
uggoutletFor all the loved one

, And feel that they are alive, that is we love, to get the maximum return. As for the other side, how much love we can return, it may not be the most important step forward.

3 月 2 日

suddenly discovered that love has disappeared, often very surprised, do not know what happened. Although this time can also be pressed in every possible way, but just pressed fear of embarrassment is inviting. My advice is at the moment: to sit down take a deep breath, close their eyes Looking back this love comes, do not understand what is actually unreasonable. How to be how to, so leisurely back,[url=http://www.ugg-onlineoutlet.com]uggoutlet[/url], the love of nature may be able to wake up after all this, then let go.

3 月 3 日

our lips say: we want is happiness, happiness, success, freedom,[url=http://www.ugg-onlineoutlet.com]uggoutlet[/url], a dream come true, to touch the eternal. In reality, we still have to love. When we love, obviously could endanger all of this, all this conflict, we still have to love. Do not love, is not enough, muttering with us.

3 月 4 日

not happy when, ah, not in a happy time, but, unfortunately, is at the time, unfortunately, we have the opportunity to ascertain that they can , love to what extent.

3 月 5 日

love object, the best than you stupid - not stupid, just stupid, really believe you will promise to be set up on love. But ah, love object, the best smarter than you - not too smart, as long as the wise that do not pursue your commitment, love to be continued.

3 月 6 日

you have to have him? nice, but, what can you do with him? you can have his disease? you can do with his scars? You can have his memories of it? can not seem to Jesus, then, what can you do with him?

3 月 7 日

fact all, the last is the memory, so please try to correct the memory: if not love, do not remember the love. If not kiss, do not remember the kiss. And, if it is true love, of course, do not miss, you must remember is: love.

3 月 8 日

Nobody likes people who chatter. Because the speaker is two things, he simply said to myself, regardless of you want to hear, of course, you headaches. Love is two people, you blindly pay for their own interests, completely regardless of the other party willing to accept such pay, it will only make the other headaches. So please stop because it is in their pay, they must identify themselves more aggrieved party that ah.月 9 日


you think you miss him already to the extreme as it has been impossible to miss a lot more as a result, in one unexpected moment, you and successful than the original to his level, and then miss him a little bit more.月 10 日


you love, just the people you love, and sometimes does not really exist. He may just be a wall of innocent white walls, are you fanatical, desire to love your heart most movies,[url=http://www.ugg-onlineoutlet.com]uggoutlet[/url], all projected on him again.月 11 日

3 upper

love, dedication, the results seriously. So the love fear of injury, it is retained. This means that: the last person that hurt you bad, you get the most complete, but this time the development of the lover, get a very cool of you. I know you are protecting yourself, but if the business, you must fall in this shop. Never come off the evil, the best services,[url=http://www.ugg-onlineoutlet.com]uggoutlet[/url], and the new off-site, but isolated, how does this shop down?

3 月 12 日

you then to me SMS, I have been saving not removed. Because I still need a little evidence that even if you have been so in love with my time.月 13 日


other said: I do not love you. You anxious, blurted out: it does not matter, ah! We can together ah! Finished,[url=http://www.ugg-onlineoutlet.com]uggoutlet[/url], you suddenly cried, not because of sad they do not love you, but because this moment, you suddenly wake up, they have become love beggar.月 14 日


you say, you have old. I replied, no, we did not meet before, you will not old. If we never see, you're never old. Love is our spring, it did not turn our music box, it will never turn.月 15 日


heard of, every romance, there will be an invisible hand, to help us in the chest, not on an invisible, love medals. If we must accept it, the hand, not on rocket medal in the time, Can some compassion, Mo put the medal of the sharp tip, we are more vulnerable to pierce the heart?

3 月16

he even remember me ... ... ... ...? this humble feeling, almost like a ghost review this world, only some of the state of mind, and yet it allows us to be remembered, was a trace of surprise and joy, so we have buried in the ashes of the heart, to re-light a second, because the second, we study the former love ah.月 17 日


love is not a solid ice rink. Love is an icy lake. In the above we can holding hands, floating play, circle around our own, but no one to warn us that the ice will melt in that second, split, love the second in which we will, frozen with sudden laughter, fell into the icy water, alone, struggling, I feel cold.月 18 日


Some people envy other people's love, envy other people's clothes like it, wait for them to buy exactly the same pieces to wear. Please do not think so, you do not know that a seemingly beautiful clothes, wear what it is. May tighten to her quickly stifled, perhaps that dress she was to Chuanzhu, hungry for five years, maybe let her itchy rash cloth. You do not wear one, you do not know.月 19 日


monument of love, not that you never gave me the watch and necklace, or even those sweet messages and photographs. Love the most precious monuments, is that you stay in my body, leaving the terrain like rivers, which caused me to change you.

3 月 20 日

love is not a religion. After you feel that religion is, you can further believe. And even if you feel the love is, you still could not believe it. I have met some of these people, no matter how strongly they feel the love, they still do not believe.月 21 日


when I was a one-way love you, I had the sun, I rely on my own light support. Until I finally was your love, I break into the moon, I rely on your light, to confirm my existence.月 22 日


beautiful people, is not so difficult to encounter. Difficulties encountered, is beautiful and love us. Because love, we were able to enjoy the experience and to understand them better, they are not better known to outsiders.月 23 日


If the change: bad, right? only, to 月 24 日


love, or, not love, it's all very difficult things. Because serious to hide, it must be maintained hiding others, but it must be concealed themselves. However, he was sometimes, but do not want to know.月 25 日


unrequited love from our crazy hard, was pulled out of the lover, and sometimes like a beautiful window from being out of the costumes, all of a sudden look good funny ah.月 26 日


some love, more love the more lonely, just like fall asleep after the dream, but always dreamed of insomnia as it does not pay.月 27 日


we like the same radio transmitter, a time of love emitted signal, look forward to receiving a little bit of response, that we are not the only universe there is good to continue in our own universe, floating down a reason. But often, we have received, but only the echo of their own.月 28 日


you do not know I exist, I already start to finish, complete, and loved you ten times the.月 29 日


towards the mystery of love train, is not parked in the Harry Potter story like that, invisible to the eyes of others, 9 and March / April Taiwan, only on your own it toward the invisible, the only section that had to wait for your car right. March 30 Love is a deal? Is not it, since it is not trading, then why do you glowing in their hearts that hang from the cold metallic scales, and has been frowning, in that while the above add a weight, while by a weight?

3 月 31 日

I've heard enough stars in the sky, more than enough for each of us to find a star, entrusted to our little names. But, I want a big star to do? I prefer to put my name on the planet entrusted to another little name ah. Related articles:

