she) had the mother and uncle were also held to understand and after default, the man at home according to their economic situation brought gifts to outlaw the top of the pot on the hearth and pile on the platform by the Church of God in the stage, salute to ancestors, to the pot pile salute, again elders and mother, uncle, sister salute, and then the elders and sisters received the blessing. Gifts sent by elders, young and old have their own copy. Your sweetheart, The woman's husband will be carefully hand-woven linen with Moso Moso characteristics have spent belt. The woman's family will never be assessed to the money and the man home. They believe that love between men and women are equal, more than anything else, the feelings of the Mosuo people When the witness to one hour to complete. Mosuo young men and women through the , living together, raising the next generation. This marriage is settled, Wang door home early matriarchal system, a popular form of marriage live. Men and women became the spouse, does not live in one place, and were living in their mother's clan, the man visited the woman by way of a dual home, the woman went to visit little man. Commonly referred to such a marriage or marriage to live looking to live separately door marriage. Both spouses became no common economic life. Marital instability, E2E off. Even children born to middle part of the woman. This form of marriage in India Qi Ha, Indians of North America and Oceania have existed among the States of Micronesia. Ninglang Yi Autonomous County of Yunnan Province, China Yongning Naxi prevailing in the PRC, A note before marriage is one of them. Door living remnants of hope remains in the marriage have been introduced from some husband lived marriage in the nation, some of its manifestations to be temporary marriage, the bride to her parents, her parents by her husband to visit his wife, until his wife to keep her family moved to Cardiff before the expiry home; some couples had a first look Mun Oasis marriage, birth of first child to be held after the wedding, and then his wife to her husband live. Before the establishment of the People's Republic, Blang retains the former custom, the latter retains Jino customs. Not down her husband, Is the number of ethnic minorities in southwest China are still popular customs. This practice is more in the marriage customs special. In China, Guangxi, Guizhou, Yunnan and other places of some ethnic groups prevail. Marriage is the manifestation of this: after marriage the bride is not her husband lived, but returned to Mother parents live. Only busy during the holiday season or to return her husband to help do some farm work, after which they returned to her family. This Has to adhere to the pregnancy or first child after birth, before returning to her husband. 50 years after the Chinese province of Fujian and Guangdong many Han Chinese regions, the prevalence of this practice. Areas such as Fujian Huian women married after the third day returned to Mother parents live. Holidays, when her husband only to temporary residence. If pregnancy can live long after her husband. So often people have not yet established a sister married the daughter of their own organizations, such as Achang, Pumi, Brown family and so on. Further reading: 1

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