
UGG Outlet07 Rugby World Cup New Zealand defeat Technical Analysis

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'); html.push (' New Zealand in the World Cup quarter-final loss to France, unfortunately, the game strategy (tactical plan), significantly different with his first few races in New Zealand, the game actually hit an unprecedented 165 rucks up ruck single-game record. < / p>

IRB game analysis department (gameanalysis department) did report (Note 1), New Zealand, the game play the first few races with very different, resulting in the final was won by South Africa's access to South Africa they play (playing style) from scratch to the end of the field are the same (consistent).

South Africa World Cup champion in the race are consistent in this play during the World Cup in this way (approach) leading to the final championship.

their game based on the strong fixation of the game mode (a strong set piece) (Note 2); aggressive defense (an aggressive defence); have been able to transform the ball into the score (an ability to turnedtransgressions into points) .

South Africa in the back (steals) the other side of the ball pitch of the dispute more than other teams, but his purpose is to impose pressure on the other side, so mistakes and regain the ball (creating pressure).

However, analysis also emphasizes

efforts in the past New Zealand in recent years created by the New Zealand record (record) proved to be very prominent.

New Zealand is very clear that they used in the past distinguished play (approach) and other opponents of this play can not be copied.

New Zealand are all players who dominate the ball (distributors). However,UGG Sale, most other countries to win the ball as the striker who (providers); and control the ball as the defender of the right people (distributors)

However, this report shows that the players are playing to fifteen people who control the ball (the 15-man distribution) a little adventurous (risk).

everywhere from the field and passing (Passing) need to have a solid platform, such as skills (skill) and pace (pace). It also requires self-confidence (confidence),UGG Outlet, since the ball is considered to increase the loss of the ball (losing possession) of the adventure, and close when playing (kicking) and then compared to a series of rucking game.

Since New Zealand

play (approach) has been successful, but the only problem is that out of the system into the semi-finals in a single game (knockout competition), just the winner of the pressure (the pressure of a winner), this is the key (critical ) problem, so if you want to start out play (an expansive approach) can be feasible.

report, New Zealand in the quarter-finals of the French game play in New Zealand compared with the past, this play shows in the past (formula) is clearly missing.

the game to create New Zealand 165 rucks, That 43 rucks and more last year, it is almost four times the normal New Zealand game ruck more than 100 times higher than the World Cup second country over ruck 50% it is almost never seen a successive ruck international test matches up to the number.

match the level of the past New Zealand to measure (at a scale), significantly away from the past often started out to see New Zealand's usual style of play (expansive approach), instead of suffering loss forward (forward attrition).

recent years, a successful New Zealand model (formula),Moncler Sale, may be abandoned for some reason do not, so to New Zealand in the World Cup eliminated.

Interestingly, this study shows that Fiji can not escape into the quarter-finals of the facts.

side of the ball and in the fight scrum at least in terms of success rate, Fiji is the current worst team (the worst team).

number of tactical play Fiji (kicking) at least, but he make good use of passing (passing) to touchdowns (score tries).

comprehensive report results of the competition in Fiji, it shows this team play in the World Cup earlier in the game copied (replicated) successful if they lose the ball to overcome the fear (fear of losing) , he should do and concentrate on doing his best performance of the action (concentrate on what it does best ).

. Note 1: This article from the IRB World Cup in statistical analysis 88, No. 1 & 2 Summary

Note 2: The strong fixation of the game mode (a strong set piece) setpieces is the scrum, fight side of the ball, kick-off (kick off), counter-kick (drop out), re-open play (restart) and other fixed game mode

article provides: touchdowns China

        (This article Source: NEW YORK Author: 163)         
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