
UGG SaleMan mouth to mouth watering son to his wife disappeared in the earthquake (Photos )

It is understood that 20 of the wounded stable vital signs. 11 patients are orthopedic patients, and the remaining nine are located in general surgery, neurosurgery, thoracic surgery and neurosurgery. President Zheng Nanning, Xi'an Jiaotong University First Affiliated Hospital yesterday morning to visit the wounded, the 7-year-old Aida is very worried about the state of Mary beads, repeatedly stressed that the hospital must give a few children to do psychological intervention.

because of language barriers, faced questions from reporters, the girl knelt quietly beside his father, silent, one hand firmly holding his father's hand; father saw reporters and ambulance personnel, up nod for ambulance staff, thanked the Tibetan language. The girl to see her father trying to sit up, take advantage of the football in his arms his father, father and daughter's hand still firmly grips ... ... our reporter Sun Hongwei

children 3 months of pregnancy, not a

mouth to mouth to feed pregnant wife to drink water

newspaper reporter (Reporter segment XN) yesterday, the First Affiliated Hospital of Jiaotong University bed, 4-month-old baby girl sucking breast milk, she did not know her mother was injured in the earthquake, I do not know because my father was holding her on the street escaped, she did not know, 7-year-old brother was dead.

her The father is Lantian Man

(Reporter Lin) 23-year-old autumn war, is a beautiful Tibetan woman, in the quake, lost his belly just three months of the little life.

clenched his father's hand does not release

yesterday morning, the First Affiliated Hospital casualty ward at the National Chiao Tung University, 4-month-old baby girl nestled in her mother Nima Qu Zhong arms suck breast milk. Zhong Qu 30-year-old Nyima, Tibetan, who lives in Yushu County, feel Nangqian pull Township, was injured in the earthquake. She has two daughters and a man of three children, the earthquake, her second child, the only boy died, and only 7 years old, 9-year-old daughter survived because of the way to school. Nima Qu Zhong's sister child finished the first (sound), told reporters that the earthquake, the father is holding the child on the street turn, it evaded the robbery.

Karma is a 56-year-old National Institute of Yushu, a teacher, earthquake, home, house 14 civil engineering structures all collapsed. Karma clean up the household was then pushed in the following half an hour, two sons dug out her hand, but fortunately Karma injured leg. Side of the nursing staff to Karma ed braids, Karma moved to constantly say

Ward 32 is a 37-year-old male trouble (sound), 17-year-old Sangding Eastern Zhou is his brother. First grade in junior high school Sangding Eastern Zhou said, when the first earthquake to more than 5 am, when he did not care, continue to sleep, 7:00 long bed shaking violently, he could react the earthquake, then from the third storey jumped. Then, he saw a man collapsed three-story residence, parents, brother and brother and sister all in the following. never to see their parents and younger siblings. Yesterday morning, sleep drowsily Qi Jinhai listen to peers who said the plane landed, we all guess where it was said in the Sichuan, it was said in the North, and asked the teams to know the plane landed in Xi'an, Qi Jinhai suddenly feel very surprised. After recovery, he could have never been in Shaanxi. weight girls song beads. Came from the hospital, song beads have been reluctant to talk, coupled with language barriers, nurses can not figure out the exact age of song beads, while said 9-year-old, he says that 14 years of age. Follow the wounded arrived in Xi'an of volunteers Suoangangbu exchange beads with the song told reporters after the song Pearl's mother has died, my father in Lhasa, music and beads have been living with her grandmother. Earthquake, the song Grandma Pearl witnessed the death, scared and sad too, so the mood is very unstable song beads.

hold the baby on the street turn his daughter escaped

friends downtown cloth measures three children, husband and wife, 7-year-old daughter because the school escaped the disaster. 11-month-old son missing. Minor injuries, he accompanied his wife came to Xi'an, the wife was pregnant again because of injury in the body, continue to use the Tibetan language, said a stomach ache. After the medical examination that did not cause illness, her husband was relieved. At this time, his wife told him to drink water, he immediately drank a saliva in your mouth, bent over, leaned over to the front of his wife, his wife slowly fed to the water to drink ... ... this moment, the presence of people are still down.

truth care

touching scene

(Reporter Li Lin) in the Second Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University, the reporter saw in the wards in 18-year-old girl Marlee. Marlee said the father is Lantian County, Shaanxi and his mother is Tibetan, and now the whole family living in Yushu. She accompanied her mother to multiple fractures of Xi'an.

yesterday morning, the Qing returned to the ward after surgery looks frail autumn war, despite the careful mother and accompany her husband, but still looked extremely sad. She can say some simple Chinese, told reporters at his home in the earthquake, when running out the door stuck, her waist was a rock hit, was very painful, there are signs of bleeding, then out at the local B know the child is gone. Only 3 months of pregnancy,[url=http://www.uggclearancemall.com/]UGG Sale[/url], the first child lost two days, as a mother, autumn war lost a lot of tears.

admitted in Hospital Affiliated to Jiaotong University, 20 wounded, the oldest was 83 years old accounted for more recruiters, left upper and right lower limb fractures; the youngest is 7-year-old Aida Mary beads, Mary Pearl's mother Aida killed in the earthquake, accompanied her father came to Xi'an treatment. Aida Mary beads by the trauma of the head, dorsal abrasions, perhaps by a shock, she has been very quiet, big eyes full of sadness. May be reluctant to see her daughter's sad,[url=http://www.style-jackets.com]Moncler Coats[/url], Aida's father hid Mary beads out.

autumn war is the Second Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University, 40 injured in the earthquake only pregnant women, in fact, has not come to Xi'an, lost her child. According to the bones of two sections introduce nurse Lvhui Ru, autumn war was sent to the hospital, the lower body in the blood, the placenta has been streaming out of the situation is very serious. Due to persistent bleeding, and her hemoglobin is very low, is a serious anemia, examination revealed only a quarter of normal, to the laboratory for testing, the examiner thought it would send the wrong sample. Then its large number of hospital emergency blood transfusion, the situation began to improve, more than 10 am, obstetricians and gynecologists for the fall battle for the Qing surgery. In addition to abortion, the war also fall pelvic fractures,[url=http://www.ouou.in/]UGG Oline[/url], thoracic and lumbar fractures in a critical condition.

family of four people in the ruins

Hospital Affiliated to stay in attendance, there was a four-month old pregnant women, this has 38 years of age. Measures husband trouble cloth bodied friends, but tired face, stood by the side of his wife. He said the civil structure of the house collapsed at home, and his wife are buried, he and his neighbors, his wife, only then grilled for a few hours picking out from the rubble.

song beads doctor Dr Cheung said that the song beads right foot open fractures, calcaneus, talus, and distal tibial fractures, dorsal skin was mottled flowers, swelling and a hematoma. Yesterday morning, the First Affiliated Hospital of Jiaotong University beads to do the surgery for the song, mainly the necrotic tissue debridement, decompression, and fixed to the dorsum of the foot, but even so, Dr. Zhang said, can keep the song is hard to say right foot beads .

2 o'clock yesterday morning, the wounded when the plane after another, one can not walk due to foot injury Tibetan, was a stretcher down beside a 20-year-old girl, holding his hand all the way to not release. Companion said, They are father and daughter.

Yesterday 4:33, First Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University. Measures husband friends downtown fabric mouth watering water to the pregnant wife, they both injured in the earthquake in Yushu doctors looked at the reporter Zhaohang She
to 4-month-old daughter, scrub, Nima Qu Zhong endured the pain and smile the reporter Zhaohang She clenched her father on the tarmac
hand Zhaohang She

Marlee studied at the National High School Yushu in Qinghai third year, more fluent in Chinese, earthquake, she and the students are in the playground morning reading, lucky enough to escape the disaster. Maxi Kun in the earthquake lost contact with my father, my mother the wrong guitar to protect the 8-year-old brother were injured, brave Marlee have assumed the responsibility to take care of her mother. She hopes to soon see the father, mother hurry back to health, family living together happily again. If possible, she would like to take this opportunity to return home to see Lam.

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