
Moncler VestIntro:


I'm Alex Kipling,Moncler Vest, and I just turned 16 not that long ago. I'm the only child of Nana and James Kipling. I know my mom and dad aren't the perfect couple,Cheap Moncler Jackets, but they try to make it work just for my sake. I'm a sophomore at West Blake High, almost at the top of my class.

I'm not as normal as one should be. I'm different from all the other faces that walk the halls of that God forsaken school. I dress rather dark, and I find the much darker things in life to be much more…intriguing. I stray from the crowd, having only four or five friends I talk to, one or two I actually see outside of school.

I'm very kept to, and have a past that no one quite knows about. I' m…well I'm at the bottom of the food chain basically. I go under the radar and avoid any contact with unfamiliar faces. Unknown territory, not my thing, but I try to at least be spontaneous with who I talk to. (Never works. It usually results in me making a fool of myself.)


It was about 5 A.M. Like any other normal person, I was sleeping soundly, dreaming of the day I actually get a real girlfriend. (I'm forever alone. It's my fate.) Ping…Ping……….CRASH! I woke up to glass all over my floor, two small pebbles, and a rock the size of my freaking fist.

I furiously got up, careful not step on glass, or fall and risk glass being lodged into my junk. I shivered as I felt a breeze roll in from my broken window. I was only in my boxers and socks. I stopped, realizing it might be an intruder. I grabbed a metal bat that I always store behind my bed. A devious smile spread across my face.

I got a plan. Backing myself into the corner, I waited for the bastard who dare wake me from my slumber, and enter my forest. I'm gunna beat him to a living pulp and mount his head on the wall for a sense of pride.

The rustling of tree limbs, and whispers of curse words came from outside. My grip tightened on the bat, only to prepare me for what was to come next. I saw a figure crawl through my window. Guessing from the frame of the person, and feminine whispers of profanities, it was a woman. Wait,Running Shoes, should I hit her considering the fact that she was a woman? I stopped for a minute, but I just said the hell with it. She landed on my floor with and "oof" along with the sound of glass crunching.

I swung back and hit the chick a lightly as I could without terribly injuring her. I approached the woman with caution, keeping the bat where it was easy to access quickly. The chick groaned in pain and rolled over, clutching her right side where I hit her. (She's lucky I didn't hit her in the boob 'cause I heard that hurts a god bit.) The light coming from the street light right outside my window shined down on the intruder.

I sighed in relief and threw the bat onto my bed, realizing it was Rayne. I soon felt guilty for hitting her so hard, especially with a metal bat.

"Rayne, what the hell? I was about to beat the living crap out of you." I told her as I helped her to my bed. Rayne wailed in pain, trying to force out a sentence.

"I guess I deserve that for all the times I've kneed you." She gasped as she tried to get up. Guilt shot through me, but then again it felt good to see her in pain instead of me from all the times she has kneed me in the nuts.

"If you're gunna die,Coach Store, please die over there. I don’t want you dying on my bed. I have to sleep on here." She rolled her eyes at me and took a deep breath in. The thought then occurred to me, why is she here at 5 o'clock in the morning? I cleared my throat and looked over at her.

"Why are you here?" I asked curiously, hoping she'd have a valid reason to sneak over here, break my window, and wake me up so early in the morning. She slowly sat up,Beats By Dre, still holding onto her side.

"Well, my mom 'kicked me out'. I'm sure she doesn’t mean it this time. She's just pissed and wants me out of the house for a bit. I wanted to know if I could sleep here for the weekend. That okay?" This is normal for Rayne. Her mother hates her, and wants her out of her house. She constantly makes her leave once or twice every two or three weeks. It's hard for the kid, but life comes with unwanted inconveniences.

"Yeah, I'm sure my mom won't care given the circumstances for why you're her, but first you gotta clean this mess up." I told her, looking at the shattered glass and stones.

"What do you mean 'me'?"

"You're the dipshit who broke in, right? It's only fair you clean it up." I crawled back into bed and threw the covers over my body. I felt Rayne stir behind me, kicking off her shoes, and taking off her jacket to lie down too. Rayne is rather odd. Despite the fact she doesn't like me like me, she has tendencies to act like she does. It's funny, but it's weird when she touches me for laughs and when I'm around other girls. I felt her wrap her arms around my waist and cuddle up next to me. My facial expression was solemn and filled with annoyance.

"Get off of me, and clean this shit up before I decide to hit you again." I said in a serious tone through clenched teeth. She backed off and laughed, turning the opposite direction that I was facing.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll clean it up in the morning. Night, Alex."

"Night, Rayne."

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