
UGG SaleMan snatch stabbing daughter father grandchildren

January 16, Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province, this tragedy occurred. Xie Xie Ming defendant grandchildren and relatives to rob the couple had a dispute with a triangular knife stabbing the Old Tao abandons the public relatives, will poke into the mother's relatives Sometimes no. July 8, after the prosecution to prosecute, Changzhou Intermediate People's Court public hearing Xie Xie Ming intentional injuries (fatal) case; August 3, sentenced to life imprisonment Xie Xie Ming, and compensate the victims side 390 thousand yuan.

non-trivial health

Xie and Tao Luo living in Changzhou Town, because not all aspects of phase difference between two adults. However, the only son of a small Xie Tao Xie and small daughter Thao Liangxiaowucai childhood, First love about the love. Two estranged parents do not agree because of awful marriage. In early 2006, seven years of love regardless of the parents against the young man received a marriage certificate, wedding reluctantly sat down with two relatives.

2007 March Thao gave birth to baby son, her mother Thao mobility (more obese) and his father was busy motorcycle repair shop business, holding the infant in the hospital when the baby Thao direct back to her family. Tao retired parents share the work with a grandson, a tube home, too busy. The baby grew up, opened a small thank Thao automotive plant, busy legs in the air, grandparents use the service with a baby in the enterprise. Husband and wife business is booming, grandson knee Cheng Huan, forget the tired Old Tao abandons husband and wife ... ...

grandmother in a little culture under careful tending, especially cute little grandson. Grandparents, grandchildren of the smart and lovely feelings are growing, but relatively broad-brush the poor pay attention to their annoying relatives, baby, Gradually, the baby mother and grandparents are not too willing to let the baby go to my grandparents house, the two relatives to fight each other so that the baby in someone, complain about each other.

scourge of two of three generations

1 月 16 early in the morning, baby grandmother waiting at the factory gate For my grandchildren to live a few days back,UGG Online Shop, but has not seen the mother and the baby's relatives shadow. Almost noon, Xie Xie Ming reminders to go see his wife, grandmother third time to the factory. At this time, my grandmother passed relatives laden with baby gate, grandchildren, etc. are other solutions have to hurry out a vigorous Xie flash back to the mother's relatives, vise-like hands neatly in a big pull, instant baby was relying on the grandfather armpit. Grandpa opened the big voice directed at the moment did not regain consciousness grandmother shouted: baby face in the fiercely pro a few ... ...

a fit of anger grandmother came to the factory, with her daughter talking about the Sun won the public relatives plus squalling things, words can not help but blame mixed with contempt, Baby grandmother came and recrimination. Mopping the floor at the side of the Old Tao abandons it did not go, and easily picked up a mop line and a moment arm of the mother's relatives, eat the loss of my grandmother went straight home crying, hit a woman, too bully people,

Old Tao abandons canteen is busy, busy blood is picked up Xie Xie Ming water pipe hit the unsuspecting male relatives on the forehead, face Old Tao abandons blood flow, and Xie Xie Ming pulling fight together. Tao and his wife want to save Thao and walked quickly from the Old Tao abandons, Xie Xie Ming pulled straight triangular knife stabbed Old Tao abandons the chest, abdomen, stabbed his wife to turn Youxiang Tao, Thao desperate grab the knife ... ... Xie Xie Ming to the winner of the attitude to the police station march surrender.

1 27, regularly review the City's Procuratorate, Xie Xie Ming suspicion of intentional injury (death) was approved by the arrest, detention center with a heavy iron gate, probably hard to see the grandchildren, and feel tears.

Old Tao abandons the victim because of the aorta, heart, liver rupture, hemorrhagic shock and death. Tao's wife was not due to dodge quickly fatal, loving husband and wife separated Yin and Yang, her distraught bedridden, a lot of hair suddenly white; grandma family tangled, baby murmured condolences for the adults to repeat :

loving husband and wife dilemma, Thao in tears all day, a small thank Mothers bedside stand speechless with tears, the dead of night, the baby alone solitary shadow grandmother secretly sad ... ...

stubborn lack of tolerance

Tao feces an old couple a big area of ​​urine Xie grandson, and husband and wife are both retired,Moncler Jackets, have protective treatment, no child support, not with grandson Figure what exactly is the Chinese-style junior parents selfless devotion. Xie Xie Ming is often preoccupied with trivia. Part of the prosecution case, the body in the city detention centers Xie Xie Ming is not revealed to the heavy guilt, but it is the relatives of Cutting anger: wine, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival is also seen to a spree last year, broke open a large watermelon quarter ... Take me home to my house ... is not taken seriously. grandson with me is my family surname roots, like we should, Why listen to his house! long to hit, hold for two years!

wife Thao's relatives to ease the contradiction between the holidays, bring gifts to visit her in-laws, Xie Xie Ming is not always the nose face nose face is not: your son get away busy in the factory yard, or ton of bricks when the father: In order to grab my son. father usually a bad temper, more irritable, like competing with the level ... Xie Xie Ming is a lack of understanding because of the ability of small-minded, willing to fight grandson mean vulgar language, emotional impulse incomprehensible, and ultimately destroy themselves and their children and grandchildren personally happy.

court confrontation between incompatible

7 月 8 日 before the trial, the reporter interviewed the victim of one of Tao's wife, tortured her the pain of bereavement can not be made, the court stage,UGG Sale, As long as murder plot involving her husband, she burst into tears several times, strong demand punish the murderers.

defendant gallery Xie Xie Ming has a look of innocent stressing his own reasons, avoiding shirk blame. Changzhou City Procuratorate prosecutor reasoned rebuttal of the defendant's excuse said: the resentment to the next generation ... ... dollars as compensation. In this regard, the presiding judge stressed: however, the defendant and victim compensation will request that the party's 390,000 yuan according to the law too much away, there is no basis for court mediation, and then adjourned to continue the mediation ... ... second mediation, the two sides failed to reach agreement on the final civil compensation. August 3, Changzhou Intermediate People's Court sentenced, sentenced the defendant to life imprisonment and Xie Xie Ming Fang 390,000 yuan compensation for victims.

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