
Nike Factory Outlet~Harley's POV~

~Harley's POV~
I awoke the next day feelinggreat. Dispite my predictions of a long night, I fell asleep almost instantly. I was just laying in bed, thinking about things when I smelled bacon. I followed my nose and ran into Alfred in the hallway. He was carrying one of those silver platters with the big dome covering them.
"What are you doing up, Ms.Quinn?" he asked.
"I was looking for the food I smelled, actually?" I laughed.
He chuckled and lifted the dome up. Under it was bacon accompanied by eggs and some toast.
"Yum! Can I eat it it the kitchen? I don't want you to have do my sheets." I said.
"Anything you wish, Ms.Quin." Alfred said.
I peered into Bruce's bedroom. His bed was already made, and he was nowhere to be seen.
"Where's Bruce?" I asked.
"Who knows? He disapears after 5:00." Alfred laughed.
When I got to the kitchen, Alfred layed my breakfast out in front of me. "Man," I said, looking with wonder at the food. "I haven't had food like this since..." I stopped, remembering the first time I met Joker. But I quickly got him out of my mind and said, "Did you make all this yourself?"
"Yes, I did. Do you like it?" he asked.
"Of course! It's sososo good!" I smiled and took another bite of my eggs. "Thank you!"
"It was my pleasure, miss. Now if you'd excuse me, I have to go get the,Coach Outlet Online, uh, mail."
I swallowed and tilted my head,Moncler UK, confused. "But...but today'sSunday." I said.
He gulped. "I, um,forgot to fetch ityesterday." His strong, British voice quivered.
"Oh," I said suspiciously. "Okay...see you in aminute, then..."
Then hetook a key off ofahook in the kitchen and headed out the door.I sat,Coach Bag Outlet, eating my food for a second, then got up and walked towards thebig window at the front of the house. Ilooked to the front of the estate, and saw the mailbox - Alfred was no where to be seen. I looked around, and caught himrushing to the side of the house -in the complete opposite direction of the mailbox! I put on my pair of dirty, black converse (which looked quite ridiculous with my silky,pink p.j's) and walked out the door, following the butler. I watched him from behind a pine tree in the backyardas he punched somenumbers into a little metal pad onthe side of the house. A huge door, that you wouldn't have even been able to see unless you punched the right numbers into the pad, openedon the side of the house. He went in, and then thedoor closed. I looked around to make sure no one was watching, and thenI sprinted quickly over to the pad. It was a touch screen, and had a bunch of letters and numbers all over it. As I was studying it, I heard a machine-like noise, and realized the doorwas opening backup. I ran as fast as I could back inside the house before Alfredcouldsee me. I heard the door open, looked down at my plate and realized the food looked untouched(because it was). I stuffed as much of the eggs and bacon into my mouth so it seemed likeI washere eating the entire time. Hecame in and smiled at me.
"Are you alright, Miss Quinn?" He asked,noticing my puffy cheeks full of food.
"Yes, I'm -" I said with a full mouth. I struggled to swallow it all, but I finally did. "Yeah,I'm fine."
Alfred put the keys back on the hook and he started to wash themarble kitchen counters. Ilooked at the keysfor a while, then back at Alfred. "Alfred?"
"Yes, Miss Quinn?"
"Where...where's the mail?"
Alfred looked up from the counters and stopped cleaning. He coughed. "Wha -...excuse me?"
"Well, you said you were going to get the mail. So...where is it?" I asked, dabbing my mouth with my napkin.
"I...there wasn't any." He said, then went back to scrubbing the counter.
"Wow. Ifigured thatthe owner of a big industry likeWayne Industries would have piles and piles of mail everyday. Strange, isn't it?" I asked. I raised my eyebrows at him and smirked. Hegulped andstarted to breatheunevenly.
"Yes, uh...v-v-very strange." He said. Then we heard the dooropen. "Oh! Master Bruce is home!"He rushed over to Bruce, who was standing in theliving room,andtook off his coat.
Bruce looked up at me and smiled. "Harley," he said cheerily.
"Hi!" I said, then looked to Alfred,who made eye contact with me for just a second, then looked away nervously. I snorted, then walked off to my room.
Alfred was hiding something, for sure. And I was going to find out.
~Alfred's POV~
Oh, dear. Oh, dear, oh, dear, oh, dear! She knows. Sheknows that I visited the Batcave. Well, perhaps she just saw me visit it, but she doesn't know what it is! How could I have been so reckless? It was the tlie about the mail - I was never a good liar, and nowmy terrible lying skills might've just given awayBruce's secret! Harley is going to find out that Bruce is Batman!
After thelook that Harley gave me, Bruce looked at me strangely. "What was that about?" he asked. Ihad to tell himthat she suspected something. If I didn't, it could lead to somethinghorrible!
"I think...I'm not sure, so don't be angry or nervous. But I think Harley mightknow about the Batcave." I said.
His smile quickly turned into a dark frown. He sighed. "How?" He asked.I told him of how I messedup my'going to get the mail' story, and how I thought she followed me.
"But she doesn't know...about you. She just knows that the door is there, I believe. She doesn't know the pass-code, so I think we're safe. She's only suspicious." I said.
"Only? Really, she's only suspicious? Her, the Joker's ex-girlfriend? Yeah, herbeingsuspisiousis NOT a good thing!" Bruce whispered angrily. "If she finds out about me, she's probably going torun back to Joker andtell him everything." He wiped his eyes with his hands, frustraded. "Why did I even let her stay her? God, this is all my fault. Herbeing suspicious leads to snooping around while I'm not here. Then she'll find a a to get into the cave, then she'll know. She'll know -" He looked around to make sureHarley wasn't there. "She'll knowwho I am."
"So...get rid of her. Tell her it'stoo risky to have her stay here." I suggested.
"No, I can't do that to her." Bruce said, then looked at me seriously."We're just going tohave to be extra careful."
~Harley's POV~
I walked back out intothe hallway and walked towards the kitchen and overheard Bruce talking to Alfred in theliving room. I walked in,but caught the end of his sentence. "...extra careful." He said. But when he saw me, he sat up from thebrown, leather chair he was sitting in.
"Oh, hello!"he said.
"Hi...what were you guystalking about?" I asked, looking at Alfred. Alfred looked away.
"Just, um...well, our security system fo the house is acting up, but the company isn't able to get to us until Thursday, so I was just explainingto Alfred how we need to be extra careful around here - a lot of people would like to gettheir hands on my safe." Bruce said.
"Yeah, there are lots of...nice things in yourhouse." I said, looking at Alfred once again. I wouldn't let him forget that I knewwhat was in the house,until he told me what it was for. I was determined to know.
Then again,maybe I shouldn't push it. I mean, if he wanted to keepit a secret so badly, it wasobviously none of my business.Plus, Bruce was giving me a place to stay,despite my reputation. It was probably best to just butt out.
"Ahem," Bruce coughed awkwardly. Did he know about my suspicion? "So, who's hungry?"
"Not me," I said. "Alfred made me breakfast; which, I never actually thankedhim for. So - thank you very much, Alfred." He looked at me, I smiled my sweetest smile,Nike Factory Outlet, and he smiled back.
"My pleasure, deary," He said.I looked at Bruce and noticeda big cut on his arm. It was bleeding a little, but it looked like it'd been stitched up really recently.
I rushed over to him. "Bruce! Are you okay?!" I asked, brushing my fingers overthe wound.
"Oh, yes!" He said. "I actually got attackedby a bigdog yesterday;had to get stitches. But it's fine now! I guess I just pulled a stitch. It's okay, though. Really."
I looked from him back to thecut,and my fingers traced overhisbicept.Bruce really was very handsome, and was much stronger than -
I realizedwas basically just standing there,groping his arm, and let go of him quickly. I turned bright red from embarrassment. "I -...I'm sorry," I said,UGG Dakota Casuals, and ran back to myroom.

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