
UGG BootsThey lured several minors to sell their kidneys were arrested

Reporter: You were sentenced for the crime of intentional injury is how is it? Xiaoling: That was 2008, the New Year, a man named Yang Xiaodong threatened me to call the agency, said his family in Lanzhou, also dry introduce this line of kidney trading, allow me to do this line in Lanzhou. I asked someone to take his son became a minor hit, the results of my son Qilihe Lanzhou district court were sentenced to ten months.

Yuan Xue, said the official, the case is the first sale of human organs Gansu case.

Reporter: Do you know the sale of kidneys introduce a crime?

Xue Yuan: organ trading is a new crime, I accept the case and checked the Internet, intermediaries engaged in trading of human organs trade are a lot of people, but the black hands toward minors, the case is the first case. What charges to prosecute the case, in order to combat this crime accurately, as we review the prosecution of the case, a major difficulty.

meantime, Xiaoling Wang Bin and Zhou Xiaojun persuade many times, said a kidney removed without any impact on the body, and to the Bin for a false identity and family relationships, so he used June 25, Xiaoling Wang Bin came to Lanzhou with a major hospital had kidney surgery, to a kidney transplant to the one in uremic patients. Four days later, Xiaoling Wang Bin 51,000 yuan to. July 9, through the same procedures Zhou Xiaojun also in the hospital will be a kidney transplant in patients with renal failure from Guangdong, received 42,000 yuan to sell their kidneys section.

is this a mere formality, non-existent review, to engage in trading of human organs to provide the opportunity to provide the soil for quick profits. They use a lot of false information, forgery, pretending to introduce donor relatives of patients, so that the successful sale of human organs through the transplant.

Xiaoling: I earned 80,000 yuan, respectively, and 7 million yuan. Because they considered my own From September 2008 to July 2009 was arrested, I introduced a total sale of kidneys from 10 to about 20 million profit.

Some members felt that this took place in Lanzhou from organ trading case, different from the normal in such cases, has its peculiarities, two donors were minors under 18 years of age , based on complete loss of kidney function From a sentencing point of view, intentional injury causing serious injury, three to ten years imprisonment; the crime of illegal business is five years imprisonment or criminal detention. According to

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Xiaoling: September 2008 I made the first Living in the big hospital said the patient's family and I need to contact a kidney, I issued a buy on-line information, and leave the phone, after finding the donor and patient with the intermediary met, and finally made a successful matching surgery. Patients gave me was 800 yuan, the intermediary gave me 5,000 yuan. The first to get so much money, good business sense to do this, it officially entered the human organ brokering of business.

donor younger, the better the sale of their organs, we want the price to the higher receptor. Because according to the understanding of ordinary people, the younger the donor, the higher the quality organs, but also more dynamic. Our donors are generally 20 to 30 years old young man. After 30 years of age who, with age, organ function will be reduced, sell at good prices.

critical review of the hospital to prevent organ trading behavior

Lanzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau immediately Chengguan investigation the case, and quickly solve the case. July 9, 2009,[url=http://www.bootsugg.us/]UGG Boots[/url], the suspect Xiaoling justice, after being released on bail. End of August 2009 because in 2008 she was competing with another gang melee kidneys caused minor injuries to others, is Seven Mile River in Lanzhou City, District Prosecutor's Office to arrest the crime of intentional injury. Earlier this year, a small permanent solution of the suspect was arrested, subsequently Lanzhou City Procuratorate of intentional assault arrest.

was said, was the case the whole process is a process of trading goods, the object of criminal violations of the sale of goods is restricted by the state of the market management system, the object of assault is the prohibit the sale of goods, performance of the objective aspect of crime to engage in other illegal business activities, disrupted the market order, serious behavior, Xiaoling, the solution behavior of a small permanent full compliance with the objective aspect of the crime of illegal business performance, should prosecute the crime of illegal business .

general surgery in a hospital in Lanzhou, Zhou: Current organ transplants in our hospital, the organs are mainly the source of donations between relatives, basically do not accept donations from the community. If you have donated it for the experience by the hospital ethics committee of the rigorous examination of the community, must also provide for the risk of both ID card,[url=http://www.bootsugg.us/]UGG Boots[/url], residence booklet original account both the police station where the proof of residence, the donor and recipient proof of kinship, voluntary donations certificate and other materials. However, criminals have a full set of materials premeditated forgery, as a hospital, there is no way to verify the authenticity of the identity of donors.

Speaking Xiaoling, a small permanent solution of the case lured youth to sell their kidneys, Xue Yuan prosecutor handling the case from the legal to the reasonable eleven resolved.

Reporter: Review Committee to discuss the case when the members are your views? Xue Yuan: hospital for very serious case, the case for examination and approval from arrest to prosecution, prosecutors have been submitted to the Committee discussed three times. Meeting, members of the qualitative case there are two views: one that should be classified as illegal business operations; one that should be characterized as intentional assault. Two points of view no clear winner, fierce controversy.

Wang Dan Wang Qun Xu Han Ya Dilan Yun Li Yujun security

2009 年 7 6, Lanzhou people to the city Public Security Bureau, Zhang Jinlian Chengguan Branch report, saying nephew Wang Bin was lured to sell a kidney. According to the informant say, end of May 2009, who lives in the city of Jinchang Wang Bin and Zhou Xiaojun (both his real name) secretly take the money to go home on the play of Xi'an. In Xi'an, the money spent, think of the two local shelters, shelters want to sent them home. Two stood in the shelter one night, get up the next day, when a claim Xiaoyong (real name small permanent solution) and told them: can buy and sell human organs, including kidneys, liver, cornea, etc., different prices, the price generally sell their kidneys 40000-50000 yuan, said to sell their kidneys have little effect on human health. Two out of ignorance, readily agreed. Xiao-Yong Wang has repeatedly told them that the age should be larger.

disabled women intermediary is a

then I pretended to move back to Shaanxi from the brother, in Lanzhou, rented a house off West, daily trading information to the Internet to find the kidney. By chance, I met a small permanent solution fellow peers.

Xiaoling: We mainly through the sale of kidneys to join in the online QQ group, we exchange information, contact the nationwide donor and patient, Zhou Xiaojun kidney transplant on a patient in Guangdong. In addition, we also distribute business cards hospitals, post small ads, Wang Bin, kidney transplant patients is in the toilet in the hospital to see our small ads, and contact me on the phone.

third day, Xiaoyong Wang Bin and Zhou Xiaojun with came to Lanzhou, the two men to a woman named Xiaoling. Xiaoling led them Chengguan District tongwei Road, a rented room. leader to do the matching.

Lanzhou dry this business four or five gang. Each partner has several people to each other are relatives or fellow. And I dry Shangjun Ling (handled separately) that I grew up with friends, I see a man she divorced earn money, called on her dry. The house is Shangjun Ling Tong Wei Road, nephew of Hu Lei (handled separately) rent, responsible for Lei Hu also issued online

the present case, the Zhou Xiaojun is a cousin of the identity of the patient in Guangdong will give him a kidney transplant. However, the patient is a typical southern Guangdong looks, thin body, an authentic Cantonese accent, and Zhou Xiaojun is a typical northerner looks, 1.8 meters big, sturdy body, a Gansu words. Two such huge differences in the hospital's review actually passed. Doctors work is not serious, or organ trading behavior of a default; is sympathetic to the patient, or had any good, thought-provoking. Case decision, the Human Organ Transplant hospital will conduct a review to the Attorney General issued recommendations related to hospitals, to promote human organ transplants become more standardized.

Xiaoling: donor to the first visual, then asked their age, health status, age appropriate health care to stay up, waiting for those who need it and then do the matching.

Correspondent: In that case,[url=http://www.bootsugg.us/]UGG Boots[/url], the relevant hospital should bear the responsibility? Xue Yuan: By reviewing the case, from the victim's statements and testimony of witnesses to see the related review of hospital organ harvesting of live applications, the supply side of the organ is for the patient's relatives, whether or disguised sale of human organs trade case, only review the written materials submitted by both sides, as long as the risk for a variety of written material on the two sides signed the review is complete, do not make any substantive review. Hospital if the

through referrals to higher offices, investigators were listening in full, check the views of Committee members, combined with the spirit of the case facts and relevant legislation, the final hospital intentional assault on Yang Xiaoling, a small permanent solution prosecution.

Reporter: How do you contact the donor and the patient? How many people do Lanzhou sale of human organs in the

at the detention center, half a century of Xiaoling is limped into the interrogation room. Reporters asked that a car accident at age 17 to his left leg amputated, fitted with a prosthesis. This unfortunate disability experienced woman, described how the sale of human organs into the line of business, a life of crime it?

the same time, four or five in Lanzhou group of intermediaries in the sale of body organs, Xiaoling great reputation, she monopolized a major hospital in Lanzhou, a kidney, I do not know whether the doctors involved. For these two reasons, we will discuss and decide the case submitted to Review Committee.

Xiaoling: I never knew to do this trip is a crime, the patient also say good things I do in the dry. Some young people had uremia, a kidney transplant will not die, I give them about a suitable donor, they have a second life. I learned after being arrested human organs can not be traded, but that I committed a crime of intentional injury I do not recognize, I did not harm the donor, they sell their kidneys are voluntary.

defendant: his son to sell their kidneys on the line of my abilities

Reporters: for the most difficult case, what is?

Correspondent: You first

the younger the donor, the higher the price of its organs

a hospital in Lanzhou Ma Zhuren Urology: 2007 promulgated the Department of blood, which excludes the possible sale of the relationship. We will review this information.

Doctors: Hospital no way to verify the true identity of donors

Reporter: Wang Bin and Zhou Xiaojun sell their kidneys were trading in how much money you? You made a total of how many

1 year after the daughter told my son to sell a kidney, I was hurt,[url=http://www.bootsugg.us/]UGG Boots[/url], wanted to alarm,[url=http://www.bootsugg.us/]UGG Boots[/url], but think his son is voluntarily sell their kidneys, and received a benefit, for fear the police will not be accepted, no report. In 2008 I came to see children in Lanzhou brother, brother a computer, I go online to find the consequences to sell their kidneys, the kidneys do not want to see a lot of trading information. My brother home from a major hospital near Lanzhou, all right I went to the hospital to understand what the patient needs a kidney transplant. There are a lot to do hemodialysis patients, many of which patients need a kidney transplant. I think the kidney is to introduce them to the way of money, put the phone number to leave a patient's family, and tell anyone who needs a kidney transplant to contact me.

Correspondent: how did you do for the body

I only introduce the kidney trading, trading not to other organs, patients are a major hospital in Lanzhou. Lanzhou, the average patient in the kidney to be spent to buy 10 million to $ 150,000, to sell their kidneys were four or five million, and the remaining to the intermediary. Remove the money

Reporter: hospital organ donation transplant, how to review?

Bin and Zhou Xiaojun both donor and I were earning eight million and 7 million yuan. Because they considered my own From September 2008 to July 2009 was arrested, I introduced a total sale of kidneys from 10 to about 20 million profit.

Prosecutor: How to Determine a most difficult case

Reporter: How do you file the case as a Yuan Xue: In April this year in our hospital accepted the prosecution case. Initial contact with such cases, I was astounded. Review process, I found two defendants repeatedly stressed that the donor is voluntary, and asked two victims, they also said it was voluntary. But in the process of inquiry, the two victims to speak some concerns. By doing work, they tell the truth: Xiaoling sell their kidneys in the process, really in control of them, left their home address and contact family members. For fear of his injury, harassment of family members, to sell their kidneys after they have been afraid to say. Which will be characterized as intentional assault case more appropriate.

Xiaoling: They really do not know my age of 18, They say more than 20 years old, I looked like 20-year-old look. Generally too small for the body I will not introduce its sell their kidneys, and the solution was to bring that little baby never looked on the small, and that baby and asked me the body after surgery for kidney removal is not without leaving scars, he said the solution of small John tells him not to leave any trace, and let him kick the clothes, said the surgery no scar. I told him the truth, that baby will go back up.

Xiaoling: as the son of my ability to sell a kidney kidney trading introduced on this line. I Chengcheng people, demobilized soldiers in 2007 after his son, but no money to open a shoe store, and then he went out for three months, came back I found the left side of his upper body with a knife, still bandaged. I asked him how, he said, taking a bath when scratched.

three cases submitted to Review Committee to discuss

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