
[ Interview ] Civil classic interview question set 80 (with answer )

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1, why should we apply for civil service?

A: ① and working relationships are built on the basis of self-perception. Through years of work I found my character traits: (omitted, his play). My self-awareness so I think I do the civil service is the right choice.

② I am an aggressive or achievement, strong heart, I do not like to idle. Civil activities are more and different to encounter new problems, I feel very challenging, I like the challenge. Relatively free of work now, although I can use wide range of other leisure interests and hobbies to make up for this deficiency work, but I feel the work process can not meet.

③ I have been taught is a very traditional, like helping others, admire the ancient ethical. Civil wide range of social functions, this position will allow me to achieve my ideal society, so this work has a strong interest and enthusiasm. It is also for this reason I would rather give up now high-income units to apply for civil servants.

④ and I am a professional counterparts, fear of technology in the original abandoned.

⑤ I am a very strong family values ​​person, previous work is the nature of field work, more time outside, can not take into account the family, both to apply for civil servants can achieve my ambitions to solve The problem with the small house we try to do that?

⑥ In short people are in the pursuit of good things, have their own career goals, my career goals can be achieved through civil

2, if you are not the Admission how to do?

A: I think they come, the security. That is, open hearts, calm place of, not to the success of Heroes, as long as the result of their own struggle, worthy of their own efforts, not quite care about the final result. Not through the complacent because, not because of defeat and loss of confidence. More should be learned from the lessons and benefits of other players, to avoid re-work in the future similar problems. On this point, is a harvest and victory.

3, Q: Can you talk about the strengths and weaknesses?

Analysis: This problem is mainly test the candidate on the people a correct understanding of the basic quality and whether a comprehensive, objective evaluation of their own, from the candidates to answer this question on the examiner can see candidates are self-confident ( or pride, self-esteem).

candidates to answer the above three points, when in addition to attention, we must also note the following:

① Although this is your subjective evaluation, by personal self-confidence, values such a great impact, that you have described the advantages, disadvantages and may not match the actual situation, but your statement to a certain extent, will affect your ability to judge the examiner. Such candidates, he said modestly still need to improve their language skills, so even though you actually interview language fluency, clear structure, structured, and can take full advantage of non-verbal symbols, but the examiner will conclude by the candidates themselves at more or less negative conclusions of the impact.
as a Interpersonal communication skills, and even listen to the words of the mother, for love is also faithful merit, but candidates must focus: very good and apply for job-related characteristics and advantages. If the candidate has repeatedly emphasized the advantages is very general, will be the opposite of. From the same shortcomings on these two points of departure, however, specifically address the opposite; one is is nothing to talk about some job candidates have little or shortcomings, such candidates to apply for a Board Room File Manager, you can frankly say so themselves less able to organize large-scale social events. There is also a hard for people to get along, often demanding their work as perfect a result of the delay and so on. However, this

③ talk about the advantages should be noted that facial expressions, posture, tone, etc., please Sometimes said he was

④ Do not generalities, examples can be specified with - although the examiner did not specifically request.

⑤ advantage of not more than about three (or stress about the specific advantages); to talk about weaknesses and talk about a lot.

4, what do you think you have your own merits, do you think you are more suitable for what kind of work?

A: I do not think they have a particularly prominent advantages, I think his 5-year university is the most important gains have learned a number of analytical problems and ways of looking at things. I studied architecture design, the design, especially in the design and function of complex large-scale public building, often involve some simplification of complex issues, often from whole to part, from the local to the whole of repeated verification, in order to able to grasp the principal contradiction problem to find appropriate solutions. I think this is very useful for me. Also in the building of learning, the human factor is very important - building exists is because people often need to consider people's feelings and feeling, so I think respect for human problem has become a habit. I think the above two points are very important, and these two points has been expanded to all aspects of my approach to life. Overall, I feel analytical and problem-solving ability, oral language and writing skills is not bad, I feel I can be competent secretary or other posts.

5, if the leadership to send you and a comrade in contradiction with the trip, how do you deal with? in everyday life, such a thing is how you handle it? Give examples.

A: In daily life, because each person's views and positions, view and analyze the problem in different ways, conflict is inevitable. If I have a conflict with my comrades travel, I would like to be open, because there are contradictions, put many things to hide, this will only deepen the misunderstanding, if mutual candor, in an objective, non-personal emotional attitude of view, you will find very proud of your original idea since that is not entirely correct, you previously opposed views and perspectives may be just a thing the other side, the original in many ways you can complement each other, complete each other. I personally think that the issue of dealing with conflict to have a tolerant attitude, the saying goes: the prime minister goes to punt. Narrow-mindedness is the enemy of resolving conflicts, and a narrow-minded people are not likely to accomplish something big business.

when I was in college, students with a bedroom like spitting in the bedroom, I do not like it, but his temper temper, if I directly said to him, conflicts will intensify, I am taking the following approach: First, gently through the other students to express my opposition to his spitting; second, spitting often to get some of the harm the health of themselves and others book on the bedroom table, enable him to see; three is my bedroom, when he also spit, but not in the bedroom, spit, spit it on the outside, suggesting that the outside should be to spit.

6, if you are a township party secretary, let you organize a meeting, how do you make?

A: If I was a township party secretary, organized the meeting by me, I will organize the meeting is divided into three stages: first, pre-preparation stage, this stage is to thoroughly understand the spirit of the meeting mainly to determine the meeting place, a clear beginning and duration of the meeting, notify the person required to attend meetings, prepare meeting materials on the need to distribute the text; the second stage is the stage of the meeting, at this stage I mainly focus on the spirit of the meeting, mobilize the people enthusiasm, so that people would question their views fully, work together to fully understand the spirit and purpose of the meeting, the various limitations or misunderstanding in the bud stage; after the third stage is the monitoring and implementation, the meeting The meeting has a specific purpose, but not for a meeting and meeting, meeting after the action is the purpose of the meeting. So after the meeting must be strengthened if measures are effective measures to monitor, did not meet the requirements should supervise their implementation.

7, Q: You are the newly appointed deputy mayor, according to the town government's resolution to a subordinate organization of work, at the same time in several subordinates reason unenforceable, that you're embarrassed that you how to do? stick death, this is the right deal opinions of the masses a big problem.

8, leading cadres at work as you encounter a higher level of written instructions and local conditions are inconsistent, conflict, you will be how to deal with? establish the overall concept, deployment, subject to the overall situation, based on consistency with the Central Committee, curried;

third is found in higher-level instructions that there does not meet the local, the actual situation in this sector may be made to higher authorities make recommendations for improvement and implementation advice.

9, should not simply positive or negative. Maxim of the ancients to make a dialectical analysis of the available sentence has its side, there are drawbacks.

(1) promote their produce, However, full employment, generalized to cover bad excellent, resulting in a laissez-faire phenomenon, ignoring the use, training, education, examine and supervise the measures to be employing Tragedy, so proper employment of the should not be absolute.

10, dawn, there is no indecent move. analysis of the 'Zuohuaibuluan' leading cadres of the political story of inspiration.

② hard the child is not suffering, because their parents are coming from a difficult environment, and now life is good, the child less, and good physical condition, so parents do not want their children to suffer further involvement. However, the basic conditions to meet the child process should also train them hard, strong and independent spirit, not indulge and spoil. Personality development of children should be placed first. Therefore, the public and parents to fully understand.

17, 'who are not meeting people in the back, no one who is behind the proposed' this is how you understand

① It is an objective fact, every individuals had to face and address it.

② Each person should discipline themselves first, and not talk behind other people, especially other people's shortcomings and privacy, which is immoral, it does not help everyone get along.

③ others for their arguments, if no serious problem, and hold to said.

④ If a unit behind the discussion is serious, should be made it clear that the pros and cons to working atmosphere.

18, history books saying: Chacha is unknown, meaning that, do not think he is wise, that people do not like yourself, this is your view?

three lines, must be my teacher, there must be others strengths, as long as they do not know and others know, you can learn from him, not self-righteous, otherwise there would be no chance of progress.

19, an old saying: Public Health Ming, Lian-wei. Please talk with your actual views.

public official should come from the heart, so as to deal with the problem clear, fair and clear in mind. If they clean themselves, colleagues and subordinates are able to establish prestige, prestige. This is a cadre of the requirement for official guidelines successfully. So in real life, we emphasize open, just, fair, an official who asked for the public heart, really and truly work for the people; also asked the cadres to prevent corruption and to safeguard the image. For the public, in order to look for direction, only clean, in order to resist corrosion.

20, a good system, healthy people can play out, good and bad can become a bad system, you understand?

institutional quality and human good and bad this is not directly related. But do not rule out the relationship between the reaction

21, the saying goes: How do you understand.

mainly trust and credibility, of course, was the premise of adhering to the principle, but how do you want to say that the civil service.

22, some people say that success is beneficial, some people say that failure is beneficial to people, please talk to you think about this?

① success is efforts of a return, an affirmation, enables people to realize their own value, is a driving force of their own, can inspire people to continue to innovate, to learn courage!

② failure is useful for people The saying goes, failure is the mother of success, it gives people more of a spiritual experience and perseverance and strong, can stimulate people's indomitable fighting spirit. (For example)

③ as a civil servant, the application of the right attitude to deal with success and failure, so as not arrogant, lose with grace!

23, some transformation of the old city, the change did not have a cultural heritage, and experience?

① With the development of society, the transformation of the old city is inevitable. But transformation is not rebuilt, so in considering the requirements of the times, but also have to consider the city their own historical and cultural background. Retain the traditional, reflecting the modern.

② Each city has the characteristics of each city, it is also its own good. If the human did not change the whole thing, and that the city, there is no feature to cut in history, this is not desirable.

such as the city. . . . . .

24, what do you think the environment is right for you? how to work for you? (why you want to apply for this position)? (Your careers?)
A: (1) Everyone has their own career expectations, the expected value: First, and their own hobbies and interests linked as a civil servant is my childhood a dream.

followed depends on the position can not play their own strengths and expertise, I think professional counterparts in the position to give full play to my strengths in management.

(2) water flows downwards with the flow, often progress means to move upwards, to obtain a more important foot color.

(3) want to work with their expectations of life to adapt.

25, if the administrative law enforcement to have relatives and friends how do you plead?

A: I think this issue should be treated from the handling and processing two problem in terms of dealing with this situation

first time, depending on the relative errors do not seriously serious, very serious if only the severing of relations, according to law.
< br> If the nature of the error is not very serious you can give him an opportunity to correct, because very often the other is inadvertent, his heart is also very ashamed, if severely dealt with, then so may poor health rebellious, which is acceptable to him The mitigation of punishment, but is not required to turn in a fine, but my wallet is nothing.
second for reflection on this matter, how to make this situation in future law enforcement activities which do not happen again? I think there are two ways
First, in the daily work in complex biological relatives and friends to create the image of a fair and just let them think you are not a push down the Great Wall, experience this kind of thing will not come to you

Second, in the usual contacts with relatives and friends deliberately instill in them the idea knowing the law, not breaking the law.

26, say colleagues relationship is difficult to get along? What do you think? If you are hired you how to get along and co-workers?

A: First, to recognize with his family to work in an office and live in harmony harmony to form a mood comfortable working environment is very important, otherwise sections of the work may be subject to interference, as civil servants have the ability to live in harmony and co-workers followed

people have feelings, there is plasticity, can be convinced. So friendly is the royal and colleagues can be done.

Any third person to get along and have respect for each other, only to respect others, others will respect you in the department should be sincere towards others, communicate more when there are differences, not behind the spread of rumors.

Fourth, we should be modest, he entered a relatively young department, seniority and less work experience, ask to be in line with the attitude of learning and colleagues not Shicaiaowu good at discovering the advantages of others, not demanding people.

fifth colleague and co-workers have different places, and some detached nature of work and you do not, some of the same nature of work. Colleagues towards the latter, in addition to normal live and also pay attention to some problems, have the initiative to undertake the heavy work of the spirit, achievements do not self-aggrandizement, no thought to personal gains and losses, there is the spirit of tolerance and so on.
< br> I believe that through their own efforts should be able to get along with colleagues. departments work together to promote the efficiency of

27, you have a good working assumption, after you actually think that this idea not only of scientific investigation and feasible, but your leaders and colleagues is very stubborn and you take to convince them to cooperate with you?

A: First, if I have this regret, but to a the public mind, not resentment that leadership and co-workers do not agree with your program has other reasons.

Second, look carefully the feasibility of their programs, not only in the implementation process to ensure that there will be surprise yourself in effect and will not appear adverse consequences.

third, and leadership and colleagues to communicate, ask what the reason is because the program does not agree with you and listen carefully to their program for you advice, often because the reasons for lack of experience, the program is not feasible.

Fourth, if the program is no problem, then depending on the cause of persuasion, unity of thinking, if it comes to honor The problem, you can open your mind as we discuss the crystallization of the collective.

28, a concert singer had a good night, tens of thousands of income, equivalent to an ordinary worker 30 years of income, how do you see this problem.

① on the road to becoming a singer can be said is full of competition, in order to stand out is not easy to say, this is one. Second, many of the star's artistic life is very short, once they exit the line, they do not have the means to seek food, so their incomes should also include protection for the future to obtain a reasonable living income.

②, in today's market economy, a concert singer is a commercial activity, it is bound to follow the rules of market economy. His income is not the Government to, but the organizers based on the expected profit is calculated by how much, from this sense, are rational (but how many of China's market economy development and the present is not very sound on) < br>
③, but it is undeniable that the living standards of ordinary people, compared to their income has been a high point can not imagine. This is the common prosperity of China's national policy is not consistent, the government should be a reasonable specification through a series of macroeconomic measures like income and strictly illegal income, tax evasion, income restricted to a reasonable level.

29, smoking is harmful, but tobacco is China's major revenue, how do you see this problem.

① smoking is harmful to health, which has reached a consensus in people's minds, no doubt, but because of its high tobacco taxes and a lot of revenue to the country, is a fact, so the two are a pair of contradictions.

② Chinese people have a long history of smoking, like all of a sudden make cigarette factory to stop production, so that everyone quit smoking is not possible, nor realistic, it should be taken to buffer the current policy, on the one hand the use of scientific means to improve the quality of cigarettes, to reduce harmful substances at the same time to combat the production and sale of counterfeit cigarettes, the other to strengthen publicity and education on the hazards of smoking, smoking is not to persuade people to smoke less, and through a number of measures to control smoking: If no smoking in public places.

③ Therefore, to resolve this contradiction is not to say there is no way, but can not require a touch and overnight, it needs a transition period, through cooperation and efforts of all parties to solve conflicts.
② If the leadership did not accept my advice, I would also seriously by the leadership required to complete this work;

③. In another case, if the leadership in the manner required contrary to the principle, I will strongly raise objections; such as leadership remains stubborn, I would not hesitate to again reflect the higher-ups.

39, if the unit through this interview we hired you, but work for some time but found that you do not fit the job, how do you do?

A: The period of time that does not work for me, there are two cases: 1. If you really love this job, then you have to keep on learning, leadership and open-minded colleagues to learn professional knowledge and experience of doing things understand the spiritual content of this career and professional requirements, and strive to reduce the gap; (2) Do you think this career is dispensable, and that a change in career or as early as possible, to find for you, you love the job, so you will be the development of future great point, the units and individuals alike.

40, you are hosting a meeting, comments from the opposing sides argued would like to develop to verbal abuse, how do you do?

A: As host of the meeting, I will argue both sides of the base, the argument record the problems and then suggest that you first quiet, or simply adjourned for half an hour, so we can sit down calmly, after I will once again explain the purpose of this meeting is to discuss an issue calmly everyone, propose solutions, not controversy. I control the situation is such, I ask a representative of both parties to their own side views, ideas, plans summed up by expressing his own reasons, we show of hands, a few people to obey the majority's opinion, I will also The results included in the final record of the meeting for future reference.

41, Qi said, to die This sentence is Baishi personal experience, he later studied painting and only a hobby, he went to Beijing for the other aspects of development, the bridge is penniless, he had to make ends meet in the street sell paintings, even more coincidentally seems to be passing north of the one art we feel that his paintings do have genuine rhyme, telling him like this This is the only monograph since Whitehead Road in the painting.
2, for the good things, we not only have to learn, and make it into our own things. We want to learn the advanced experience of others, doing things, but to be realistic in the use of specific issues and problems.
3, China's modernization is being carried out vigorous, it is a before or since those who attempt the advanced experience of foreign countries, we have But its essence to its dregs, otherwise it becomes a capitalist. Deng Xiaoping's theory on the socialist market economy thesis would fit with the spirit of these eight characters.
42, please talk about how to adapt to the new office environment?
① office, everyone has their own roles and responsibilities, not unauthorized absence from the job.
② according to the leadership and organization of work instructions, work plan, prepared in advance, according to project completion.
③ more referrals and timely reporting of encounter do not understand to be consulted widely.
④ grasping space of time, more learning, strive to improve their political quality and professional level.
43, if you work a mistake, causing economic losses to the company, how do you think that?
A: 1, I intended to work for the company, if the resulting economic losses, I think the primary issue is to find ways to make up or
economic losses. If I am unable to charge, hoping to help solve the unit;
2, is the question of responsibility. Clearly define the responsibilities, duties, if it is my responsibility, I am willing to be punished; if it is a team I was responsible for other people's mistakes, can not gloat, as a team, need to work together to complete mutual help, comfort and help colleagues colleagues find out the reasons sum up the experience.
3, lessons learned, a person's life can not make mistakes, it is important from their own or someone else's mistakes and lessons learned, and future work to avoid similar mistakes. Review their working methods,[url=http://www.in-moncler.com][b]title=Moncler Jackets[/b][/url], analysis of the problem is not enough depth and intensity, resulting in the avoidable errors.
44, if you have a stubborn arbitrary leadership, you will often provide reasonable suggestions?
A: ① In normal circumstances, the leadership and co-workers can not choose, everyone has everyone's personality and temperament, we must learn to adapt and get along.
② temper led straight Ye Hao, Ye Hao You, stubborn mind, but whatever is out of the public, for the work, should respect and forgive him, and do according to his arrangement.
③ when appropriate, can talk, thinking of other ways to report euphemistically put forward their own views, but go beyond that.
④ in a rationalization of the proposal, according to mention worthwhile. Because it is responsible for themselves and their work.
55, please introduce yourself yourself, and talk about your candidate's strengths and the job of the importance of this job?
. . . . . . The importance of civil servants
slightly, there was Dr. Yang made a metaphor: people who like the car, and civil servants as drivers, we must understand the technology, have their way, to determine the direction to a people with a good car, do not fall into the ditch. Therefore, the responsibility of the civil service is more important, its impact with the social.
56, you think your personality is the biggest advantage?
calm, clear, stand firm, tenacious up.
another example, the examiner asked: resilience exam, you can briefly replied: , the use of tape recorders, it can only be sorting through the shorthand can be on-site processing order. A: The first to admit that this situation is there, honest government, currently being carried out, this is a unhealthy, I believe our leadership is not going to do, followed by the signature of the leader and often the department between a relatively wide range of business contacts, and if rejected are often directly affect the normal work, if you buy it not in compliance with policy, consult the department head how to deal with and I think we can introduce him to the office, an office full agency Finally if you are not expel him, then buy their own money, often embarrassed he would not go
58, you have view? A: First of all I feel the need to explain the intention of this idiom, his intention seems to be talking about the Buddhist who warned of practice, practice to a certain cause there will be demons out of state interference after the Buddhist practitioner. Metaphor has yielded success may still be relatively large come to naught, in reality, mainly to the correct view of the success of bigger and mindful, happy in the thought worries, always keep a cool head, followed by this phrase is a metaphor of forces between justice and evil, where you can new words new solution, Road can say is they have to learn the party's line and policies and laws and regulations, and the devil will only come from a variety of adverse social temptations as civil servants and an administrative staff, to be conscious study said, resist the invasion of undesirable social phenomena. serve the people wholeheartedly. Moreover he also shows that the law is always later than the application of the law, especially the WTO. the construction of the national legal system to speed up. so as to meet the needs of the times .
59, your view on overtime? A: As a special case of overtime work done unconventional working methods, the state labor law makes provision, but a concrete analysis of specific issues, I think we can look at the following aspects is the first analysis of the reasons for overtime. individuals due to personal reasons, so that should have been done during working hours on the job is not done, then the overtime duty.
unit due to some special reasons to be temporary overtime, overtime can be, but the workers to and clear second to distinguish between the characteristics of the industry, some sectors, the characteristics of the industry to work overtime must be taken in this way, such as road construction unit, in order to progress in line with the requirements established, the staff must be spare third overtime hours, the frequency to meet the national labor law, workers do to protect the health of the fourth overtime to give subsidies to certain substances, so as to mobilize the enthusiasm of employees.
60, do you think society running after the phenomenon: (1), the official social phenomenon is the formation of individual use of bartering an ugly phenomenon. Part of the leadership cadres of corruption for personal gain.
some people in society who fail their own level, to an officer, relationships, money and various other means, officials has contributed to the phenomenon of corruption in the wind, today stressed the fight against corruption should adhere to resist this irregularities (2),[url=http://www.uggbootsclearancemalls.com][b]title=UGG Clearance[/b][/url], these people use money or other means to gain an official post, after, insufficient capacity, to do no good, it will certainly affect the overall quality of leading cadres, and bartering will produce a vicious cycle, and more easy to spoilage. So that some have the ability, level of comrades not to go for their positions. (3), to strengthen social supervision role in the thinking of leading cadres vigorously carry out rectification work, improve the legal constraints abuse reap the interests of improving the system for appointing leading cadres, mouth, benefits or reduce a refuge from the perspective of people to choose silence. And in the past in order to maintain the dignity of the Emperor, so that ministers can choose enigmatic silence, which objectively contributed to this trend. (2), the reform and opening up, China has entered a legal track, speaker of innocence. People say it can be said. Bad behavior in society would say, we must dare to detect corruption prosecution. (3), and the existence of modern industry, more and more inter-industry linkages, the need for a lot of communication, such as team collaboration requires trust, the trust needed to achieve this communication can not be silent. 4, which says that, not to say or not say, is not conducive to unity, then do not say.
I will work hard to correct. (3) If I can not find the reason, I would look for opportunities to communicate with them, ask them to point out my shortcomings. Have to correct the problem promptly. (4) as a civil servant should always consider the greater good, even in a period of time, leadership and my colleagues do not understand, I will do their job with an open mind to learn from them, I believe, they will see me working hard, One day I will smile!
67, question: if you go at night to send a student to go abroad to the airport, can not you do something temporary units can not, how do you do? Answer: I think the work is the first one, but the friendship between friends can not be neglected is the. I think this was in accordance with specific circumstances. (1), if my friend 21:00 in aircraft, and eight on my
overtime to complete, then it best, and finish work to the airport, everyone is happy. (2), if not very urgent work, overtime work tomorrow just to be able to report when submitted to the office, it is entirely possible with the leadership to say hello, go to the airport and then back to work overtime, it wants to sleep late. (3), if the work is urgent, both can not take into account the circumstances, I think can be two options. 1) If not all units have to work overtime, then, is not it can be replaced by the following colleagues to work themselves to the airport, even if that is the moment you leave the place. 2) If we can not do even this, then had to loyalty can not be reconciled, and call a friend to explain carefully that he will understand, after all the work done would be finished, friends, or you can meet again.
68, assuming you work in a unit, the more prominent achievements, to be led by affirmation. But you find that your colleagues are increasingly isolated, how do you see this problem? How are you going to do? Answer: (1), the more prominent achievements, leadership is certainly time to get a good thing, since more efforts (2), review the work that he is not enthusiastic over the degree of interaction among colleagues, enthusiastic, and strengthen exchanges among colleagues. Common interests and hobbies. (3), the work did not work for being hurt self-esteem of others (4), is no longer fiddle with the leadership of former non-(5), helpfulness (6), and leadership contacts between private individuals can not be too much, resulting in the image of the lackey .
69, Q: After this interview, we believe that you are not fit to be a civil servant, decided not to hire you, you think those reasons? Answer: (1), I think the interview has always been a strength by 5 points, 5 points of luck. . . . . I mention this person does specialty, but there are some advantages. I think this character more suited to office work. In addition, I like programming, some had their own online series of small programs, to understand computer network management. In practice, had also made good practical results. Such as road paving inappropriate elevation processing, engineering supervision of the papers published. The work of the team's demanding, detailed management, I would like to work still requires a strong department team. My team is so understandable: to establish a contractual matter cooperative relationship of mutual trust, good listening skills and communication skills, can meet other people interact, share information and honor. Serious efforts towards work can be completed in time, and very willing to help colleagues, willing to take their work outside of work. . Related articles:

